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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Sadly, no.

    The Unicorn Union have staged a walk-out and the Pixie Arborealist Federation are secondary picketing the Magic Glade. It's a spangly mess.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Bastards. Feckin unions again..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Don't worry, they are going to nationalise it, they have costed it so we should be okay. The only worry is that they have costed it in the Venezuelan Bolivar.

    Apparently Jeremy thinks it's an okay currency being used by an okay country, we are safe, it's all good, nothing to see here
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. can you just imagine what would happen if the interest rates go back to a normal level even if this would be in a few steps..........
  5. The lady's not for turning:
  6. I think she needs more cats

    Funny thing, her facebook page, shows a number of pictures on the right, on the picture which has the number 46 on it, look what is on the bottom right of that picture

  7. Leaving aside the fascinating psychiatric case study that could be made of an educationally subnormal person in the grip of a hate-filled infanticidal psychosis, what the hell has the British empire got to with Brexit?
    #9427 Gimlet, Oct 24, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Right, I'm off to the hospital to find a poorly child in ICU. Their parents better hope they are not Brexitards. :mad:
  9. I get people are passionate about Brexit, those who see a positive future and those who can't see any future without the eu, but when you go as far as kids and deaths then perhaps you lose the argument and any kind of reason to be listened to, on any side.
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  10. So, let's just think about this.

    Multi Billionaire makes negative comment about Britain and the Brexit result, Two full weeks ago

    e.g Dig up any story you can find for negative spin

    Guardian therefore reports on it negatively (as always) and yet within the article itself it's mentioned that certain employees of the billionaire have asked for moves away from the UK or USA because they get the feeling that neither country wants immigrants anymore :thinkingface:


    Yet isn't it ironic that the Guardian is one of the biggest negative Brexit news pushers of them all, a media outlet where any & all Brexit voters are deemed racist and xenophobic, and they still continue to push on with the same story thus fuelling the fire even more.

    If they even stopped for one minute to accept and acknowledge that it isn't the case that everyone who voted leave didnt do so due to xenophobia,or racism, or are readers of the Daily Mail, or are members of EDL, they might actually get their points across.

    As it is, they do nothing but come across as fucking hypocritical, elitist, left minded wankers who refuse to accept anyones view but their own and tarnish all with opposing views as ignorant uneducated scum.

    Keep up the great journalism guys, it really is top notch stuff :rolleyes:
    #9431 damodici, Oct 25, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
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  11. I'm not overly worried, especially Bloomberg whose ability to be very selective with his own past. Under his term he saw a 600% rise in stop and search by the police, mostly the poorest and lower class, it was suggested at the time that he was purging the cities of the poor to help his property developer friends.

    He was also a fan of what was called "preventitive detention" which he insisted was used to stop people doing things that some thought they might do, over 1,800 people were arrested under this and shipped out of the city when a republican conference was being held in New York, a judge later found this to be illegal which led to a large law suit against the city. His reply was "It's not supposed to be club med."

    In many ways how trump is behaving now, is how Bloomberg ruled with an iron hand in his time as New York mayor. So would he have an opinion on Trump based on his own standards, sure because in many ways they are the same and he certainly is no fan of democracy and democratic rights.

    As to the guardian, it seems an oxy moron given how many lecturers use it as their bible to corrupt the students against "the man", that they seem to support the largest closed gated community, racist immigration based pigs at the trough system. The cannot see what most of europe seem to see and are having their eyes opened more than ever. Peculiar people,

    in many ways judging by the comments sections in the guardian, many of the most vocal of remainers are almost like those with Stockholm Syndrome. Peculiar time to be in politics.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  12. Admittedly that was far more eloquently put than calling them elitist hypocritical wankers :innocent:

    Still, I stand by such statement :upyeah:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Smoke and mirrors, all of it.....haven't you all worked that out yet?

    'Poll Tax' - Gone....because of public displeasure.

    Now called 'Council Tax'.....Used to be called the 'Rates'.

    Basically all the same effing thing.

    No Government ever changes anything that was put in place previously other than changing the name.

    Brexit? Don't make me larf..........Everyone (Remainers and Brexiteers) are all being had over and sod all will change that actually makes any difference.

    Now where have I heard that before?

    Oh, I said it IIRC.
  14. I need to know, are you dukes second account? :D
  15. It's like being a Brexit voyeur reading the Guardian :)

    Although at times a journalist says something reasonably sensible and yet still gets shot down in the comments section by the 'oh so intelligent' remain voters.


    Do treat yourselves and read the comments section, this chap Mlyon is merely the tip of the iceberg. There's some jaw dropping hysterical tantrums further in

  16. Thank Goat for the Right-thinking folk, correcting wrong-thinking folk and saving us all from ourselves.

    I think only right-thinking people should be entitled to vote, or be in government. Wouldn't it be great if the only people with voices and political power thought the same (i.e. correctly).
  17. Did anyone seriously expect that the unpopularity and subsequent demise of the poll tax would mean that local government revenue collection would be abandoned altogether? Of course there is an alternative in place and the fact is not evidence of a conspiracy. (For what its worth, I think the poll tax was a fairer and more logical system than the council tax we have today. Basing the amount people pay towards the cost local civic services on the value of the houses they live in is preposterous. The notional value of a property and the vagaries of the property market are not rational criteria for assessing and balancing an individual household's consumption of local services with need, circumstance and the ability to pay).

    When we leave the EU (and we will), every political action currently under the jurisdiction of the EU will continue, at least in the first instance, it will simply come under the control of our own Parliament and government and therefore us, the electorate. No sane person should expect vast areas of the legislative system we live under to disappear overnight just because we're leaving the EU. Which bits disappear, which are changed or abandoned, which are retained and which are added to will depend on whom we vote into Parliament and into government.
    For sure the fight is only just beginning. We will shortly lose our favourite fall-back of blaming Brussels for everything. At the moment it matters little who you vote for because so much of our government has been contracted out to unelected Eurocrats. But that is going to come to an end and then it will matter a great deal who we vote for and what those politicians and parties choose to do with the unaccustomed authority we will be vesting in them.

    How much things change will depend on us. We need a better class of politician post-EU but we need a better class of electorate as well. If they sit back and say what's the point, nothing will ever change because that's been the reality for 40 years, then guess what, it won't.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  18. How much things change will depend on us. We need a better class of politician post-EU but we need a better class of electorate as well. If they sit back and say what's the point, nothing will ever change because that's been the reality for 40 years, then guess what, it won't.[/QUOTE]

    It will also depend more on our choices, if the same crap politics are on offer from the same parties, then it will remain unchanged.
    Viva/vive la revolution. BUT, into the vacuum left afterwards might not always what people wish for.
  19. you wont get a better class of politician while we have a woefully poor level of journalism. simple fact of the matter is most people are not political nerds. more often than not most can only ever quote the headline as they go looking for who is wearing what.exactly what it's designed to do. as you rightly say, they are sick of it. which probably explains why the educated and entrepreneurial generally voted remain. queue noob stat.
    anyhoo, enough fin, reading through the continuing pish on here gives me the boak.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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