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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. With place names like San Antonio, San Diego, etc I doubt it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Wasn’t it Bush Jnr that said ‘didn’t realise they spoke mexican’ on a Spanish trip? o_O
  3. I think Trump will screw the Mexicans, by bringing jobs in manufacturing back to the USA (and that's not unreasonable). But he would have done that regardless.

    I am a little concerned that he is getting carried away with his own importance on thew international stage. Trump's claims on foreign diplomacy are not really making much sense. He is insulting to European leaders frequently on Twitter. He has said many disparaging things (possibly true) about China. He said NATO makes no sense. Then he made a U turn.

    Here's another example . Following the dispute between Saudi & Qatar, in June Trump brands Qatar as a state which had “historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level”. Qatar is the home to one of the USA's largest military bases in the world so presumably a regarded ally? Saudi is the home of Wahhabi Islam which is internationally known to be a problem. Saudi also threw the US out of the bases in the Kingdom back in the early 2000's.

    Trump then visits Saudi, and sells them huge amounts of military equipment. Saudi needs the equipment as they are in a war with Yemen, and blockading their ports. This week Trump is condemned by Saudi rulers for the Jerusalem announcement. Today Trump is urging Saudi to end the Yemen blockade "“This must be done for humanitarian reasons immediately,” Trump said. Odd that he did not ask for any cessation of the bombing?

    Trumps US foreign policy generally and in the mid east is at best confused imo.
  4. He ran on bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the USA, including penalising companies offshoring and specifically mentioned Mexico as one of the targets repeatedly so that shouldn't be a surprise. I don't think that counts as 'screwing the Mexicans' though does it?

    Yes he's a strategist and an extremely proficient businessman, I doubt he'd be that if he hadn't mastered Poker Face. That many cannot work him/it out should come as no surprise.

    As I say, watch this space, we'll see who outsmarts who on the world stage.

    So what about that rear tyre bet then? You up for it?
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  5. The Fourth Reich.

    We know the SNP are very closely aligned to this school of politics and Dookie just wants to be allowed to retire to France. Consider their peculiar political proclivities in light of these facts and many things start to make sense.
    #10187 Gimlet, Dec 9, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2017
  6. I'm going to take a few prods in a direction

    Germany, like Japan in the 80's, realised they could not conquer continents by military force so set about doing so by financial and political means. It's often thought the poor, stupid and benefits dependent are more reliant on government but look at most of our changes through the politically correct thought police, snowflakes, millenials etc almost all have come through universities. It's those who have been so pro eu, please protect me, in the remainer majority.

    Sir Oswald Mosely Corbyn isn't, he see's himself more as Che Geuvara but look at his support and main group. They may wear red shirts but it not be a stretch too far to see them wearing brown. Purging universities of free thinking, guiding the youth into what is acceptable and non acceptable party reading, targeting candidates who do not conform, making those wishing to run for the party or are in the party sign a oath of loyalty to Corbyn and the new way. I wish I could say this is tin hattery but all of the above is true and current. At some point, the main protaganist will reveal himself and Mcdonald will launch a coup to take over from the front and not from the shadows.

    Some call them far right to say THEY are the extremists but they, the far left/anti fa etc, are the very ones claiming to be for the people but those very same people are the ones removing individuality in favour of conformity. Smartphones are making people dumber and easier to heard through fake news. Those video's in the Trump thread has shown just how easy it is to do.

    What we saw in Trump and in Brexit was this apparently educated elite continually telling free thinkers who have the foresight to see what was going on and raise a voice, " you are not intelligent enough to understand what this is, you need to let us think for you as we are more educated than you" It is of no surprise that the two largest democratic events in 2016 have faced the biggest oppositions from those who take the above line. They see us as sheep and democracy should be removed because "they know best"

    Brexiteers, because we knew the real terms change would effect us more , DID look at many of the consequences and most knew for a few years it would be lumpy as we pull free of the United States of Europe and it's ever increasing desire to expand like an empire and revert back to the days of dictators. They will keep pushing the message that "they know best and those who are free thinkers and not sheep are , racist, homophobic, Misogynistic, poorly educated fools who forgive them father for they do not know what they do", because they need to demonise free thinkers into the conformity of sheep.

    Schulz's position of a united states of europe has always been his goal as it's been for many on the non people elected top table, free thinkers have often said this about europe and europe has always denied it but every move shows they were less than honest. It has however gotten to a point that it is becoming more than a trade agreement, more than just a political movement and moving into an authoritive body even into the most basic ways we live where democracies with free thinkers are seen as the enemy and democratic votes are to be ignored or demonised.
    #10188 noobie, Dec 9, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017
  7. how to lose all credibility and rubbish everything you have ever said before in just one post. thats gimps i am talking about. yip, 62% of the country are aligned with the forth Reich and if you read the papers 47% are Nazi sympathizers (google it).
    as for that noob, what a pile of shite.
    most on here doing the shouting would of grown up during a period when everything was taken care for you, more safety nets than any "millennial" will ever experience, education they could afford, or guarantee of a job and retiring with a final salary pension, theres many like me that wont retire atoll now, council housing, an NHS that worked, was there a need for the many food banks back in the day?. some of you would of been hippys and punks now criticizing kids for being anti establishment, unbelievable init? considering they never had it so good over the last 10years of austerity and minimum pay and face working till they drop.

    exe yah DQ, Martin Shultzi has about as much influence on EU politics as Willie Renny. who is willie? you ask. exactly would be my reply.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. Morning grumpy pants
  9. Hitler :yum
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. shadap.
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  11. The Mexican economy will be screwed by Trumps actions (again not unreasonable) bringing huge pressure on car manufacturing etc to be done in the USA.

    Trump has made a good deal of money, that is certain. Still he inherited a good deal from his father who financed him significantly and as I recall bailed him out in the first bankruptcy of the casino. At one point his father was buying millions of dollar of chips which artificially kept the place afloat helping Trump secure additional loans. Wasn't his father fined in the bankruptcy for this? Trump has also filed bankruptcy five times, so he has had his share of failure too? I would describe Warren Buffet, Bill Gates Zuckerberg Musk Jobs etc (none of whom have gone broke) as the bench mark on business.

    How do you interpret his actions in the mid east re Saudi / Yemen, the fatuous comments about other national leaders and his seemingly often immediate u turns when he meets them in person. Then there is the weird hand shake where he tries to squeeze so hard that it makes the other person let go first -hilarious to watch Macron beat him at this.

    I'm not saying his Presidential performance is all bad (see my previous post re economy etc), but to date its not outstanding either particularly in international relations.

    I'm not a gambling man so no tyre bets with me. I am a very fair guy though, so expect an immediate acknowledgement from me if Trump is able to make the Mexicans pay for his border wall. Not applause as I don't think it is worth building and in fact I don't think it wil actually be built at all.
  12. Gove now claims that if the public does not like the Brexit deal, they can vote for a different government at the next election. Surely this means a new Conservative leader too? Its inconcievable that May would go back to the EU again and start a second renegotiation.

    Anyone hear dreadful Leadsom making a fool of herself on radio 4 this morning? She seemed clueless about how the Brexit negotiations are actually done. Incredible.
  13. I couldn't believe it! The worm tells us "we can change the Brexit deal" by voting in a new government, WTF!?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I expect she still thinks she will be the ideal candidate to be the next PM...
  15. You saying "he's saying if we vote her in, because we don't like the Brexit deal she's agreed to, then she'll boker s different deal"?

    Makes no sense to me, Gove is not making sense either nor acknowledging reality. The weasel is trying to tell us we change the terms of the deal by changing the government isn't he? How disingenuous.

    Between Northern Ireland, Eire, and the EU we are well and truly in a barrel.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I interpreted Gove to say that the deal can be changed again after the next election. Which leaves me to think Gove doesn't support May at all -despite all the compliments. His speech infers the "May"deal could be improved which surely means someone else going to renegotiate (not May a second time).

    I suspect Gove is planning for a poor response from the public regarding the Brexit results. The pro remain will naturally not be happy no matter what, and if the proleave are similarly underwhelmed, Gove is setting up May to take all the blame. I expect that unless the polls are great, a new leader will be brought in on the basis that we should stick with the Tories "now under new management"

    Still it is hard to feel sorry for TM. She has surpassed all expectations by becoming PM. Perhaps her parents never told her "to becareful of what you wish for"? With regard to being over a barrel, if May had not called the election, the Irish and Scots would not be in a position to affect her authority. A massive home goal.
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  17. Gove is obviously positioning himself for the inevitable, as well he might, because he knows this deal will be utterly unacceptable to millions of people which means Theresa May will not be fighting the next election as leader.
    "You can change this at the next election" is putting the electorate on notice that there will be a change of management before that election and that this deal (if it is ever ratified - nothing is agreed until everything is agreed) will go the same way as Mrs May.
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  18. BREAKING: The Brexit Impact Assessments found on Damien Green's hard drive. Sources say they were in a file labelled 'Hard BreXXXit' and show a large amount of people getting fucked.
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