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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. If only the Brexiteers had a clear plan apart from just 'leave'. Its getting worrying now tbh.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. The Brexitards in the Tory party don't give a fuck about you and I as long as they can turn the UK into their tax haven.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  3. Tomorrow will be quite revealing. The minutes of the stage 1 negotiations before Christmas, that all sides seemed happy with-ish at the time, are due to be revealed. The suggestion is, it was not all sides happy and the minutes language was fruity.
  4. Really??? I mean,REALLY???
    It appears the Remainers ,"plan",is to leave everyone who suffers from EU membership to rot as long YOU are HAPPY???
    Talk about,"I'm all right Jack"...just like all those unions,politicians,the CBI,and every fucking taxpayer funded sponge known to man who want to stay in the EU,remainers are the only ones who fucking benefit!
    You really don't give a shit about people on below average incomes having to pay more for food,clothes etc because EU manufacturers have to be protected from competition?
    You don't give a flying fuck about the UK fishing industry being decimated by EC/EU membership and throwing thousands on to the dole for generations???
    Ford Transit factory workers,just shit on your shoe eh,you really didn't give a damn about their jobs being lost because the EU bribed Ford to take the factory out of Southampton and rebuild production in Turkey???
    And you obviously ignored the list of EU bribes,(that's UK taxpayers money),being given to all and sundry who then come out and support EU membership?
    Ffs...selfishness,thats the remain argument..."screw everyone else,screw the 17.4 million who voted to leave because they felt they would be better off out,screw democracy that has kept this country relatively stable for a good few years,lets just make millionaires out of Belgian and Luxembourg politicians,lets spend millions moving the whole damn shebang from one place to another while the little people freeze to death on the streets because they can't even afford cardboard boxes"...ffs...
    Uncontrolled immigration? "who gives a fuck that it drives down the wages of the unskilled at the bottom of the economic pile,that'll teach the scum for getting uppity and voting for something that may well benefit them but what about me"???
    The Brexiteer plan is to stop this bloody nonsense,spend taxpayers money on things that benefit the taxpayer,and where possible to right the wrongs inflicted on this country by 40 plus years of EC/EU membership.YOU may not have noticed them in YOUR world,but how about giving a thought for some of those who HAVE been affected and who would like their kids to have a better future?
    Here's a little tale for you:
    A couple of hours ago I got back from Germany.
    Yesterday I took some American-made,(very high end),demo stock to the European distributor which happens to be a German company,and reloaded some stuff back to bring back here for the UK arm.
    Very friendly folk,I ended up gassing with the head honcho over coffee while they prepped the returns.
    Brexit was mentioned.
    The German opinion is so what,we'll deal with it...we traded successfully for years before the EC,its all being blown up out of all proportion.
    Apparently the Yanks don't care either.They don't have a trade deal with the EU,so it's all done under WTO rules or something anyway,and they ain't fussing.
    And I'm running European transport and I'm not bothered in the slightest,what will be will be and I did it before open borders and I'll do it again.
    Fyi it took three and a half hours just to get ON to a train under the Channel and I have cleared customs on dozens of occasions in less that a tenth of that time.
    Amazing...no one actually gives a flying fuck,except the totally selfish anti-Democracy remoaners bitiching because they didn't get their own way.
    Every time I read an insult,"racists/no plan for the future/they are all stupid/etc,etc",it just shows that they actually,truly,really have absolutely no idea what this is all about.
    #11744 Lightning_650, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
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  5. Mmmmm, will you get a sensible answer countering each your comments I wonder :thinkingface: or even listing benefits that outweigh these downsides of being in the EU :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. On a positive note, both the eu organisation and Junker leave us in 2019. The brandy distillers in France are preparing for the loss of earnings due to at least one of those.
  7. yip,on a more positive note it looks like Ryan air are scaling back at glasgow air port with the potential loss of up to 300 jobs,citing an expected loss of demand due to the SNP's APD tax and brexit. thing is, APD tax has always been there and has only just been devolved.
    best get used to big business having more power to twist the screw, by demanding more and paying less.
    brexit rocks brw.
  8. Silly finm. People have power, not airlines. Stop being all helpless!

    Ssshh, noobie, it's not about you this time : o )
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. where ever possible its never about nooby brw. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. If Ryan air doesn't want Glasgow's air travel business I imagine someone else will. People are not going to stop flying in and out of the city because of Brexit or taxes. Flights will be needed, airlines will provide them and people will continue to be employed.
    Where there's a market, someone will service that market and if you can't organise yourself to changed conditions you get pushed out and someone else will take your place, which bearing in mind Ryan Air can't even organise a holiday rota would be no bad thing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. you would hope so. until you hear the CEO of edinbrio airport take on it and brexit. i think Ryan air are trying to avoid brexit voters, voting with their wallet here myself, while trying to get scot gov to introduce some bad legislation. there is a back story to APD which hopefully i wont have to go into.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  12. Get a grip man.

    My comment was that the lack of a real plan was worrying. Conservative party is pulling in both directions..fact.
    Just because I dont see the same issues as you with the EU does not make me a rampant Remoaner, or even someone that thinks all Brexiters are racist. Even if some are, I suspect my parents for starters, they voted out. To their credit that was not the reason.

    USA. Its not going to make any real difference to them.
    Free trade with rest of world? What, like the countries we already deal with? Hope then that when this is talked about we dont mean China, India, South Korea etc.? Because they are much more competitive than us.

    I'm alright Jack.
    Seriously, can level that just as easily at Brexiteers as they blindly march in to the unknown as you can against remainers who were (mostly) fairly happy with the status quo.

    Back in the real world the EU looks set to tackle tax avoidance by big internet companies such as Google, Ebay for example. Surely a good idea for the 'common man' to not have to subsidise the rich. We have a minimum wage here. So to talk about our wages being undercut by 'foreigners' is just plain stupid.

    Do you stop to wonder why Putin thinks us pulling out of the EU is good? Because it weakens Europe obviously. He doesnt give a flying fcuk about us being independent.

    There is a bigger picture you can choose to ignore but surely 'how' we choose to leave and the agreements we make with the EU are important??
  13. Yay, I squeezed an answer out :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Well 13 months to go and not a single thing has been agreed.
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  15. YOU may not have noticed them in YOUR world,but how about giving a thought for some of those who HAVE been affected and who would like their kids to have a better future?

    Love this bit as well.

    All 'kids' I know that did vote, voted remain. Some didnt vote as they did not really understand what the choices meant. Plenty older people made decisions for them.
  16. The EU like to think not - bullies the lot of them.
    Where we went wrong is even agreeing to have talks. We should be heading out as was voted, with the EU very welcome to come and discuss a future relationship that we would have welcomed openly - if they hadn't come then fare enough. Not the other way round with our position ever weakening due to people who seem hell bent on wrecking the future so the can say 'I told you so'
    It's sad, but ultimately the EU is too insular and a bit of a racket, and it will cause continued unrest with member states in the near to short term future if it doesn't change. We were never going to be a United States of Europe, so something had to happen sooner or later - it was long overdue.

    Pity our so called politician's can't crack on without damaging our shorter term future - but in the long run it will be lurvley (compared with where we were heading) don't worry about the nasty Russkies, I'll get them to cross you off the list o_O:upyeah:
  17. Yes it has, you don't know what the hell your trying to say :)
  18. Thank fuck for that! :):upyeah:
  19. @Lightning-650, while you are in judgement of others, on your moral high horse. Take a look at Consett, where I live. It was decimated by Thatcher. Not by the EU.
    As a steel town we have sympathy with Port Talbot, Teeside and the problems they face. But then YOU seem to have chosen not to have noticed that cheap steel from China has been their biggest issue when trying to compete. Not immigrants on low wages.
  20. No need for me to worry. I seem to have communist party wanna be's in my family already!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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