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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. ll the Brexitards talking about Labour because they know they have lost the argument :D:D
  2. what part of this is made up exactly?


    How can you kick out ken from the party one minute then hire someone who say's what they have said?
  3. Anti-semitism is no longer acceptable, even in the Israel-hating Labour party, but post-colonial anti-white racism is thoroughly de rigueur in leftist metropolitan circles. If you haven't got an anti-white racist in your team you're just not on-message.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Like you talking about the Conservatives forever then? :laughing:
  5. We won the argument. There was a vote on it. You may remember.
  6. Won the vote but not the argument which is likely to cost the Government dearly in the coming years. Even they are clueless as to what to do now.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. What about if you lip read it? :thinkingface:

  8. I know some, like you, struggle with the concept that the argument afterwards is just that, an argument as the democratic direction has already been decided by the democratic vote
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Watching Teresa Mays speech at the moment and I'm well impressed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. She is not a natural orator but she has needed for some time to remind the eu, it is not just us asking to trade within the eu but the eu need our permission to trade within the uk and on that, the commission need to remember they are not the definitive body, the remaining 27 are
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. No one voted to join the EC in ‘73,we were taken in illegally by Ted Heath without a referendum and against the wishes of millions of U.K citizens after successive Governments had grovelled to De Gaulle,a man who owed this country for the continued existence of France.There was a referendum a couple of years later asking if we wanted to remain members,but this was a vain attempt to legitimise the earlier unlawful entry .(I know assorted professional word-twisters and smoke-screen generators disagree with the illegal entry opinion,but there is a very large body of similarly-qualified legal experts that believe it not only to be the case but that Government documents show that Heath etc knew it).The UK would not be in this position had the electorate been asked before ,or if honest politicians ever got elected in this country.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. check this out
    BRITAIN’S oldest conservative think-tank has called on David Mundell to resign as Secretary of State for Scotland.

    The right-wing Bow Group say Mundell’s has purposely created a constitutional crisis to stymie Brexit.
    A Scotland Office source said the claim was “bonkers”.

    Founded in 1951, the Bow Group is one of Britain's oldest think-tanks, and has strong links to the Tories. Prominent alumni include Normal Tebbit, Michael Howard, Ann Widdecombe, John Redwood and Brexiteer Bill Cash. Former Prime Minister John Major even served as President.

    The group have a strong pro-Brexit stance, and they believe Mundell is a secret undercover agent for Remain who has engineered a situation to make leaving the EU impossible.

    Last night the group’s Scotland director, Jon Stanley said it was time for Mundell to go. He said the minister was responsible for creating a completely avoidable constitutional crisis.

    And this, Stanley suggested, might have been on purpose.

    “The law is clear that powers are devolved to Holyrood unless specifically reserved to Westminster and that such powers cannot be taken back without legislative consent from Holyrood
  13. Have you a link for the story fin only I couldn't find it on wings?

    Don't worry, I found it, in the National. You forgot to mention the claim is against the tory Scottish leader also, Old Ruthie. But the article is littered with inaccuracies and suggestive naratives that have very little of the original claim about Mr Mundells Behaviour.

    Much of what is published is based on "a scotland office source"
    #12055 noobie, Mar 2, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
  14. had it been on wings i would have no doubts about its authenticity.
    but nah, i just made it up, or was it a proper jurno that made it, one or the other, basing it on experience on how how they operate. it wouldn't surprise me. not that you would know as operation protect Ruth is in full swing. future PM brw.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I'd hardly think they would mention Ruth if they were after protecting her?. I know about the Bow Group, they have an application form for £40 a year, discounts too for students and the unemployed. I doubt the reporter has though or poor research led to assumptions. They report it as a pro brexit group and list john Major even served as it's president, they obviously forgot Johns chat the other day in support of europe. As to ruthie, she isn't a U.K. mp so couldn't be pm, but the U.K. has a way of offering people a future :D

    Many universities have ex alumni groups it doesn't always mean the group is a "wing". One of Edinburgh's university alumni was Klaus Fuschs,German-born physicist and spy who was arrested and convicted for giving vital atomic-research secrets to the Soviet Union. That doesn't mean the whole of the alumni of Edi uni is or was nazi or Russian spies does it not?

    The story is poorly written because of the reporters poor skills, not because there is no story to write. I suspect however it is little more than the usual political handbags and a reporter for the national, a paper that often see's only one side, jooshed it up a bit for a wage. were I the National I would demand more for that pay check.

    it's a very peculiar time to be in politics is it not?
    #12057 noobie, Mar 2, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
  16. they report it as a brexit supporting tory think tank that was once chaired by major.
    believe it not, brexiteers aint that rational within the tory party, and rarely take time to stab one of their own in the back.
  17. Never take any notice of 'think tanks', they are all sponsored to promote a specific view point. Amazing how much air time their views get in the press. Complete p1ss take.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. yip, but they help form opinions through the press, influence a fair amount of party policy to.
    for most parts of the world that aint really a problem as most parts of the world have a fair, or at least have a balanced press. i can think of a country where about half the population have no media representation.
    just imagine for a mo a situation where the only voice in the uk was a ukip voice, no guadrian,observer, times, independent etc.
    paranoid? tinhattery? nope. i dont believe so.
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