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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. is the tax payer paying more into the privatised rail companies or less than before when it was BR?
  2. no wonder you're happy then, fair play.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. Could the number of journeys made also be down to a rise in population etc, and did passenger numbers fall as more people were getting cars ?

    just guessing, I’m not sure of dates etc.
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  4. where shall we start .......... Network Rail providing the track and maintenance and not to mention HS2 cost to run privatised rail trains on talk about having a dog and barking yourself.
  5. I am sure I heard we are paying far more in as taxpayers and so no wonder it is better?

    point being, we invested that much when we owned it, it may have been a decent service. That said the unions didn’t help themselves
  6. That really depends on how you relate the two. Taking into account inflation, then I don't think it's changed much overall, but less per route with some lark geographical variations:
    Overall rail subsidies have risen, as shown in the graph, although spend per journey has decreased. Rail subsidies have increased from £2.6bn in 1992–93 to £3.5bn in 2015–16 (in current prices), although subsidy per journey has fallen from £3.56 to £2.03. However, this masks great regional variation: for instance, in 2014–15 funding varied from "£1.41 per passenger journey in England to £6.51 per journey in Scotland and £8.34 per journey in Wales."
  7. Population has not grown at the same rate as train passengers! I think this graph clearly shows how Nationalised VS Privatised was the real driver of the difference.
  8. Another indicts-r’s to how well the Scots and welsh are supported and financed and how poor.y the English are. If there was ever an advert for independence, that’s it. Next indi ref I’d like to see all UK participate: after all it does t just affect Scots, it affects all who pay into UK Plc
  9. SKY VS your Dad. Do you have any other studies/articles to challenge as the article seemed quite balanced.

  10. Ok perhaps not population related then, but rising car ownership rising must have been a factor in the fall from 50’s to 80’s.

    Maybe the rise in usage since is due to too much traffic with all that car ownership - a viscous circle. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. no bradly. that indicates just how poorly you are informed.
    yes, our railways are subsidised. as are yours, but not by you. by us.
    we are also paying 9% of HS2 and cross rail too.
    I think you should get a say in the next reff (you all ready do as your MP gets to play their part in the decision but for some strange reason wont promote the idea of getting rid of the scroungers) its been clear as day that you have been listening to the messages of, too poor, too wee, to go it alone. which in a tax efficient age is a bit of an oddity. no?
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  12. How much did the Scots pay, to bail out RBS after Fred Goodwin's empire came crashing down, no I think I've got it; 9%?

    Damn, broke my new rule....
  13. 9%. 9% of a banking crises not of our making.

  14. As roughly half of the rail journeys in Wales start or end in England, I’d be interested to know how the national allocations are identified?
  15. Unprecedented demand for train travel, never enough room to travel reduced train sizes, late running, more fare increase early next year ,unsafe train procedures being put into place by bosses, the list goes on something has to done about it. A public service such as train travel should not be run for profit, and maybe take a hit now again to keep the wheels rolling albeit for the public and for the movement of freight.
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  16. Dad passed away a couple years ago, the drop in passenger usage in the late 60's - 80's largely due to the massive slashing of rail services ( mr Beeching). The demand was always there but the will to provide wasn't. I have all the passenger loadings from the 60's on the Isle of Wight especially the summer time ones ( 60,000 each way on a Saturday), how those railwaymen kept those services running with clapped out 100yr old plus steam locos is nothing short of a miracle.
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  18. That maybe as you remember it being a rail mans family but the biggest reason was private ownership rise in cars.

    The total number of vehicles being registered for the first time has increased from about 414 thousand a year in 1951 to peak of over 3.2 million vehicles a year in the early 2000s.

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