There are big differences between Scotland and Wales. According to the 2011 census, Catholics comprise 15.9% of the overall population in Scotland, many of them associated with immigration, whereas in Wales there are only 6.7%. The Catholic faith in Scotland is also associated with the Old Pretender, the 1745 rising, subsequent Highland Clearances and the Jacobites current heir, Franz, Duke of Bavaria. Those didn’t happen in Wales.
a wee factoid. there was more jacobites of english decent than there there was in scotland at that time. how will independence stop it? it wont. not overnite and not by itself. but like all problems, you have to identfy the source.
looks like england will be on it's own before long, Plaid are gathering momentum here, not looking forward to being deported back over the bridge.
you wont be. angus robertson has been working behind the sceens with Plaid for some time now. you will find they promote a civic nationalisem. . i dont think england will be on its own when we secure independence. it will act as a catalist for the change england, really needs.
Perhaps if scotland started to tackle it properly rather than say let's wait till independence, the good people of scotland could benefit sooner ?
if thats what the people want port. then i guess they should. i dont know if they have the same rights as us when it comes to dtermining their govs ect tho
perhaps. they got the ball rolling with the govs core message of civic nationalisim. those few links i put up there shows who promote it. they introduced the OBFA as it often manifests itself in the terreces. the uk partys went all "better togeather", again. and got togeather to repeal the act.
I need someone to cut my grass, peanut. So if you need somewhere, there will always be a place for you (a couple hours a fortnight - the rest of the time, you're on your own, Comrade!).
i think rangers, or was it celtic? had to play to closed stadium recently. not sure, i dont follow football. i was starting to gain a wee interest. the bbc's off the ball was hillarious. but its all kicking off again. but that is the symptom. not the cure.
true? So, first, the Tories are circulating a document instructing their MPs etc, to blame Europe for everything (surprise!). This is before Europe has had a chance to look at the “plan”. Then we discover that the plan pivots upon being approved by an assembly which has not sat for 3 years, during which time the gap between the two sides has grown wider. But still, Brussels isn’t giving up. Even if I have.
How fekkin ridiculous is that little sh!t, brought up in Aberdeen and went to privileged school (Robert Gordons College - ironically Robert Gordon used his self made - probably stolen from foreigners as was the rage - to fund a college for poor boys to get a start in life, I wonder how he turns in his grave) and the twat is an orange order supporter - there is no trace of ugly sectarianism in Aberdeen apart from wannabe bigots wearing Rangers tops!!! I didn't think I could despise him any further......
Pre-Plaid Cymru Conference hype, but is that likely to happen? They would need more than their current ten out of sixty Assembley Members in the Senedd to get that through. There are six Brexit Party and UKIP AMs! Current composition Party After the 2016 election Current Labour 29 29 Conservative 11 11 Plaid Cymru 12 10 UK Independence Party 7 2 Liberal Democrats 1 1 Brexit Party 0 4 Independent 0 3