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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. fuck all wrong with my heed. i voted correctly.
    i voted with the uk in mind :innocent:
    i voted to save you guys from yerselvs.
    .i is good that way. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Yip, still blotto! o_O
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. DQ.
    farage is no longer the problem, with 5% of population backing him he never was.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  5. I actually got that wrong @noobie :( I thought the oxymoron was "I have a good idea", "Let's make it more difficult to buy and sell from our nearest customer"

    I guess he has 2 oxymorons in one snetence, good going even for Dukey66. o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. 1st time buyers paying £500k for a house? That Brexit is really hitting people hard in the wallet, isn't it? :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1

  7. Fair point...hence I wrote EU will need some sort of reform.
    So how comes Theresa may was on the Remain side? Was she wrong then or is she wrong now? Politicians..can change the colour quicker than a chameleon, hence I look only at the performance not at slogans.
    I am only looking at the performance don't really give a toss if the person was elected directly by me, would't even mind if it came from another planet.
    We also had MP's at Brussels to represent our views one of them was the Leave campain leader, isn't this Monty pythonesque?
    UK had the right to veto any law that would not benefit us.
    For example.
    I think back in 2014 EU was intending to put a cap on bonuses that could be paid for bank employes(I guess it was to stop them taking major risks in order to get huge bonuses at the end of the year, see RBS saved on our monies) Who was the first member to veto? The chaps from Westminster.
    Make no mistake I am not a remoaner, Leave had wone straight and square..so get on and be done with it ASAP.
  8. I see your Rupert Murdoch and raise you one Alastair Campbell and a Nick Clegg. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Most MPs. May included, wanted to remain in the EU for a very straightforward reason.

    Under the EU, they could be "in government", with all the perks that brings, but with less and less of the responsibilities as the EU subsumed their roles. Cushty cushty, which is why so many of them fought so hard for Remain.
    They want the salaries and prestige, and the non-executive directorships which follow, but not the hard work demanded by the practice of good government. Now of course, they have to work hard for Brexit, to save their own skins. The irony is delicious and scary at the same time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Me neither, but all I hear these days is "Business doesn't want this" or "We'll be poorer", mostly based on some very speculative piece of work, from some pro-remain think tank or other.

    I voted to leave for very different reasons other than the notes in my wallet, I may end up richer, I may end up poorer, but I'm still utterly convinced about my decision. I'm now galavanised even more than June 23rd 2016, as even I'm surprised by the EU's behaviour since.
    #9812 Robarano, Nov 26, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
  11. 1st Guiness & Baileys, now sprouts. :mad: Fookin hell, stop this Brexit madness now! :noentry: Christmas lunch is going to cost me a fortune at his rate. :sob:
  12. Could be worse, Junkers could be doing the queens speech
  13. Now I don't know this (honestly) But does the EU president make a xmas speech? Because if there is no such address to the EU masses on xmas or new year, then one will be coming down the tracks at some point such is their sense of self importance. :grinning:
  14. No Jimmy, we are focusing upon trade with the rest of the world in addition to the EU. It is the EU who is being protectionist and wanting to impose tariffs.

    There is also the small question of sovereignty

  15. Spot on...Best person to play the role, Boris Johnson:) although he is more delicious than scary :innocent:
    Got to love him
  16. Yep, Angela fucked up badly.

    Tell that to your mate Jeremy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. You been reading a different thread to this one?
    (1) No national electorate of a country that is currently a member of the EU can dislodge or replace those members of the European Parliament or commission whose decisions are not to the benefit of that electorates nation.Those countries that are net beneficiaries of EU taxpayers largesse are not going to be interested in the economic well-being of the UK,which is,and always has been a net contributor to the EU and therefore those countries that are net beneficiaries.Do you not grasp that?.Here's a little fact for you to digest: In this country the retirement age is rising,and the state pension is rubbish.Because British government say there is not enough money.In Poland,(net beneficiary of EU largess/British taxpayers money),they are debating whether to LOWER the retirement age to 60.So the British taxpayer works longer so that the Poles retire earlier????
    (2) I've followed this thread from the start,and no one has expressed the desire to go back to the Union-dominated Seventies...if there were good things in the Seventies to look back on,it was the real world view that the majority of people had,and the acceptance that to get anywhere in life one had to get ones arse into gear and graft.There was also plenty of work around,that is until the socialists and Unions caused trouble enough to destroy entire exporting industries.If you were there,you would know.
    (3),Those of us who have been around,(and politically aware),since this country was forced into the EC (as was) without a referendum,and without being told what the EC planned to become.The entry was illegal,and the Referendum held subsequently was meaningless,because this country has never been and still isn't legally a member of the EU.
    However,those of us who have FIRST HAND experience of this non-membership have,(except for those who have seen through the scam from the start),when given their first opportunity to cast a vote in a Referendum,plus many younger people,voted to LEAVE.And because there were more who had that view than shared yours,the democratic result was that the country should leave.Why do you think the Establishment are so desperate to lower the voting age? Because the young have not experienced anything else but EU membership,so are less likely to vote out.
    (4) The PM called an election on the basis she was taking the country out of the EU and still got more votes for her party than at any time in history,also,(as has happened before with the UUP and the LibDems),is still able to form a Government.Hardly a bad decision.
    Corbyn and Labour also got more votes for their party by stating that they would abolish University tuition fees and support our leaving the EU.Both promises that have been reneged upon.If there was another election,do you think the many Brexit voting Labour voters would be taken in again?
    (5) If you don't know any of the many good reasons people have taken the time to list on this thread,you haven't read it.So I'll just list a few for you below:
    The EU charges tariffs on many imported goods,including clothes,food,shoes etc.These tariffs are in place to protect EU companies from the effects of global competition.The importer ups his prices to cover these tariffs,and passes them on the the EU man in the street as they are the end user.The poorer members of society bear the brunt of these higher prices because a larger proportion of their income gets spent on these things.
    Poorer nations in Africa etc have their goods priced out of the EU because the tariffs make them so expensive that they are unaffordable.This keeps poor nations in poverty and unable to develop their export economies.A double whammy is that the EU sends them money collected from it's own(!) taxpayers, in the form of financial aid,needless to say this doesn't trickle down to the poor Nigerian coffee farmer,but stays in the pockets of African governments.
    Right now in this country we have a housing shortage and an overstressed NHS/education system.Politicians and the media would like you to believe that it's older folk that have worked all their lives/paid their taxes/paid their National Insurance that is the cause of these crises.They conveniently overlook the many millions of legal and illegal immigrants that also need houses,education and health treatments.
    All of the above cannot and will not ever change as long as this country remains an illegal member of the EU.There are too many vested interests that want not only the status quo,but to tighten the EU grip on electorates in all member nations so that no change will ever be possible.That is called dictatorship,as real as it is in China or Russia,where votes mean nothing,and freedom does not belong to the individual.
    We are unable to negotiate trade deals that are favourable to the United Kingdom,because our illegal membership of the EU prohibits us from doing so.We USED to be a member of a vast,informal trading union known as the Commonwealth.However our introduction to the EU ended that loose association.
    WTO rules are already written,they do not need a great deal of negotiation.The USA trades with the EU under WTO rules,as do many other countries,very successfully.
    I'm bored now,because I could write all night about the positive reality that we will enjoy if we ever extricate ourselves from this bloody nightmare.But if you can't be arsed to search for anything,why should I do it for you.
    And to be honest,if you haven't done any research into this,then you are probably the kind of person that has just made their mind up to be a Remoaner,you never much cared for democracy unless your view held sway,and you'd believe shit was sugar if the BBC or Jeremy Corbyn told you so.
    #9819 Lightning_650, Nov 26, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    • Like Like x 3
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  18. Just to add a little perspective, many politicians appear to change their minds, a good example being the current party of government.

    During the last three elections, the Conservatives have promised in written and verbal form to
    We will balance the books by 2017 and then run a budget surplus.
    Reality : The deficit is still £50billion a year and will not even be closed by 2025.
    Reality : Actual National debt is 1.8 trilion, the highest ever and more than doubled since they took power.

    We will cut net migration to below 100,000 people a year.
    Reality : Migration is running at 273,000 a year.

    Set and maintain targets for treatment from the NHS particularly A&E and Cancer
    Reality NHS patients waiting for care reaches highest level since 2007
    Reality Luton and Dunstable NHS Trust is only service to have achieved its targets WELL DONE!
    Reality England, Wales and Northern Ireland have not hit national goals for 18 months
    Reality One in nine patients now have to wait longer than four hours to be seen in A&E

    Maybot also promised very recently in her manifesto
    Gramar schools,
    Cuts to the Triple lock Pension,
    Dementia Tax,
    To end the Fox Hunting ban,
    Cut Winter Fuel payments to old people
    Provide children with free school breakfasts

    These are all now reneged upon promises. So are 500 new Free schools, 50,000 new starter homes. 250,000 new homes built every year, protection of the schools budgets, increased mental health funds, creation of a Northern Powerhouse etc. The list is endless.

    PS. I am happy for the foxes.
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