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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. That's now @noobie If comrade Corbyn and McDonnell get in, prepare for double figures unemployment. It'll be OK though, they'll just tax the rich to compensate. :rolleyes:

    We'll be back to the good old days of the militant trade unionists. :worried: Digging this recently interned dinosaur back up to relive the "glory days"
    Red Robbo
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Fallon - A liar and a pervert. Who would have thunk it?

    Not only that but it seems that is the way you get a knighthood these days. No wonder this Country is in such a fucking mess.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Yes, far better to have in charge a Labour party which promotes hatred of Jews, supports terrorists, gives succour to despots and authoritarian regimes in countries which have been turned into failed states by the same policies they, Labour, seek to inflict on Britain and a party whose enforcers tell women who have been raped at their own party conference to shut the fuck up or else - and that wasn't fifteen years ago, it was in 2014. Yes that would be a huge improvement.
    #9483 Gimlet, Nov 2, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Labour are only marginally better but lets not forget this Government sells arms to Saudi and Turkey who then turns them on their own people for a bit of ethnic cleansing.
    Had a chat with a Kurdish man last week who had to leave his Country for this very reason.
    British Parliament is a corrupt place and far from the democracy you would like to think it is. I bet May is shitting herself with the revelations coming out this weekend.
  5. Yawn :sleeping:, you do chat to a lot of people, don't you. :rolleyes:

    Amazing how you choose to jump on any indiscretion from the right of British politics, and choose to stick your head in the sand when it comes to anybody remotely to the left, even though there is 10 times the amount of ammunition to fire. :thinkingface:
  6. I think that's a touch unfair. He touched a woman's knee 15 years ago and 15 years ago she dealt with it and has been actively vocal on all news channels saying so since. No charges pressed, no insistence from her that anything more needs doing.

    Whilst I understand the delicate subject of 'harassment' or even 'rape' the current media shit storm is frankly appalling and clearly a witch hunt on a huge scale.

    I'm not by any means saying non of the allegations aren't true, but the circulation of a document gathered together by unknown sources simply highlighting people's names IS NOT enough to make all allegations true.

    It would seem that any name on a document, or anyone coming out saying 'this happened' is being taken as truth, when in reality it might be far from it.

    Harassment and rape charges are serious, and they should be going to the police to have them investigated, not just thrown on a piece of paper.

    It all smacks of further opportunities for people to derail the government if you ask me, perhaps not on all allegations, but given how easy it is to write a name down it'd be a good opportunity to cause trouble.

    Let's just hypothetically put the shoe on the other foot for a minute and say that a document had been released with a list of women's names on that had made advances on men, and had tried to sleep their way to the top or further their career.

    None of that is without possibility as I've known women which have done such a thing.

    Yet that would be swept aside as unfounded and outrageous

    Yet a similar document accusing men, many without facts or evidence, is seemingly being taken as guilty before being proven innocent.

    It's something that can be, and is likely being used for political purposes just as much as moral.
  7. Duke, you can only do Kenny Everrit impressions in front of a mirror so many times.

    I'm not sure why you live in the U.K. with such a hatred for it? Your selectivness completly ignores the arms countries list but in your head it's just the U.S. and U.K. I don't suppose you remember French planes and missiles in the Falklands?

    just to broaden your obvious hate filled limited knowledge of the arms industry


    or maybe, did you know that the country you really call home, France, has a bigger arms sales business than the U.K. so does Germany?



    so much for your european idealog.

    How can that be I hear you say from your selective narrative, because people like you duke do not understand the arms industry where many of the "arms" sales from the U.K. are not ordinance at all. We lead the world in technology and often we sell under the guise of "arms sales" things like rescue helicopters, guidance systems, technology for defence etc.

    Still why let real things get in the way of your hate the U.K. life
  8. I think you may find there is more to come on Fallon.
  9. It doesn't matter now, he's gone, Corbyn on the other hand with 3 wives and the first being aware of his affair with diane abbot is another story
  10. Come on Dukey spill the beans you must have spoken with someone? Some incisive inside information will be appreciated by all...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. He needs to stop friending Russian opinion formers on Facebook. There's just a chance their information isn't entirely accurate. Time to rejoin the real world.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. You have to have just a little bit of respect for that. o_O I couldn't, I just couldn't. However, put £10m on the table and..................No, I couldn't. :noentry:
  13. Need to be a strong table.
  14. It would be the only "wood" in the room :worried:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. View attachment 101846
    They bunked off to East Germany on a motorbike for some information and fact finding about the Stasi (nice people to associate with). The other had more of an interest in washing machines...
  16. ...is that a young teflon Keith in that pic?
  17. Yep, a woman who see's racism in everything and can't count beyond 20, 10 if her socks are on, a man who had a second job which was not declared on the members register in which he was a washing machine salesman called Jim, apparently. Which then leads you onto the leader who is friends to the stars, Stazi and friends to terrorists, not so much those of the Jewish faith though. Welcome to your opposition party.

    To be fair to Keith though, he honestly did think the two young male escorts were washing machine technicians as he had called them to help with white stuff dribbling out of his waste pipe., such a missunderstanding, the escorts thought he meant the coke on the kitchen worktop
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. probably thinking of Hotpoints and charlie
  19. Just some proposals about how to adjust some bureaucracy and rename a few quangos.

    How about scrapping the entire project altogether? Abandoning the concept of political integration and pooled sovereignty and establishing instead a European Commonwealth with no "Parliament", no fiscal, monetary or political union; no customs union, no trade bloc, just a forum of independent nations who share the same continent and meet to collaborate on matters of mutual interest without the pretence of statehood or the delusional conceit of believing themselves a superpower?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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