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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Well he's finished, and the definition of "clear blue water" was to repeat the general election speeches. He was honest at the end though and pointed out they are very actively looking towards the local elections in 9 weeks. He also gave no answer on the northern ireland solution despite being asked on it, he simply repeated what the government had.

    He did mention Turkey though, the biggest one being behind the microphone
  2. Im really not sure where you get this idea from, unless the only source of information or opinion you glean of a leave voter is from reading some knuckle draggers comments on some obscure DM or Breitbart thread (not to suggest all readers of such outlets are knuckle draggers)

    It would be indeed laughable to suggest 'we' would get absolutely everything we'd want from any new agreements, but are we getting everything we want now from the EU? Do the EU roll over for our demands and adapt to the feeling of change within their own members?

    No, they don't, as is the way of the world.

    Besides, given we've not even listed such 'wants', nor entered in to any solid discussions with other parties, i see no point in pontificating

    The problem with many remain voters is that they refuse to see anything other than at the end of their noses. Thats not necessarily pointing the finger at you Duke, but cmon, cant you see the posturing from all sides?

    Heres a recent scare story from the remain camp, now lets just think about this for one minute.


    How would anyone be FORCED to take/drink milk from America if indeed they didnt make the consumer choice themselves?

    Given we are a Milk exporter, why would we be looking to take more milk in to the point UK milk wouldnt be as readily available as it is today?

    And if there was a deal done, and consumers given their own choices, wouldnt that also mean that our very own Milk exporters would have the US market opened to them?

    That way Americans would have the choice of drinking our milk just as we'd have the choice of drinking theirs.

    Surely thats good news isn't it? Its hardly a horror story is it

    Also, lets take exactly what Corbyn has said, and i quote:

    Labour would seek a final deal that gives full access to European markets and maintains the benefits of the single market and the customs union as the Brexit Secretary, David Davis promised in the House of Commons, with no new impediments to trade and no reduction in rights, standards and protections.

    We have long argued that a customs union is a viable option for the final deal. So Labour would seek to negotiate a new comprehensive UK-EU customs union to ensure that there are no tariffs with Europe and to help avoid any need for a hard border in Northern Ireland.

    But we are also clear that the option of a new UK customs union with the EU would need to ensure the UK has a say in future trade deals.

    A new customs arrangement would depend on Britain being able to negotiate agreement of new trade deals in our national interest.

    Labour would not countenance a deal that left Britain as a passive recipient of rules decided elsewhere by others. That would mean ending up as mere rule takers.

    In contrast the Conservative government has moved from saying it wanted trade with the EU after Brexit to be “tariff-free” to saying it wants trade to be “as tariff-free as possible”.

    In which sectors of the economy and industry does the government think it would be acceptable for there to be tariffs? Like with so much else, they haven’t spelled that out.

    But that is the consequence of ruling out the option of a customs union, which this government has done.

    So I appeal to MPs of all parties, prepared to put the people’s interests before ideological fantasies, to join us in supporting the option of a new UK customs union with the EU, that would give us a say in future trade deals.

    End quote (source - https://labour.org.uk/press/jeremy-corbyn-full-speech-britain-brexit/)

    Would you not say that this, whilst all nice sounding, is actually wishful thinking and a clear example of 'having your cake and eating it' ?
    #11682 damodici, Feb 26, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
  3. I suggest anyone who is a labour supporter, or who is somehow taken along on this ride that JC's speech is anything other than PR spin and completely unrealistic, try and find the sky news interview with Frank Field (Labour MP) aired at 13.04 today.

    A very frank and honest opinion of what is and isn't viable, and although extremely complimentary of JC, it's purely described as marketing spin.

    As I said, smoke and mirrors
  4. Agree Frank Fields on sky who said, "it's a brilliant piece of non achievable spin that even Blair would be proud of". If anything today has shown despite the weekends spin, that the pied piper is indeed wearing the emperors new clothes.

    For Corbynite's it must have been like sitting on the end of a bed, all excited, with a georgous young looking lady undressing, she then takes her bra off and the excitement continues to almost an orgasmic peak..and then.... she drops her knickers and flops her cock out.
  5. I have no allegiance to any political party or point as after 40 odd years of being allowed to vote, the one thing I have learned is that they all put the party before the country which is why the Tories in charge of the party as shit scared of a no deal situation as they know it will lead to job losses, higher prices for everything and higher interest rates. A guaranteed vote loser.

    The one thing I do believe is that it will mean the UK is heavily reliant on trade with countries where profit is put before employment rights and standards of production. America seems intent on selling us shit food that they would not get away with now. It’s all well and good saying that no one will force you to buy it but if that is all there is to buy then we will have no choice. British farmers have said they could not compete on price with the US as their standards are so low.
  6. British farmers could compete if people preferred "proper British food" over "American rubbish". The choice lies with people.

    Spend more on decent food, less on iPods, British farms become more competitive due to market demand ... nah, never catch on. Let's instead hope the Government will make everything better for us, preferably with little or no effort on our part.
  7. Duke, honestly, where are you getting this from?

    The UK will not stop trading with the EU, surely to christ you know that

    American food stuffs are not going to remove existing UK or eu foods stuffs, they 'may' add to the choice, the rest is up to you what you eat, but thinking all American food is piss poor is a bit stretched

    Sincerely, that's gobsmackingly hysterical thinking there bud :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Yes there is. Leave the EU, simple. Those that voted to leave recognize this. Those that voted to remain will come to thank the enlightened that voted to leave in the coming years, although not you, as you never admit when you are incorrect.

    Your proof of this?

    Your proof of this?
  9. It's not that stretched. Anyone who spends a decent amount of time in Europe knows that the general quality of food is poor in the UK due to the cheap mass produced mentality and people being more into quantity over quality when they eat. The US is more of the same and if chicken to make up an example is cheaper from the US then thats where the supermarkets will get it from despite their lower production standards.
  10. Question: If people are concerned over the quality of the food they eat, they should either

    1. Pay close attention to where the food is sourced? or
    2. Remain in the EU?

    Is it just me who isn't struggling with this?
  11. Why do the Remainians always think the Government are just sitting there, plotting in some Machiavellian way, dying to make everyone worse off, unhealthier, have less rights, be less safe and generally treat them like shit once out of the EU?

    All I hear is about lowering of food standards, erosion of workers rights, lowering of environmental standards, cutting corners on health and safety, loss of paid holidays, etc. etc............

    Where is the proof for any of this? Also, why wouldn't standards go up once we leave and can dictate our own? The only people that seem to want to treat the UK in a worse fashion on everything at the moment, are the EU.
  12. No, you're not alone.

    It's just that those higher educated folk, remain voters I believe they're referred to, are struggling to accept that consumer choice is exactly that, a choice.

    But I can see why they're so confused.

    I mean if I'd been told I'll no longer be able to buy the same grocery products I do currently and in 12 months time I'll be living off squirty cheese, chlorinated chicken and hormonal milk I think I'd worry too

    As it is perhaps my ignorance and lower standard of education is saving me from the horrors of the inevitable reality coming down the track

    Yee hah (as they say)

    #11692 damodici, Feb 26, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
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  13. Cmon mate, its more than stretched thinking that existing UK foodstuffs and European foodstuffs will no longer be available to consumers.

    Buyers are far more savvy now than they ever have been, those who currently enjoy British reared chickens under eu legislation will be able to carry on buying them.

    Those that can't currently afford to pay for fresh meats of any nature, and exist on frozen food and chicken twizzlers which are available under eu rule may I add, might just actually be able to buy a chlorine treated proper chicken, which unless I'm mistaken, over 300 million Americans eat successfully and without issuing lawsuits everyday.
  14. any farmer will tell you when it comes to choice, its the supermarkets that make em,
    i still cant see how the cost of chicken will protect the devolution settlement or the good Friday agreement, but hayhoo.
  15. Out of all the things that COULD come out of a deal with the U.S. the one thing your focused on is chlorinated chicken? desperate, just desperate

    Ireland is in the eu right, so that must mean all the meat sources are legit? Cool, just checking https://www.independent.ie/business...of-horsemeat-as-beef-in-ireland-35935470.html
    #11695 noobie, Feb 26, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
  16. A cheaper bbq and a piss up?

    It'll either end in a massive fight or they'll all hug and snap chat each other


    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I believe it is supermarket customers who make the choices - either consciously or unconsciously.

    Neither can I. Or is this some kind a trick or puzzle?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Ironic that we would have been drawn in to TTIP on the back of the EU with no choice whatsoever. This would have inevitably led to an American invasion into the NHS.

    At least now we are (on our way) out of the EU so we can as a nation reject TTIP, if it ever rears its ugly, ugly head again.
    • Like Like x 1
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  19. I know, finm. The idea that the Great British Public wouldn't have slept-walked into TTIP is laughable. It is however no longer inevitable.
    I m sure you see that, even if you won't acknowledge it.
  20. Okay let's go there
    first one and priti pratel, europe has to bring in one standard on workers rights, like so many things covering one nation under a groove, there will be rules in there that say Romania needs that the U.K. does not, so it makes sense to make, when we leave the eu, rules that are U.K. specific this inevitably will look on paper we have removed rules but most will be rules that never applied to us as we already have a higher standard

    bmj on working hours, what tosh.Limits on working hours MAYBE relaxed. Now I like many were in work when the working time directive came in and one of the first thing that happened was most people working signed the opt out document so they were allowed to work as many hours if THEY wanted too. and the complaint as you suggested is happening at the same time macron is seeking to increase the working week and overtime. Same with the next link

    next link, a solicitors who deal in employment law, I suggest you read it again as it shows you were wrong to include it
    A recent briefing paper from the University of Warwick has warned that Brexit could have a negative impact on employment rights for parents and carers in the UK. According to the paper, the UK has become a leader over the last 20 years in creating an employment culture that promotes work-family balance and assists working parents. These rights derive from UK and EU laws, and while family-friendly rights are entrenched, other rights essential to balancing work and family are more controversial and risk being eroded after Brexit.

    Even when it acknowledges we ARE a leader in workers rights, employment rights and promotes work-family balance and assisting working parents, you ignore all of that in favour of coulds ,risk and nothing at all to back it up

    as to the last one the remainer dealing with mogg was talking about no rules, mogg was not.

    Honestly if that is the best shot you have then c- young man, c-
    • Agree Agree x 1
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