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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
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  1. No Murdoch quotes today Dukey?
  2. The Butler hasn't brought him this morning's copy of The Times yet.
  3. The library isn't open yet.

    Wasn't it the oecd that agreed with Osborne and said we would need an emergency the world is ending budget if we voted out?

    I feel, can't be sure, that most remainers are like most brexiteers, they know we are going out and just want it to be done with and not all this political circus that seems to be dragging it out.

    It's not the decision or the deal that is causing such a rift but the uncertainty and time doing it.

    The library will be open soon so I'm expecting a new screenshot.:D
  4. We have to remember that no negotiations are taking place because one side, the EU, is actively seeking a no-deal. If you set out to prevent or obstruct any possibility or an agreement you cannot be said to be negotiating.
    The EU is desperate for the Article 50 time frame to expire without any trade agreement in place in the hope that, firstly, the UK will be panicked into cancelling Brexit and will seek readmission on less favourable terms than before (an outcome that is a political impossibility domestically); and secondly to intimidate other member states so that they will be deterred from holding membership referendums of their own.

    Expending energy trying to formulate a deal with an opposite number that is determined to avoid one is a waste of everyone's time and our money. Mrs May should announce that the talks have failed. We should revert to WTO rules with immediate effect, cease all payments to the EU and begin genuine trade negotiations with the rest of the world. Lets see who panics then.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Couldn't agree more.
  6. Juncker's acolytes believe in lining their own pockets. A quick look at EU Expenditure details that in 2016 alone they paid the OECD over €44 million. Looks like a nice figure for a bus decoration? Turkeys and Christmas analogy comes to mind.

    #9327 corrosio non forsit, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Clearly we can't go on like this until March 2019, we need to set a date for walking away and implementing a no deal option.

    If it results in a few rocky years it is a price worth paying IMHO.
    #9328 johnv, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. It is the only way to get an actually trade agreement with the EU. We will not get one from the current process because the EU's strategy has been specifically formulated to prevent one for political purposes. Only when the individual economies, who are our real trade partners in the EU (again, there is no single market) start to feel the heat of tariff-laden trade with the UK will the unelected authoritarians in Brussels be forced to wake up and smell the coffee.

    Whatever happens, what must be remembered is that the outcome will not be permanent. Nothing ever is in politics which is an unending process. There is no fait accompli, no settlement that cannot be adjusted and refined. There are only the vested interests of politicians who think only in short-term electoral cycles and the fanaticism of ideologues.
  9. So how many of you who work have looked at the cost implications to your company of WTO rules, the additional costs required to ensure your compliant and the time delays it might cause to you and your customers?
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Actually duke, I'm going to call you out.

    Many of the things we need to do are exactly the same wether we do a deal under wto rules or a rules under a eu deal. so rather rather than your scatter gun usual approach hoping no one challenges you, why don't YOU say what the differences YOU think will be between a wto deal and an eu deal in practice, be warned now, this requires facts or at least reasonable common sense.
    #9331 noobie, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Sat at the desk Dukey and there will be zero impact on my business (trading globally). As Noobie says, do let us know your side and the doom we're heading for. Maybe commission the OECD to help you?
  13. Enlighten us on the average clearance times for non-EU goods entering the UK currently compared to EU?
  14. We trade globally already as well, importing from the far east, the states, Europe, you name it. Also we distribute world wide.

    The impact will be a couple of likely new procedures for selling in to the EU and / or importing from. The rest we already do

    Nothing that will stop business happening and sure as shit won't increase the payroll for the company over a few additional documents.

    Once again WTO rules are nothing new, they're just different to some people and therefore easy to use as a scare tactic
  15. It will increase your prices though.

    Are your customers prepared for that?

    And anything you import and then export will get hit by tariffs twice.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Works okay on non eu products that come into the U.K. now and has for many decades
    #9337 noobie, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
  17. I remember back before we joined the Common Market.

    We never traded with other countries back then - no one had ever heard of such a thing.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. People talk about 'tariffs' as though it's going to push prices up exponentially. Some prices will indeed rise for a short period of time before they fall again, and likely end up being better than where we started.

    In the real world customers buy very price consciously, therefore when we supply products which are currently imported in from the far east, or the states, they naturally compare to products produced in the EU.

    IF those eu products become uncompetitive then it will simply be the products from the far east or states that win out and get used

    It's no longer the case that 'European manufacture' carries much weight in terms of quality vs many alternatives, not in a large range of products anyway and especially within our industry.
    #9339 damodici, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
  19. I'm sure others have said this before,but for me this is no longer about leaving the EU,it's about democracy.
    No matter what position,class,or demographic,a UK born citizen is entitled to a vote.One vote..No more,no less,and,(unless you live in one of the "swing"),constituencies,no persons vote means more than anyone elses.
    And my folks,and my grandparents,taught me that no matter what,I should respect democracy,it's what millions of people have died and suffered for,and what millions of people would die for because they don't have it.
    I've always voted,and I've always respected the result.In the event the majority chose something different to my choice,I,(like millions of others,of differing opinions),respected the outcome,and buckled down work regardless of the Governments leanings.
    Same went for the referendum held in 1975: the outcome was a majority decision,regardless of which way I voted I lived with the consequences of the result,as did the rest of the UK.
    Now look at where we are.
    Last year,we had a democratically held Referendum on whether to stay within or to leave the EU.Parliament voted for the Referendum to be held,and the outcome was that the majority of people who voted wanted to leave.
    Disregarding the "facts", that,(according to many lawyers/academics etc),the UK has never been a member of the EU because our entry was contrary to common law as expressed in the Magna Carta,or that,(in the event that we were legally members),then every EU treaty required a Referendum to be held, there was a clear majority in favour of leaving the EU.
    End of story then,or it should have been.Like all other votes/elections/referendums,the majority chose,book is closed.
    "Oh no",cry the minority."We want another chance,the others were racist/stupid/gullible/whatever..the minority must be obeyed,we want our way".
    In other words,what they are saying is fuck democracy.
    A few months ago,there was a General Election in the UK,and we were given the chance to vote once again.
    And,just like the Referendum,a clear majority voted in favour of one party over the others,and that was the Conservatives.
    Yes,that's right,the Conservatives won the General Election with a record number of votes.Labour did pretty well,they increased their vote share,but not by enough to form a Government.
    "Oh no",cry the minority."We want another chance,the others were stupid/racist/gullible/whatever..."
    So Corbyn and his henchmen strut the world,(assisted and promoted by the media,but mostly by the publicly funded BBC),like paper victors,puffing out their chests and making ludicrous promises,all the while sniping and carping,claiming to be the TRUE victors of the democratically held General election.
    In other words,fuck democracy.
    In Scotland a couple of years back,the majority voted to remain part of the United Kingdom in a democratically held Referendum.
    "Oh no",cry the minority",that can't have been what the Remainers meant when they voted,they must be stupid/gullible/whatever...the minority must be obeyed,we want our way".
    And in the USA? Same Same..."60 + million voters must be disregarded,Trump voters are racist/stupid/gullible/whatever,and,(in their system anyway),the minority must have their way".
    It doesn't matter on what issue,what election,what referendum...these are all the desire to ignore democracy.
    Demonstrations/riots/violence/threats/abuse/subversion/criticism,you name it,all in the name of denying the majority and overturning the system that the Western world has enjoyed for decades.
    If the Referendum result is overturned,that could possibly lead to the end of democracy,and if that happens the majority will be left with nothing.
    #9340 Lightning_650, Oct 19, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
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