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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. You vote for an MEP and your elected UK government has a say in EU policy ( or it did). You have read to much of the Sun/Mail/Express spreading their lies.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. You lose all credibility by spouting this bollox, it is just leftie scaremongering along with NHS privatisation.
  3. I do see the contradiction, one minute you ask others for facts whilst at the same time you wander into jibber jabber and mystic meg predictions. I wonder if you are aware that the U.K. has the best maternity leave of any U.K. country and that was in excess of the EU requirement. We lead the way, something Europe still will not follow. By all means put the tin foil hat on but please try something that is real, thanks

    I did vote for my mep, it wasn't the one I wanted but hey, that is democracy.

    I didn't vote for a single German mp or Prime minister but they run Europe. No one voted for the top people in the eu top jobs and no one can vote them out as they were appointed. Have you been reading too much 1984?

    I do wish you were more informed Duke, it would make an interesting adult discussion instead of your efforts which are like a d list script writer for the X files
    #4043 noobie, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
  4. Do you know who appoints EU commissioners?

    Nor do you vote for MPs outside your area in the UK but they still have a say. You really are clutching at straws here. Would I be better for you if the EU was run by Britain with no other country having a say? How democratic would that be?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. There you go again accusing me of being something I am not. NHS privatisation is already in full flow by the way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Do you know who dismisses the President of the European Commission when his services are no longer required?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Next you will be saying Duke that the Tories will ban gay marriage when we leave the eu in 2 years time despite the fact we are only 1 of 13 countries in the eu 28 who have legal same sex marriage. Crazyness
  8. Can you confirm Fin that Letwin is not in May's government and has nothing to do with the Brexit negotiations in any way ? could you also confirm if Letwin was in the Cameron government that used project fear and wanted to remain?
  9. Hey hey hey, no one wants fact-checking here on the Forum!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. See you think you know how I think but you have no real idea at all.

    My concerns on leaving the EU are:

    We will become an expensive country in which to live.

    We will become very isolated as a country as whatever restrictions we place on movement into the UK then the same will be placed on us moving elsewhere in the world.

    Regardless of what many might pretend, much of our trade will still be with EU countries and as such we need free and easy trade with them.

    It's better to be a part of a European movement and have a say in it than be on the outside with no say at all even when they are our nearest neighbours.

    If we have no free and easy trade with the EU then there is no doubt multinational Companies will reconsider if the UK is the best place to be. This is where employee rights will be at risk as the government attempts to persuade them otherwise.

    We need to work together to make the world a better place. Division only causes mistrust and sometimes conflict.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. it is the era of " post fact " , no one cares about " fact " anymore,,,, prejudice , bigotry and big money rules,, ok !!!:rage:
    • Like Like x 1
  12. I don't know you and have never claimed to, I have commented on your comments of which I feel most are from the David Ikes book for Lizard people but I'll go through this post if I may?

    I feel it might go up but then have you ever bought a beer in Denmark or Switzerland? They seem to do okay. I remember Ian king of Sky news did an interview with I think a Deloitte senior high up before the vote and Ian asked what did he think would happen if we left and managed our own migration?

    The Deloitte chap said operating costs would go up. Ian then asked him do you mean wages? he replied yes so ian asked him, well what is wrong with U.K. workers being paid a living wage? The Deloitte official then tried to wriggle out with diversions for nearly 2 minutes, it was delish to watch.

    My point here is like Denmark, most of the Nordic states, Switzerland etc they may earn more but they will also spend more, it is the same money still going around but a higher state of living then exists for the majority, no bad thing.

    Interestingly it is the Euro parliament that want to introduce a visa charge to non eu citizens and are using Brexit to do that. it has nothing to do with freedom of movement of course but a 10 euro charge to replace the British contributions through the back door. I'm also not sure how isolationist it is to say, do you have a visa or passport?

    We don't need to trade with them at all, but it is beneficial to both sides. The figures of our business to the EU is often skewed by the Rotterdam effect making it look like we do more business to the EU than we actually do. Could we afford to lose Europe? yes but it would be tough. Could Europe afford to lose us as a customer for their goods? No. I would point out here, Britiain has placed no pre cursers to trade with the EU, the EU on the other hand...

    I think that is Emperors new clothes to be honest. The amount of countries that sell to the EU without being a member would suggest we do not need to be in it.

    I agree they are our nearest neighbours and we have a very good relationship with Europeans, even the countries that tried to kill us. However the council that runs the EU project seems to be saying to us and us only, it's all or nothing whilst saying to others "sure we can sort something out.

    We are offering to trade with the EU free of tariffs and within conventional trading practices, it's upto the EU if they want a tariff war which would seem silly as we buy more from the EU than they do from us.

    As to companies looking at the UK, again, the same companies do not stop selling or building within non EU countries now do they? Britain has EU standards in place now but free of the red tape soon. I could see the advantage in that.

    Absolutely agree, and that was the intent of the original European trade agreement however, that isn't how it has ended up. I see European leaders mocking Trumps wall whilst closing their eyes to the fact they have created the largest gated and walled community in the world, them crazy Europeans
    #4053 noobie, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    • Like Like x 3
  13. this guy should be ignored? he has no sway in forming opinions?
    we should just assume he has no input and get back in our box?
    aye, ok. silly me.
    Oliver Letwin - Wikipedia
    • Love You Love You x 1
  14. Oh he has an input as does everyone, but to push it as brexit tories show contempt when it wasn't all tories, wasn't all brexiteers and wasn't all showing contempt was always going to get a hey that isn't so :):Kiss:
  15. The idea that we don't need to trade with the EU but they need to trade with us is ludicrous in the extreme.

    A good proportion of big multinationals have set themselves up the the UK as it was an easy doorway to trade with Europe. It was a point made to May when she visited India a few weeks ago. That doorway could well disappear. Those companies will then have a decision to make.

    EU standards will remain UK law for a long time to come. To do otherwise would be stupid and very very costly and probably piss off those big companies set up here.
  16. Where was that said?

    Agreed but, as we have seen with Volkswagen this week, they will lose staff and units even when it is nothing to do with Brexit, Nissan seem happy though :)

    So you agree with me now then and not what you said on the page before

    Honest duke, you are flip flopping more than Boris Johnson :tearsofjoy:
  18. finm says, "Learn to quote." :Angelic:

    :Writing: ... that finm, he's a cheeky beggar ...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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