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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Equally yes. So everyone loses if the UK just say fuck it. Including and especially those living in NI.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. A 10 day deadline has been issued by the EU for clarity on the border before talks can move on to trade in December.

    Can't see it happening myself.

    Every time we see the light at the end of the tunnel it is transformed into a train by the EU.
  3. but can be used on houses over 300k up to 500k? but the duty is only payed over the 300 threshold
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  4. It's not that John but more the Irish government is in trouble and could see elections within 2 weeks, One to watch.
  5. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/mortgages/stamp-duty
    some of the think tanks you lot have happily used on other threads in the past have suggested it would be cheaper just to buy the houses for the 3000odd BUYERS that will benefit. its the sellers that will benefit. how does that fit yer narrative? :)
    At some point, somebody is going to have to say out loud what everybody barring the most obstinately blinkered Mad Brexiteer knows - the British government has no idea how to resolve the Irish border issue. Not a clue! No more than they have any notion as to how any of the other problems caused by Brexit might be resolved. They are sitting, like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck, hoping that the EU will come up with solutions. Hoping that the EU will totally reorganise and redefine itself so as to accommodate the British state.
    Because it's actually not quite true to say that the British government has no idea how these issues might be resolved. They have one solution. The obvious solution. But it is unthinkable. The 'deal' that the British government actually wants is the same deal that it had. Clumsy and makeshift and imperfect as it was, that was the deal that resolved all the issues. Or, at least, kept a lid on them.
    The reason the so-called negotiations between the UK and the EU appear to be going nowhere is because they only place they can go is a place that no longer exists. It's the place that was destroyed by the Leave vote and then utterly obliterated by the invoking of Article 50. It's the place where the EU had already made all the concessions to and accommodations of British pretensions that were possible. It's the place that was laboriously constructed over a period of more than 40 years so as to arrive at the very arrangements which the British government now desperately wants to restore having demolished the entire edifice in a moment of hubris so immense as to have its own gravitational field.
    It's impossible. It's unfeasible. It can't happen. You simply cannot go to a place that isn't even a place any more. So the British government wants to pretend. They want to create a sort of 'Brigadoon Brexit'. A magical place where two totally contradictory and mutually exclusive things can be true at the same time. A place where the UK can be both in the EU, and out of it, depending on how the Scottish mist swirls. I'm pretty sure this is the plot of a Star Trek episode.
    That's where we're at. Bereft of practical ideas that relate to the real world, the British political elite is resorting to fantasy. Having destroyed the place they need to be, they're intent on cobbling together a Disneyland version out of old washing-up liquid bottles and stick-backed plastic. Which might work, if everybody gets into the spirit of the thing and nobody says out loud that the British government really has lost the place.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. yip, it is an english solution (not) but as uk tax payer i contribute. i pay twice. we, as a country pay over 20bill annually based on 25 v.dodgy estimates towards english decisions on tax spend. i get a say, as for what Ireland should do? that is for the Irish to decide.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Good job you were not in charge in the 30's - you lilly livered twerp o_O:yum
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I would have to say fin, despite your protestation on this "dodgy estimates towards english decisions on tax spend." You have always been wrong.

    There is no English government, in fact sadly, the English appear to be the only nation within the U.K. that does not have a devolved government. The government we have, as with the parliament and lords we have, has English, Northern Irish, Scots and Welsh people in all walks of the political government spectrum.
  9. If you are going to discuss the things that finm gets wrong, should you not start a new thread?

    In a new forum?

    On a new website?

    Using a brand new dedicated Internet?
  10. I've had a word with sturgeon, she said she will fund it in all Scotland's glory, as soon as the "English" fund it.

    I think that's what she said because despite saying "Let's be clear" a lot, I still struggle with understanding what she says

    for now though he does have that option, it's called wings over summerzet https://wingsoverscotland.com/ :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. well noob, you cant argue with stupid, but here goes, we "apparently" pay in 50 odd bill and get back 30 odd bill back, approximately a 10%cut in the last 10 years. 25 out of the 26 areas of the GERS figures are estimates, lets just take one simple area, food and drink exports from here account for about 28% of uk exports but we get attributed a population share, 8% that is the bases of the GERS figures. and lets not even go near the oil. which is effectively a tax free zone now, it costs about 12$ a barrel to extract, currently selling at 60$ a barrel. 3years ago it was running out now upwardly revised to 20bil barrels of easily accessible oil.uh huh. a fine example Westminster mismanagement (at best). your financial system is underwritten on north British produce. north britain is an exporting area with a trade surplice of approximately 2bill, the only part of britain with a surplice, with by far the most to lose from brexit.
    while i sympathize with yer lack of representation :rolleyes: at government level, i don't relay see a need to fret when you have 85% of the MP's. the population split wasn't always so one sided, but when you control the financial leavers that create such conditions you cant really sit there and play the victim.
    doh!, its not called playing the victim, is it?, its called grievance. feck me, some of you have been so focused on the other, you haven't got a clue how the uk and its, to coin the phrase "elites" operate.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Trust me fin you can:grinning:

    Fin England can't help it if twice as many people want to live in London than the whole of Scotland. Personally I think they are making the mistake but hey, why ignore facts

    Nothing is the snp's fault, it's all the tories at westminsters fault kinda victimhood you mean? Gotchya

    Still doesn't change anything on europe though does it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I’m sure there are plenty of fuckwits in charge who quite fancy a real war with Europe again, the way they talk.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Have you been talking to them too ???
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Try just listening to yourself and re read some of your posts - ridiculous tbf :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. The obvious answer is to keep the trading arrangements as they are, effectively have access to the single market and customs union and do away with all the other bollox.

    But we know the EU won't do that.

    Oh, and the DUP have just reiterated no internal border within the UK (and the EU can do whatever they like on their side of the border).

    This whole Brexit thing has opened a can of worms, but it is a can that needed to be opened sooner or later because the EU is unsustainable in it's present format. It must move forward to the federalist USofEu, which the people of Europe do to want, least of all the Germans, become what it never was, a trading alliance, or collapse into chaos.

    The EU is playing a weak hand strongly, we need to remain calm and determined.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Not at all. I don’t trust the UK government in the slightest. Full of racists, xenophobia and privileged elites who could not give a fuck about you and me. All those who campaigned from Brexit have now slunk away into their bolt holes, with no idea what will happen, nor do they give a shit, and the truth about the corruption some of them were up to is now coming in out.

    You’ve been duped.
    It will be reversed within 20 years.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Yep, there are some disputable people in UK polatics, but worse unelected deviants in Brussels.
    I voted out of the EU establishment and I will only have been duped as you say, if this doesn't happen. We should be out with no deal. The only problem is some in the UK government are weak, a little like your views on the world. And it sadderns me that they allow themselves to be bullied by shitheads.
    Oh, and I love Europe, but detest the Brussels Elite more than our own. Can't believe someone with your anger is so blinkered and misguided :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Yeah, the "I'm not angry the other side won" isn't working

    Now again you show why you and your extremist remainers lost the plot and continue too. let me show you why your copy and paste statements are little more than the rants of the poorly informed.

    Brexiteers are, according to you

    Racists=a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    Xenphobe=dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

    Now, one side says immigration has gotten out of control so we need bring in levels the country can manage and that is appropriate to our skills shortage. That same side also says we will have one system that views all of the worlds applicants as equals

    The other side says, some countries are less important than ours so they will have less freedoms under our rules and we will have a two tier immigration system where our own group must always be seen as the higher group and the others will be rarely looked at. At the same time we will also open to doors to anyone declaring themselves as a "asylum seeker" even though 85% of them are economic migrants, which will flood the continent and increase the racial divide seeing a greater rise in the far right.

    Now, duke, according to you which one is the eu and which one is brexiteers?
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