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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. The post-Brexit customs system favoured by Boris Johnson and other leading Brexiteers could cost businesses up to £20bn a year, officials have suggested. The figure is higher than the £13bn UK contribution to the EU in 2016.

    During questioning by the Treasury Select Committee, Mr Thompson said that if ministers opted for the "max fac" solution this could cost business between £17bn and £20bn each year, reflecting the cost of customs declarations and complying with rules of origin requirements.
    In contrast, he said the customs partnership option - which has been described as "crazy" by Boris Johnson and "flawed" by Michael Gove - would cost business a maximum of £3.4bn a year - depending on how much firms chose to claim back in differential tariffs.

    I don't like the sound of that much!
  2. I think it's more fin that you think only some parties distort things for their own gain and get all mary when others suggest the snp do exactly the same

    two things here, hmrc do not want to change the system as most of the government office mandarins are pro eu

    The other part and again highlights project undermine, "could" "might" "possibly" or listing created maximums whilst never mentioning a minimun

    What is honest and clear is that we will be coming out of the customs union so there will be a cost whether we have an agreed deal or a wto deal, that cost is there anyway.

    The idea we didn't know there would be some costs to set up new systems was and is known by most people with common sense, the extreme remainers seem to think we don't know this so when they say your kebab will cost 5 pence more , they hope we all panic and ask the eu to take us back.

    Almost every day is a giggle watching to see what the extreme remainers and whitehall manadarins come up with next.
  3. So that's the £8 billion saving down the Swanee then...plus another 150% on top. :joy::joy:

    What a fucking joke this has become.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. It is? other than saying "it could" what information do you have that he could not give the committee?
  5. Oooh, disingenuous much?

    LOL. Good job with the microscope, fella!
  6. Gammoners? such a guardian sheep, was you in the momentum playground when they made that up, I bet you all chortled.

    We absolutely will save and make money in the long run as we continue to do in the short run. The transition phase was always going to have a structure change. Surely you know this.

    Any major change or implementation always has a cost, the same as when we joined the eec there was a cost
    Shadow, it's your kind of forward thinking that reminds me that some only need a reverse gear.
  7. i am sure your reasons are v,honorable loz. but to sugest there wasn't a focus on persuading the disgruntled that their ills lay in EU contributions and immigration suggests, hmm, maybe yer not tuned in to what was going on in the street. try turning that microscope around. it can have the opposite effect. anyhoo, we are where we are, its unraveling in front of our eyes, the kipper/tory needs to take ownership of the monster they created.
    sort yer shit out.
  8. Who said there wasn't a focus on using our own money for our own things and controlled migration to align skills with the countries needs and shortfalls?

    Fin you will understand this

    Whatever fish comes in after salmon and sturgeon, they will say they can do better by being independent
    But as we have discussed
    you will need to create and pay for your own scotchland
    dwp, central bank, dvla, armed forces, your own border force and immigration, dwp, , rent off network rail, and many other additional costs that will be a one off at the transition

    Given the U.K. itself already has these so the one off cost will be minimal as we leave the eu, what part of that did you not think brexiteers were aware of?

    We were, we are and are fully looking beyond the next 5 minutes and headline.

    It worries me that some only seem to like democracy when it is their version and then seek to undermine it when they lose. Probably are the same types that shout at the tele when their lottery ticket doesn't win.

    Calm down ladies, I'm starting to wonder if we have found the source of the millenials
  9. There 'could', 'might', and probably 'is' a lot of crap being said by pro Brexiteers at the moment.

    Your people, 'Gove, Johnson and Mogy' could not lie straight in bed. Special customs arrangements that they have suggested are so bloody special that nobody can figure out how they will work. wonder why? Because all 3 aforementioned Brexiters are lining themselves up as potential future leaders of the Conservative party, and they hope, Prime Minister.
    All that will happen is more cost for the man in the street.
    No problem with the cost, yer big red bus will pay for it.

    As entertaining as this has been and still is, the ignorance of some extreme Brexiteers to the real costs for future generations beggars belief at times.

    Noobie, this 'Shadow, it's your kind of forward thinking that reminds me that some only need a reverse gear.'

    Really?? So harking back to some kind of once great empire, with fishing, industry et al such is the Bexiteers dream, is not living in the past? Your going to need full speed reverse. Good luck! Things have changed since the the good old days. It seems to have passed a lot of you by just how good (Banking collapse taken into consideration) things actually have been. You have been brain washed by the brainless, remember Boris Johnson, yes him again, the opportunist journalist..https://www.newstatesman.com/politi...-myths-and-our-disgraceful-press-followed-his

    Bloody EU and correct shape of bananas ? or urban myth for the thick?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. If you could put up a link with our proposed alternative trade agreement, new trade figure forecasts, and with forecasts of growth. that would make great reading..
  11. BTW, Noobie, democracy is NOT what we are currently being offered. democracy indicates choice and being involved in the decision making process. Exactly the things TM, Johnson and cronies are trying to avoid giving us, instead they want to impose' their vision of Brexit' on us.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I love being told what I did and why I did it.

    Why is that? Is it my one-eighth French blood or do I have unsuspected Pictish ancestry? Hmm.
  13. Your funny, now put that lottery ticket down
    • Love You Love You x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. yip, noob, all of those things are fully funded already by the Scottish tax payer, a tax payer being pretty much everybody, you will see the payments in the gers figures, except, if you had read the fraser of allander's recent report, the 6% of the economy that is siphoned out, of the Scottish economy to head offices in london and off shore accounts, even with the poor management of our assets, that's 6% of upward of a trillion pounds, mark carneys figures brw, we pay considerably more in than we get back, which, i guess would be fine in the past, but, i guess people can get fed up being lumbered with another countries polices, you know, trident, illegal wars, austerity, hypocrisy from our *cough*leaders. and now with our new yes votors, brexit ect, all of that but with no veto. in some ways we are in agreement, we just differ where the elites are based.
    then, you add the kipper to the mix, winging scrounging Scots, bloody immigrants trump. all that motivates the independent minds amougst us.
    if we aint gone in 30years and you have no imminent need for cannon fodder. i bet you would be showing us the door instead of barring it.
    tick tock.
    #12917 finm, May 23, 2018
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  15. two things if I may,

    I keep saying this but instead of us versus the eu, look honestly at what is happening within the eu, Italy, visegrad group, Even possibly a frexit is now being mentioned by barnier himself

    Secondly had the eu remianed as the organisation we joined, a trade body, this thread would not even exist as there would have never have been a need for a vote. Instead as with all politicians, especially german ones, they sought to create empires and suddenly we are inviting countries that can't even afford to join, two thirds of the eu countries take out more than they put in.

    The simple fact of the brexit vote is, it would not have happened had it not been for the eu comissions actions, if you want to blame any body for brexit then here is your people

    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. dito. tho my only assumption was that your motivation for voting for brexit was honorable. are you away to tell me otherwise?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
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