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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. True, and yet it's the hypocrisy and double standards that annoy me the most.

    Labour have not given any clarification on their Brexit stance, other than waffle on about their unachievable ideals. Cake and eat it springs to mind

    Very much like their original offer of removing student fees, then rolling back on it saying they'd only look at it, to once again going back the other way again.

    Additionally, Corbyn has very recently been 'alleged / accused' to have acted as a cold war asset. Yet it seems to not really be gathering pace with the left minded.

    However whenever anyone else is alleged to have done something they're almost immediately guilty and their heads are called for.

    The hypocrisy is so unbelievably obvious it's almost comical.
  2. Look at Corbyns history and ever since he was born, and with a beard I may add, he has been anti eu. Labour have been deliberately vague saying all things to all men ( and women, and trans, using my bbc spell checker for all things p.c. correct).

    Their eu policy has been little more than being under a rock, running out from time to time to laugh at the tories then running back when asked "what would labour do?"
  3. corbyn could be doing much of what he says he is gonna do in wales already. but he doesn't. he is a prick.
  4. Being in opposition means Labour are not in a position to make decisions.

    The current Parliament must realise they are treading on a precipice that could send the Country into a downward spiral of recession and depression.

    It’s the same intransigence that saw the end if the British motorcycle and automotive industry, that ‘we are British and we don’t need to change’ attitude.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. So you're excusing the complete lack of clarity and direction from Labour because they're not in power?

    The party, and the man Corbyn, who since the general election have all stood there saying that they are 'A Government in waiting'?

    If indeed they are what they profess to be then surely they should be vocal, clear and concise as opposed to playing the classic 'let's play opposites' game.

    You were right the first time, none of them are fit to rule the country. But I wholeheartedly include labour and Corbyn within that and so refuse to lay blame solely at the feet of the 'tories'.

    This is exactly how parties like UKIP gather momentum.

    I'm not a UKIP voter, and unlikely ever would be, but I'll say this now, if Farage goes back to leading the party he'd have a field day with Corbyn and May. You may not like the man but he calls a spade a spade and would tear shreds off either of the other two.
  6. with you on the farage bit he`s got Bite:upyeah:
  7. As it happens the British automotive industry is currently producing around 2 million vehicles per year, which is an all-time record high. So what "end of the British ... automotive industry" could you be referring to?
    You're right about the intransigence though.
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  8. It’s not British automotive companies though is it?
  9. Why is it Labours fault that the Tories don’t have a clue what they are doing?

    As to Farage, he soon did a runner once the vote was done. He’s full of talk but the man has no substance. He wasn’t prepared to put himself on the line to shape the Britain he foresaw was he?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. But, but, but, they told us they were a government in waiting ? Jezza even said he would be in by Christmas, true he used the Diane calculator to decide what year but he said he was ready to go as did many in his shadow cabinet but still very little or no info on why they would be different.

    No matter how many members you have, if your policy is running out, sniping at the tories then pleading the 5th when asked "What would you do?" then it might explain why labour have lost the last three elections. People can see past that and want answers if they are going to change and Labour has little or non.

    at some point Labour will have to make their point clear but I doubt they will do it before the local elections in May.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. British-based institutions, funds, and individuals own shareholdings in many different companies which operate all around the world, including automotive companies. And owners based in many other countries own shares in companies which operate in Britain. That is the way the world economy works. So what is your point?
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  12. Perhaps they only count as "British" automotive companies if they're at least part owned by the state. British Leyland, anyone? That went well..
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  13. I'm not saying it's labours fault, what im saying is that they're all saying the same thing, but in a different way.

    It's all soundbites and posturing, from all sides, the UK and the EU. I guess that's negotiation, you don't play your hand in public.

    Everyone keeps asserting that the Tories are wanting cake and eat it, well if you read the various positions labour have hinted at that's exactly what they'd want as well.

    From the outside looking in none of them know what they want, but I don't believe that's the case, they all want something, just depends what long game they're playing.

    I dare say the more I hear the more I think they're all kicking this in to the long grass whilst running private polling to assess whether the public mood has changed enough to cancel the whole thing and stay in the eu.
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  14. Because they all want everything and want to give nothing. Its the politician's way. Talk shite and hope enough people will swallow it and then nothing changes.

    I've been around long enough to know that you and I will be the ones paying for Brexit whilst the status quo at the top will remain unchanged, they will blame the voters and they will still keep the power they have always had.

    We need a bloody revolution. Bring back Oliver Cromwell.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  15. Mmmm, selective answers, leaving Pete's are you :thinkingface:

    As an MEP? Would this have been possible :thinkingface: tell me more: you are good at this politics stuff Dukey :rolleyes:

    A corrupt Dictator, really, you would be happy with that? :)
    #11535 Exige, Feb 20, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2018
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. He is talking to the brexit minister about another ministers claim that Corbyn is a danger due to the Czech allegation, nothing to do with brexit you dinlo. Oh so desperate are you duke.

    What was telling however was Corbyns reaction and a bit of mask slippage of late. He may give the impression of a old grandad luvvey dovey but make no mistake about it, he is saying unless they report the news as he says, they are going to be in trouble when he says "Change is coming"

    Funny thing duke on a slightly different wave, you and people like you were pushing for Macron as a true european and we should build in a way he is with France, We should stop being racist (was your's and others claim) and stop going on about immigration. What is your view on this now he is in and he wants this and only yesterday?


    It would seem that europe is now only waking up, or being honest with itself, in a way that the U.K. said a loooong time ago.
  17. aww come on, stop rewriting history, a small percentage of uk residents where euro skeptic up until about 2-3 years ago.
    while i think he is no better than the rest when it comes to the "politicking" (see his comments on scotgov while has the power to practice what he preaches in wales) i think its only fair to call out the free my arse, press.
    yer man puts it quite well.
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