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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Yesterday it was being reported that the EU was cutting funding to Eurosceptic groups within the EU parliament on spurious grounds.
  2. spurious grounds? reported by who? the same people that report like this? :smileys:
    Wings Over Scotland | Groundhog days
    last month they where all screwing the tax payer by taking business class flights back and forth. and backing it up with images of the interior of the a380. there are no business class flights north and south with the airlines they use.
    the conservative (cant remember his name) on QT last night kept up with "your treating people like idiots" mantra last night. yip what can i say. why the political turmoil indeed.
  3. The BBC. MEPs are given generous expense allowances, they do not have to account for them, so who is trying to smear them and why ?

    I though Merryn Somerset Webb

    was rather good on QT; a smart woman and a clear thinker and speaker, "100 years from now Brexit will be viewed as a minor rearrangement of our trading relationship with Europe".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I think she said what needed to be said in that some are or have tried to overly complicate something which is incredibly simply.

    We joined a trading agreement, it turned into a government, we did not want that as we had a government already.
    #3984 noobie, Nov 18, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
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  5. 100 years from now I doubt that anyone who voted will give a shit either way :grinning:
  6. It was always going to be a government. The purpose of the European Project (the Common Market, the EC, the EEC, the EU are just planned phases) as laid out in the treaty Of Rome is and has always been the creation a single European State with a single European Government and an artificially created single European identity.
    The push for European integration is not the project exceeding its remit, going off course or getting out of control but proceeding entirely as planned.
    The project cannot be reformed back into something it was never intended nor designed to be. If any member state wishes to remain a self-governing nation state cooperating with its neighbours on matters of trade and other shared interests but without political union or surrendered sovereignty the only way to do it is to leave and encourage others to do the same and that is what the UK is going to do.
  7. Equally some might regret how they voted in 5 or 10 years time and I know some who already have regretted voting Brexit.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. In ten years time there won't be a European Union so its academic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Nor will be there a United Kingdom I suspect.
  10. I bet the Union will last longer than the EU.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. as the say jv, history has a habit of being written by the victors. being in the money business she will only understand spread sheets profit and loss and usually cant see any further than 5-10 years. she struck me as being a fully paid up member of the Alt Right, she has that look and mannerisms about her.
    i wonder what business's she was referring to in her comments? RICS maybe? seeing as ms Davidson did just the other day quite possibly.

    The RICS’ latest quarterly survey of its over 125,000 members gathered data from representatives of around 270 firms, of which just 15 were in Scotland. RICS’ press release on the survey made no mention whatsoever of a second referendum.

    However, as well as compiling various statistics, the report includes all the additional comments made by the firms’ spokesmen. We’ve copied the entire contents of the section covering Scotland below.
    That’s FOUR comments, of which THREE refer to the prospect of a second indyref.

    What Ruth Davidson presents to Parliament as the official position of the Institution are in fact the personal opinions of 0.0024% of its membership, which are in no way endorsed or reflected by any comments from the Institution itself. We’re pretty sure that we could find three “Rangers” fans opposed to the monarchy, but that wouldn’t make it the club’s view.

    If you thought the OBFA consultation was some dodgy science, make way for the new undisputed champion of political misdirection, folks. (Although you can listen to an even more outrageous claim from Ms Davidson here.)
    the full article is you know where
    RICS Rolling. more bull shit?
    BTW the shouty Orange guy (inside and out) was one of the founding members of an orange order pipe band.
  12. The trouble with another Scottish referendum is that the last one was allowed so it could be said, let them have it and put it to bed as the SNP were always sniping saying Scotland would leave and that is why Westminster did not allow it.

    So Westminster allowed it and we all know the results, even Salmond's famous lie agreed that was it for a generation, I know the sweaties like their fried mars bars but they do tend to live longer than 2 years.

    So now the SNP are at it gain, lets say it is allowed again, will it be like every liberal who can't accept a democratic vote? asking for another system claiming democracy has failed because they lost?

    You could say let them have it again so we can bury that annoying tick that is the SNP but you know what would happen, they would lose the vote again and then the SNP would ask for a third one.

    Most normal people do not like uncertianty, it would seem politicians revel in it.
  13. Shows how dumb he is as he is a native Briton and has just labelled himself as bloody stupid

    My hopes for 2017 is that we get on with launching article 50 and we take the piss rotten out of people who say xenophobic, racist and Misogynistic in the same sentence because they are sheep (apart from me as I just listed that as an example :) )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Brexit is just being a pawn in the grand plan of Putin.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. As opposed too ?
  16. it wasn't really an opportunity for another reff debate nooby. just another example of miss information. lying to you, lying to me. most of my lot arnt professional politicians. isnt that what everyone wanted?, doing a grand job of scrutinizing and holding government to account. isnt that what everyone wanted?
    this alleged constant chirping about indi. its bollox. total bolox. it was settled. obviously what followed, smith and the Scotland bill, probably kept it in the news, what they wouldn't of told you tho who blocked what, and what the potential cost would of been if the rouse hadn't been discovered.
    research from one the glasgow uni's, shows us that if they have mentioned indi once the torys will have mentioned it six times already. why?
    i cant be 100% certain on how and what is reported down your way, but seeing what gets reported daily even in the respected outlets, i can only imagine. just two days ago at pmq's may stood up twice and stated we campaigned to leave the EU? wtf?.
    does it not bother you that much of what your told is bull?. if not, even if you wanted to,you will never understand whats going on up here, especially when it comes to the EU and europe. and quite possibly a waist of my time trying to get the other side of the picture across. thats assuming i am talking to you, which i aint really. this and the rest of it is more for anyone up my way that might be looking in.
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  17. I do know what is going on up there. My first wife came from Whitburn and many of her relatives still live there and we all still talk

    Do they lie to us? yes, do most of them sometimes believe in what they say? probably but will I ever meet "THEY" as in they said? nope because THEY change all the time depending on a multiple of things

    Does it bother me? It used too and then I grew up. I realised most of us are worker ants but I never saw that as a bad thing. From time to time we get the opportunity to flex that we count and can control our futures, beyond that, the rest of life is what we make it.

    Most of what I say and do in here is just an opinion in a sea of opinions and that is a good thing but once I turn this computer off? I concentrate on my tea, my laundry, my health, my job,the grandkids etc, the things I can make small steps to make better for myself and those around me.

    The trouble is, as we move from a we to a me society, people are looking for that one big hit to be happy, win the lottery, become a footballer or singer maybe. However for most of us that will never happen. Most of us have positives in our life everyday but few to people see that
  18. and all of that shows how different you and i are in that respect. i aint an ant that moans from his armchair.
    i do what i can for me while i help to keep an eye on the other. crazy init?. maybe you dont get that. i cant sit by and let shit happen to me.it's not what i do. again i doubt you get that. which i guess is totally cool. chatting with somebody whose arguments are based on one sided misinformation and hearsay would be pointless, unless i was sure others that are swaying one way or another are watching.
    i am 100% confident that half the country agree with me. not the 20% up here that agree with may.
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