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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Your boredom I understand. Why you are paying attention to something you find boring, that I don't understand.
  2. I know I bang on about it,but the media are as poisonous as the politicians in todays world.
    Westminster put out the terror message and so-called independent "journalists",spread it for them,and now they've been caught out by the feelings of a majority of UK voters...that is,the ones who were not cavorting in mud at Glastonbury,but those that took time out to vote regardless of the shitty weather.
    And I'm heartily sick of hearing from the,"young",who claim we've left them a crap legacy.
    In BBC minds an eighteen year old is still a child when it comes to making decisions about who to shag.But they suddenly have wise old heads when it's about determining the future of the Country?
    So what if the majority of Uni-attenders voted to stay?.Most know nothing except full bellies and central heating...there were still millions on the breadline when this whole extended education system was paid for by older poorer people who dutifully paid their taxes for the benefit of future generations.I wonder if they'd do it now,knowing how little respect they have for age and experience.
    These selfish brats may well be the centre of their parents universes,but tbh I wish they'd heed the the old saying,"children should be seen and not heard".
    Yesterday I signed the order for another brand new,(German made),trailer.I thought Brexit might have made a difference to the price,and it had....it went DOWN by £295...shame I've got to wait until December for it because their order books are so full.
    And I'm in the process of buying a nice shiny brand-new VW T6 LWB Kombi..in metallic blackberry...auto...*sigh*...(can you tell I'm excited?)
    The price hasn't changed,only the delivery date is now the end of bloody October,and I want it...

    Do I sound like I'm worried about a recession? NO!...and I put my money where my mouth is...:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 3
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  3. The last couple of days have been quite momentous. I'd switched on hoping for important and interesting stuff on the news channels. But I have been disappointed. Repetition seems to be the order of the day. I see its affecting you as well. And its raining.
    Jeremy Corbyn has just concluded a brief spout for the benefit of anyone who might have been interested. He said some stuff about "the workers" and why the referendum result happened. Then the adverts came on.
    I could have told him why the result happened without holding a news conference. It happened because people went out and voted for it.
    I hope the rain clears up soon.
    #403 Gimlet, Jun 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2016
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  4. yes and no,, do you really want only the rich ya yas who can afford uni to get the benefits ???? thats not very fair
  5. I think a lot of them have got me on ignore. 749er is made of sterner stuff. Good man.
    #405 Gimlet, Jun 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2016
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  6. It's about time the globe shook in fear of the UK again ;-)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. uploadfromtaptalk1466854205954.jpg
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  8. Pal,nothing in this world is free.And if you don't pay for it,then someone else is going to.
    Those people who believed the Blair/Mandelson bullshit about 100% of kids going to University were stupid.
    Because the world will always need more Grafters than Graduates.That's the reality of it,and it always will be.
    You can argue until you are blue in the face about the morality of it,and the desire for equality/etc/etc/*yawn*,but the millions of machine operators/brickies/plumbers/shop staff/truck drivers are the ones you really rely on to live your reasonably comfortable life.
    Graduate engineers might have designed your Duke,but bored and probably not very well paid people have moulded the tyres,spun the discs and assembled the thing.
    The vast number of Graduates has now devalued the education and time they spent getting their qualifications: if you only need a few thousand engineers but there are twenty thousand with the Degree,then the vast majority are going to be disappointed.And they'll probably end up working in Morrisons,unable to get a better gig like driving a digger or plumbing because others have experience,gained while they were diligently studying at University.
    Oversupply means less opportunity and lower salaries.
    If you want a degree to mean something then choose the ones with the brains to be there.
    By all means help them with student loans etc,but give them a chance to earn more,(and pay the money back !) when they graduate by making sure there are fewer of them.
    Apart from age and experience,the media also has no respect for those who work with their hands.
    This elitist attitude is probably why a lot of kids feel so worthless...I mean why bother when all you ever hear about is those with 9 A levels on results day?
    • Like Like x 3
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  9. you what ????? scotland as a " special interest group ",,,,,,, tbh you are not doing your side much good there..
  10. Maybe all the politicos are shattered from the campaign and the long night of the vote?

    I know what you mean though, there is a bit of a vacuum with little of meaning coming out just now. Hopefully we will get some substantial news next week.

    I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Good points on both sides, bad points too.

    I wonder if the EU will take heed and react to ordinary people's concerns before the whole thing unravels across the whole of Europe?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. strange. all of a sudden the BUM are corrupt. hmm. short memories.
  12. I thought that this was a really good post.

    "Running silent and keeping periscope up" is the best way to approach any job, it seems to me.

    I think that we can blame austerity politics for the EU decision.I agree with 749er.

    Someone on some previous thread put me on to Mark Blyth debunking austerity politics and his lecture here is really interesting:

    Now, in the last election, the SNP had got this message and loudly trumpeted that they wanted to do away with austerity politics. They won by a landslide.
    Labour didn't and had nothing different to offer the country. They lost and we got Corbyn.
    The Tories continued to peddle the lie that austerity was necessary. They were believed, just. It's a line that appeals to their voters: "no pain, no gain". But it's wrong.

    The EU has been seen to be in love with austerity politics. They have handed out large doses to any country that needed EU money (all of them with the Euro).
    Voters have had enough of it. It's not doing any good, just making the poor poorer and more uncomfortable. That's why half the country voted to leave the EU, because their lives are no fun while the bankers continue to sip champagne.

    Juncker and his ilk don't care about people's pain, just so long as the superstate garners more power. Is he a puppet, really? I think the EU has become the Frankenstein monster in many regards. It now does what the hell it likes. It could reform so that other countries wouldn't want to leave, but its preferred course of action is to impose fear. That is what it is going to mete out to the UK "pour encourager les autres".

    The UK will be fine if it abandons austerity politics and with the chancellor surely on the way out, there is a slim chance. But it's a bit unlikely as all we have heard the Tories offer is a commitment to balance the budget - ie, austerity. I can't see them performing a U-turn (unless the somewhat unprincipled Boris just doesn't care). But Labour now has no credibility and has consistently failed to offer a coherent vision for something different, unlike the SNP.
  13. " mary doll ",,,,, now i am alright with that,,,,,, love her..
  14. which bit of

    I am thinking more City of London here rather than Scotland

    are you struggling with ?

    But you obviously like to read things in to support your preconceived ideas.
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  15. Scotland's finest cultural export, Mr and Mrs Rab. Comedy legends.
    You have to admit though, helmet hair is very popular with Scottish ladies. Susan Calman was on HIGNFY last night and she's got it as well. Does it help to keep the wind out or does the lack of sunlight discourage body and frizz?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I'll tell you about Alex-in-a-Dress - I had a certain admiration for her when the Scottish were having a little toe-in-the-water stab at independence.

    However, in the Brexit debate, when The Splurge started mouthing the standard, manipulative Project Fear crap, the same damned tactics that scuppered her alter-ego's doomed attempt at doing something about Scottish sovereignty concerns ... I was frankly horrified, disappointed and sickened. I can hardly look at her now, let alone listen to what she has to say.

    True. Story.

    Anyhoo, carry on.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. This is the big question. Can the EU reform itself ? Before the Brexit vote the answer was NO, after the Brexit vote who knows ?

    Note I said Brexit vote, not Brexit ;)
  18. If you want to move on to a new kind of economics, call it helicopter money if you like, where everyone accepts that the debt will never be repaid then the banks have to accept that some of the assets they hold have no real value. That is a huge paradigm shift, but I suspect it is one that we will eventually be forced to take, and what will then happen to the value of "our" assets ?
  20. Are you suggesting the vote won't be implemented by parliament?
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