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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. ATIMES22179672_1791070464266603_2437576949040377010_o.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. I've never been tempted to look at the EU's own press releases before @noobie But bloody hell, they like to take members of the EU to the courts, don't they. :confused:

    Let's get out I say..........................................oh, errrr, hang on! :)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Just think what they would do if they had their own army :eek:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Any Brexitards care to comment on the Times editorial?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. And you still haven't worked it out yet, have you? :)

    Smoke and mirrors; mirrors and smoke......

    Never anything different since the 60s.
  6. I did see a funny tweet that said ISIS has claimed responsibility for Theresa May's speech :D

    You seem to be, not for the first time duke , confused. They say growth is slowing. 2 points if I may, it was always predicted during negotiations that uncertainty from both sides would see a bit of a freeze or slow down of GROWTH. once agreements are in place or we go to wto, then business can work from a set base to move forward from knowing where they stand, this will return much of the ability to have confidence in how to plan for the future.

    It would also be fair to say that Trump's and Rocket man's little tittle tattle had a drop on the market as has Catalonia, dropping of oil prices etc etc, Brexit is not the only thing the market deals with as much as some remainers would have you believe differently

    The second point and the hardest bit you have trouble understanding, is that it still remains GROWTH.

    Despite all the hoo haa, it will happen, we will adapt. My nan said the world would collapse when we went from thruppeny bits and d's to pennies and pence, guess what happened?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 3
  7. truth hurt noob lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  8. Not really red, people like you and fin are so focused on anti English racism that you care not who you continually racially abuse, you are incredibly easy to thwart based on your blinkered views.

    Using passages from scripts from others is not entirely the domain of the tories, true some silly speech writer included a small part of the west wing, I doubt May knew that

    it's just the constant brexitards and wanker calling that after a while displays the lack of intellect by the frothing at the mouth with anger brigade that becomes boring and so in that event you today were awarded a lucky nuke. Your Welcome.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Racially abuse? haha wtf are you on about

    When are you going to admit that shes had you right off mate?
  10. Nukes?

    I thought they were alka seltzer awards for upset tums. My mistake.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. I rarely give out nukes, I tend to give them out to people who have given me one as a courtesy :D or people who have never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.

    Well lets look at that shall we? May is not perfect, she certainly is not the pied piper Corbyn is, but more she is a worker bee who is uncomfortable in public, that doesn't mean she doesn't do her job when the public door closes, I could list another who was always very public and would attend any event a camera was at and despite all her huffing and puffing provided....nothing, you may know that woman, her name is Sturgeon

    Sturgeon promised the world to the cybernats, they demanded a vote for independence, they had one and the people said no thank you, the cybernats and the snp lost, They cried fowl ! "the tories interfered with false promises so we want another vote because we lost and the people rejected us, but honest it was the tories at westminsters fault"

    So there was another vote, called the general election miss huffin puffin stuff again blew the four winds through every orifice she has and even took a helicopter throughout the land called the nicolopter, to show how wronged the people of Scotland felt by the tories according to said snp sturgeon, The proud Scots voted,the Scots wanted 12 MORE tory mp's and kicked OUT 21 snp mp's

    Enough she cried "it's all a conspiracy, we demand ANOTHER vote the first independence and then the general election was all rigged we woz robbed", unfortuneatly for princess sparkle, her predecessor had acknowledged the first vote was for a generation, the first vote the people said no, the general election saw the snp removed by a third and the arch enemy, the tories, increase their share

    So red, if any "she" has sold some one up the river, you'd better look closer to home and in that home lives a snp politician called sturgeon. She sold out you cybernats and snp extremists

    Now in regards to May, public speaking is not her arena, but I am sure you have too, I have worked with absolutely brilliant people who hate any kind of public speaking. The tories have won 3 elections in a row so history shows a long term government often has low ratings but in this age of social media, angry on the internet rarely meets determined at the voting booth.

    Brexit is tough but pretty much going as most brexiteers thought but ANY party in power would have had trouble dealing with an eu who wants it to go to wto privately whilst publicly saying they want a deal. If you vote tory or brexit, god forbid both, then you seem to have been viewed as a verbal punch bag, even more so by those claiming to be oppressed but seem to be the most oppressive themselves.

    It's good people are getting involved in politics and their own futures again. In regards to the thread title, it is as many of us who voted for brexit, from all parties and all parts of the U.K. going along as expected, a bit rough in patches but there very much is a light at the end of the tunnel and seeing how the euro zone is starting to implode in on itself and how often the eu project refers it's own member countries to the european court of late, then definately the future is better for us outside of the eu
    #9173 noobie, Oct 5, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  12. shes playing you and all the other people who voted for them for mugs mate and youre still defending it!
    no words needed
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. I think your confusing us with the snp-ites who followed old nic up the yellow brick road and just as they were about to climax into the hole of independence, found out she valued her career more than your independence, no red, we are not that stupid.

    The tories are far from the finished or perfect article and no one is under the illusion they are the best government ever. That doesn't mean comrade corbin and his venezulean economics and animal farm way of controlling his people is a shoe in. The liberals are a dead man walking and the snp are a disease that hopefully through penicillin and recent common sense, will soon go back to the false prophet rantings on a sunday market stall they always did.

    As to the thread, the general election selected the team to sort it out, if they do it well or protect the U.K. then they might get re-elected. if they stuff it up then they won't but right here right now it is what it is. There is a point to be made however, the U.K. needs to do well as should the Scots ever leave the U.K. ( I don't think it ever will, that ship has sailed) then you need to have plenty to give to the eu, some country has to be your sugar daddy :D
  14. I cant blame you for defending the indefensible –its anyone but the tory’s for me so I do kind of get your stance.

    I just find it funny the stuff seemingly intelligent people are happy to brush under the carpet purely so they don’t have to break the habit of a lifetime.

    I thnk we all need to start aiming our vitriol at the universtities who keep churning out these fuck nuggets.

    It can only be their fault we have such a dire shortage of alternatives.
  15. I'm not defending the tories red, I just happen to think change for change's sake is more dangerous. By all means replace the tories but the option was given to the people and very recently, the majority voted as they did and we have the government we have. I doubt you will find a tory supporter who isn't aware of their current weakness's.

    We are as corbyn proved, as trump proved, as macron proved,as trudeau proved, moving into the political age of style over substance, image over success's. That worries me more because currently we seem to be moving into the age where we view our politicians as football managers. There seems to be a mob mentality even if they lose one game the mob want them replaced.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  16. Your mob have had a fair old crack at the whip for nearly 8 years now. People aren’t making snap decisions here. If that was labour in charge youd never hear the end of it. Fucking hell mate a large % of tories you speak to still bang on about labour in the 70’s, 50 years ago lol. Ive never been staunch anything until recently but Corbyn has answers May hasn’t even begun to ponder the questions of yet. She/theyre so out of touch with the young and dare I say it the real world beyond London, its embarrassing.
    And they continue to prove it in big bold letters like yesterdays utter, utter shambles.
  17. Silly sausage, they haven't had a fair crack of the whip for 8 years, they have been elected by the British public for the last 8 years, it's not the tories fault the majority of the electorate do not trust labour, that is labours fault.

    yep tories mention the 70's in a direct comparison to a modern threat, Corbyn is from the 70's so comparisons are bound to be made but may I also add, it's not unusual to find Labourites prattling on about thatcher from 27 years ago

    Corbyn hasn't got answers, he has sound bites, some sound reasonable most are farcical and the trouble with socialists is that eventually they run out of other peoples money

    I agree as I watched the conference her speech was a car crash until you look at what she was responsible for, she didn't put the signs up, she didn't arrange the security and with a 23 meeting workload before her speech, her feeling ill with the cough could happen to anyone at work. Unfortunately all 3 came together at the same time and it was uncomfortable to watch.

    But I appreciated the Government are now making the organ donation change to opt out, extra council houses being built, will move ahead with price capping on the utilities and will push through with brexit .

    Corbyns answers? we will nationalise the train networks when the licences run out he says. But when asked how will you pay for the rolling stock, equipment, wages for staff, new upgrades, pensions, he couldn't answer it as they hadn't costed it

    Scrapping uni fee's is easy to say but the minute he lost the last election, he seemed to go fuzzy on what they had promised. I will scrap them on the very first day he said and would look at existing and previous fee's, after he lost it was I'm sure I only implied. Sturgeon promised indi to stir up the troops and failed to deliver, Corbyn promised no more uni fee's and failed to deliver, being in opposition is easier to promise unicorns and stardust when you never will have to deliver it.

    If we are talking about corbyns answers, I haven't heard the answer to the question, will you condem the government violence by your friend in Venezuela, have you?

    In regards to the thread, I have more faith the tories will get us through this more than I would labour, even more so given Diane's ability with figures :D
    #9179 noobie, Oct 5, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
  18. The latest claim to build council houses equates to 5000 homes per year for five years. Its not going to make much difference to a council waiting list of 1.25 million people.

    The government have claimed that they would reduce immigration but haven't really achieved much. True the EU account for 50%, but what about the remaining 50%?

    Then there is the balancing of the books? The debt is now 1.83 trillion when they inherited slightly under 1 trillion eight years ago. Hardly a success. The latest was that the economy would not balance until 2022 which will be eight years after the promised date (approx) https://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/uk_national_debt_chart.html

    Employment figures are good, but the numbers of workers on zero hours contracts is huge, and the typical salary is lower than 12 years ago.

    Almost every major country in the world operates their railways and airports water etc through the government. Its not unusual or a radical thing to do. Lets say that they were once run badly by the state, but that does not mean they could not be run correctly.

    I am not going to say that Milliband would have done a better job than Cameron because no one can ever know.

    I am also not going to say that everything the Conservatives do or say is bad because it is not.

    It is true that failing to come through on most of your promised manifesto after eight years in government is a very poor performance.
    #9180 Jez900ie, Oct 5, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
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