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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Always surprises me how many didn't know Neil was was a european comissioner but of more interest is his son Stephen.

    He married the Danish Prime minister and both were investigated for tax avoidance that also uncovered Government involvement and interference in the investigation. It largely circulated around both claiming no need to pay tax as one/both was based in another country. His wife is Helle Thorning-Schmidt, She lost the prime ministers job in June 2015.

    Stephen was eased from his early life into the european parliment working various roles with the aid of his dads name and help.

    In Jan 2009, Stephen did what most who describe themselves as a "Labour and Trade Union family man", he joined the world economic forum as director. You may have heard of them, they are the organisation that has the yearly Davos meetings in Switzerland as they are based in Geneva (this location ties in with the tax avoidance claim). He then went to work for Xenteo in London in 2012, Xynteo is a very interesting company to look into. https://xynteo.com/

    Stephen then became an MP for Aberavon in Wales in May 2015. Within months he applied to join and was selected for the European Scrutiny committee for parliament and is still there. in September 2017 he also applied and was selected to join the additional Committee, on Exiting the European Union.

    When you check the questions he asked in the commons, in the early days there was a lot of Welsh questions, now not so much as most are about eu matters.

    His wife since leaving the post of the Danish Prime minister has joined many groups of which, international Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity since 2015, International crisis group, Member of the Board of Trustees since 2016, European council on foreign relations (which was set up from funding from George Soros's open society foundations) which is a european think tank, as well as the Centre for Global developement which is also a member of the european advisory group which has received donations from the likes of the gates foundation.
    #12741 noobie, May 12, 2018
    Last edited: May 12, 2018
  2. You didn't once mention Common Purpose in your post, noob. Good man.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Loved the line:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. Whatever your views, the cunts in government should have decided what type of brexit to pursue BEFORE triggering article 50...

    You know, gone through maybe just a little bit of detail.
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  5. In what way? The vote was very simple in stay in or leave. The leave vote is incredible simple to understand in that we leave and act like any other country who is not in the eu. There are 195 countries in the world and only 28 are in the eu so there was plenty of references as to how not being an eu country works.

    If they act on the vote again which was very easy to understand, leave. Not leave on a tuesday, not a little bit, not 2 thirds but leave, then they will have acted on the democratic vote.

    The difficulty seems to be the remain side, some business's and politicians with vested interests in remaining seem to be the confused side. Remain are fighting for a leave in name only so keep coming up with all kinds of last breath attempts leading to confusion.

    I would go as far to say that many brexiteers were better informed on what leaving meant, than remainers who through sheepish tit fed suckling dependence on the eu, thought what they wanted to keep but never really looked into what they were wanting to keep
    #12745 noobie, May 12, 2018
    Last edited: May 12, 2018
  6. The vote looked a simple choice. The outcome less so.

    Anyways, looking at all the gravy trainers (Kinnocks etc etc). We will continue to have the same problems in or out. Why? Because of the establishment, the 'them' people who are brought up and educated to be in power full positions will continue to influence our lives. Without changing 'them', there will be no real gain for the ordinary man in the street. Just a slight shift in power.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. Post 2045, 'them' the Establishment.
    Add people like Boris Johnson, Gove, Hammond etc. All part of the problem. As long as you have this kind of person at the helm, you will be sold down the river. Self interest is what drives them. Not an EU free Britain.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. In some ways yes but then again no, the education issue, we have more of our young going to uni than we have ever had under ANY government so education is not necessarily the fix to an end.

    Just my opinion, the majority of ordinary man and women in the street is lazy when it comes to politics. One minute they decry the state is oppressing them and need to back off and the next minute they are asking, why isn't the government doing something. There is very little grey in this other than I want someone to blame as long as it is not myself.

    The tribalism of all politics has seen the system survive for hundreds even thousands of years and yet we seem to be okay with it as a majority apart from the occasional white noise
  9. We should be having regular referendums on a number of issues like Switzerland does. That way the direction of the country would be decided by the people living in it and not by self interested politicians and their political party. The people could also decide on the UKs future relationship with the EU and how it will work and not those whose only interest is tax avoidance.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. We did have a referendum, we voted to leave the EU.

    We can’t vote to decide our future arrangements with the EU because these have to be negotiated. Unfortunately the EU is not negotiating in good faith.

    The Remoaners are inviting the EU to offer us a bad deal so that they can invite us to reject the deal and stay in the EU by default.

    The Remoaners such as Heseltine get massive subsidies from the EU or look to the EU to keep the gravy train rolling.

    We don’t need another vote regarding our future relationship with the EU, we have already had one, we voted to leave.

    The more I see of the EU the more I am convinced that leaving is the right thing to do.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. More sillyness

    We used what we are known the world wide for, the democratic vote

    It only seems to be those who lost it that seems to find democracy so offensive that we must now, abandon the vote, try to be Norway, try to be Switzerland, try to be anything other than our own democracy which they want to change into democracy is cool, as long as it is their version

    I'd like some historically continual issues made into referendums, such as the death penalty, euthanasia etc.

    However the trouble with your suggestion duke is that based on brexit, if we did as you say Switzerland does, you and people like you, would still want a second and third and god knows how many referendums till the result matched what you want, in no modern world is that democracy.
  12. The relationship we will have with the EU will be vital in terms of the decisions companies make on whether they stay in the UK or go elsewhere.
    The Brexiteers seem to forget that. Without jobs and a way of creating wealth, then there is very little left.

    Of course the people can decide on the relationship we have. Why not have a referendum to decide it - or are you scared that the mood may have changed and the people would decide differently now? The right wing Tories seem determined that no one but them will make any decisions. Hardly democracy at work.

    However you care to look at it with your blinkers on, Europe is our closest partner in terms of trade and always will be. With world energy resources getting ever lower, trading with your nearest neighbours will be the way forward.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. Brexiteers have always been aware of that which is why they constantly say we want to still hold strong relations with our european cousins but we do not need the european comission or project for us to do that. As to companies, companies have always left or joined the U.K. based on what is right for them, they have been doing this for the entire time we have been in the eu. Automation is the biggest threat to employment and not, Brexit.

    No Scared about it. We had a vote as a country, one of the largest since WW2. It is now being negotiated and will then be implemented. That's how it works but to those who say lets have another vote, you are continually lying as to why you are saying that, you are trying to stop democracy and replace it with lets just keep voting till we get the vote the eu want and not what the democratic U.K. majority want, they have history with this in Holland and the republic of Ireland. Dress it up as a egg salad if you wish but your still eating horseshit.

    With that one statement, you have shot your own argument in the foot. Your side keep implying wto is a no deal option which is a lie, we have two deals on the table, two. One is a customised deal with the eu and the other is through wto. BOTH continue to allow trading between both parties and NOT one, will see a cancellation of all trade between the U.K. and the eu
  14. I see no reason why we can’t continue to trade with the rEU after we have left the EU. The rest of the world trades with the rEU, why wouldn’t we ?

    It is the EU that is placing obstacles in our path for self interest and to deter the rEU from thinking life outside of the EU might be better than in.

    Nothing is agreed until it is all agreed and we have to be prepared to take our money and walk away before we get to the cliff edge. At the moment the EU is leading us by the nose to the edge of the cliff where they will say, on the 29th March next year, these are our terms, accept them or we push you over the edge. We need to make it quite clear we are prepared for a no deal and will walk away from a bad deal before we get to the cliff edge.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Nail on the head sir.
  16. The position is complicated when it would appear to be simple. We voted leave so we leave, right?

    In the UK, there are a number of benefits in remaining in the EU, and there will be those in positions of power who will want to engineer/negotiate/broker deals that allow them to retain those benefits. Some of these people won't much care whether we leave the EU in actuality or in name only.

    And then there are those who are so embedded in the Brussels gravy train that they will do everything they can to scupper Brexit. They will fight a war of attrition, safe in the knowledge that voter apathy is ultimately on their side.

    Talk of deals, no deals, transition periods, the minutiae of leaving the EU plays into the hands of Remainders. It is the white noise that will tire out the electorate, sap their resolve, numb them to the entire issue. The real issue, the issue that everyone should address, Brexitard and Remoaner alike, is, Is Government the servant of the People, or are the People servants of our Government? Whether or not you consider the right decision was made in the EU referendum, do you believe that democratic votes represent the ultimate authority in governing the People?

    Quibbling over whether you believe that voters were somehow misled is a long-winded way of saying No to that last question, by the way.

    Do you believe that the People have a right to vote over how they are governed? Yes or no, folks.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. We had a referendum, you don't agree with the result and have spent 2 years moaning about it. Your answer? Regular referendums. :rolleyes:

    You do make me chuckle, you loon. :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. clearly the people, not parliament should be sovereign, its gonna be hard right enough, what with the uk "elite" setting the standard, went a long way to shaping the the EU over the last 4o years also. the EU is gonna be a far better place without our (your) influence.
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  19. YES
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Jacob Rees-Mogg: Lords miss key trade point in report
    Speaking on BBC Daily Politics, the Tory Brexiteer dismantled the latest House of Lords' Brexit report which claimed food prices would soar immediately if the UK did not manage to negotiate a free trade agreement by the end of the transitional period.
    Mr Rees-Mogg argued the Committee had completely ignored a fundamental World Trade Organisation rule that will allow the UK to maintain the same trading standards for ten years while negotiating a free trade deal with the EU.
    He said: “The House of Lords has missed one very important thing.
    “That is that if you are in a negotiation for a free trade agreement you can maintain your existing standards for ten years under WTO rules.
    So we have ten years from the moment in which we leave the European Union to negotiate a free trade agreement with the EU which would mean we could carry on with our zero tariffs.
    This is something the report completely ignores, it’s unaware of.
    They don’t know what they’re talking about.
    I’ve read the report, it’s got no reference to this WTO rule."
    Asked whether he believed this was another attempt from the upper House to thwart Brexit, he joked: “Well, the Chairman of the Committee is a former member of the EU Parliament so it’s a fairly safe bet that he’s a Remainer.”

    • Useful Useful x 2
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