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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I had gone through some of the virtual walk through's but still feel for housing 129 MSPs and a 1,000 staff that a building that was 3 years late and 10 times over it's original budget may have not been the best use of funds and £414 millions IS a lot of funds.
  2. obv you have never visited the excellent building,,, but i expect you will be aware that the reason for it being late and over budget were nothing to do with the SNP but is accepted was the failings of the major contractor, and many large projects are well over budget and late in delivery. ( do you want to discuss the dept emp computer system eg. ) the building is well appreciated within the architect/ design world and has received much in praise and awards. and we love it ;)
  3. You picked up on my virtual walk through comments, your quick, I like that

    Good grief no, you bore the tits off of me within these two subjects, you talking computers may just turn me into a snp supporter :hearteyes:

    Nothing wrong with that, and for our part south of the border, we were more than happy to help you build it through some of our taxes, share and share alike they say :kiss:
  4. well thank you all for your help with the cost ( and i mean that most sincerely :grinning: ),, i did notice your " walk throo " mention tho did not consider that of any importance ( my bad :rolleyes: ),,, and dont worry i have no intentions of trying to involve you in a discussion on comps, as ( as you know ) they are not my " thing ". however, let me suggest that you visit the wonderful building for what i am sure you will find a very rewarding experience and all thots of cost will rapidly evaporate.. ( later you can fill your boots with thots of London undergroud, HS2 , buck pall etc )
  5. Is now a good time for me to mention that I wish that Napoleon had successfully invaded Britain, levelled London and rebuilt it in a logical fashion (like he did with Belgium)?

    Oh, and. Why do the Scottish need a clubhouse up North when they spend so much of their time doing really great work in Westminster?

    Maybe Holyrood should be levelled and some decent affordable housing put in its place? Nice houses with gardens, I mean, instead of scrunching up the oiks and drones in substandard accommodation which allows the UK to retain vast, empty and old (out-of-date) structures that are no use to anyone?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. some sense at last. i knew you could do it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  7. Unfortunately this isn't really the case, generally or specifically. Whilst the Principal Contractor did make some mistakes, the government decided to deliver the project as Construction Managers. As is often the case they probably did this because they had not decided on all of the details of what they wanted to do when they first went out to tender, so this gave them the flexibility (and all of the risk) to change things as they went along. This is why they had to pay the money to the contractor, because they failed to manage the interfaces properly (as often happens when you don't let the experts do their job). This is the case with a lot of large projects that over-run or overspend.... the details of what they want are either missing or change from the contract being awarded. If the principal contractor is responsible for delays and overspending, they will not get paid for them, so the project cost will not go up. I believe, of the £400M+ this cost, the contractor was responsible for £16m, and the rest was simply what the construction managers (the government) had to pay because of the way they managed it....
  8. The next two things to watch will be today's French conservative party nominations with Filon being the expected candidate to go up against Marie Le Pen and next Sunday's Italian elections which could see the downfall of the Italian government.

    Somethings you can be sure of, the euro friendly media will do their best to limit reporting it and some of us will be smiling.
  9. yes but you must recognise the difficulties involved when everyone from the original designers thro the main contractor ( bovis ) to a myraid of subcontractors were ( now recognised ) to be feeding the gov with misleading estimates and projections ( to continue their feed from the public trough ) and then the death of the architect, were considerable... yes expensive, ( excessively ? not ) but ultimately an excellent product.
  10. Just for some fun

    I wonder "should" there ever be another referendum on the Scottish issue, whether they will allow the rest of the U.K. a vote to in the same election to see if we want them?

    So for the Scots it would be, do you wish to leave the U.K. yes or no

    And for the rest of the U.K. the question would be, do you Want the Scots to leave the U.K. yes or no?
  11. I totally understand the difficulties... that is what we get paid to manage as Project Managers! With experience you know when you are being misled. Often you are not purposefully misled, often it is because you do not properly communicate what you want. That is why they never should have taken on the risk when it isn't their usual day job. They thought they knew better, but they clearly didn't. Ultimately though, it does come down to them for not managing those interfaces.
  12. So you will be happy to live in an extreme right-wing fascist Europe? didn't end up too well last time did it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. i expect your view point is somewhat slanted towards your own profesional view / position, i know well / experienced what it can be like when those who dont actually know the job as well as they think they do,,,,,,,,i appreciate your input,, seems there is more to the issue than met my eye. :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Duke, if you stubbed your toe on the corner of your bed, you would tell the world your leg needs to be amputated. Calm down dear, it's only a commercial. :grinning:

    These days unless you are following the book of the politicialy correct, there is always some numpty who will try and label you as a right wing facist.

    Europe needs to change, it has gone from working for the people to telling the people what to do because they are so dumb and the politicians know better. We tried, we pleaded and we gave them examples and still they didn't listen

    You go off on your
    Germany controlling Europe didn't work out twice before but they still tried a third time and again, it didn't work out to well either.
  15. The examples you took up in Italy and France are right wing fascists as are some of our own Tory party and UKIP.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. They are not right wing facists such as in the days of Franco. It's just we have more special snowflakes in the world these days so anyone not drinking decaf could be seen as a facist. Don't forget the communists who drink mocha
  17. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. I bet there will be posters up in most London Labour party offices (except the Islington bubble and surrounding areas :grinning:) with Nuttals face and a statement underneath saying, this man will take our voters from us.

    He has the passion I'm sure it's just the accent. I can't hear a liverpudlian accent without thinking of Harry Enfields characters

    For the snowflakes, there maybe some rude words

    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Different degrees of Jocklitude... :D
  20. i'm somewhere between no3 + no4 .:Hilarious: i tend to emphasize the basturt a bit more and swap the their to us. :upyeah:
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