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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Can I put this too you? Lets say brexit fails and we end up staying in. If a serious matter is raised in the eu, serious enough for the U.K. to say no we are not having that, how much confidence would you have in the eu not saying, we don't care what you think as you always back down?
  2. So how do you explain so many scots, welsh, northern irish, labour voters voting to leave?
    eh, because some/many believed the narrative promoted intensively by 83% of the printed media by readership?
    the countless examples of blame being put at the feet of the EU by the elected for their own failures in domestic policy. .
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I'll help you fin, bless, I believe your reply was (why does he always bring everything back to indi )

    eh, because some/many believed the narrative promoted intensively by 83% of the printed media by readership?
    the countless examples of blame being put at the feet of the EU by the elected for their own failures in domestic policy. .

    Yes we have covered this before fin have we not, when you lost the scottish indi vote you claimed it was because you were lied too.

    Now, if that was the case surely the Scottish electorate would have rebelled in the following 2017 national general election? How did the voters of Scotland react? they kicked out a third of the snp politicians in Westminster. Based on results it would seem the Scots decided who was lying to them and took their feelings out at the ballot box

    That does not relate to the question asked though fin does it you rascal
  4. :D How to insult three nations in one sentence, you have just given me the chuckle of the day taa :D
  5. Are you sir given your posts, are dukes twin, enjoy, no more biscqwits for you
  6. Look, it's very simple, I am right so people arguing against my position are, by definition, wrong. And stupid. And gullible.

    Hey, being a Remoaner is easy! A lot less effort than being a Brexiteer.
    Remoaners prefer easy, I've noticed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1

  7. Here is another example of "boilerplate":


    LOL. Liar. You are certain of no such thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. New I'll help you fin, bless, I believe your reply was (why does he always bring everything back to indi )
    did i? where? remember, there is a stat for that, 7 times for every 1 :upyeah:
  9. remember loz, if you cant be lanced in your approach, you start to look a lil biased. *watching*
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  10. You're stupid and gullible if you think that.

    You too, Shadow. Stupid and gullible.


    Yay I won!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. aye loz, why do we never see you and noob in the same room at the same time?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. When have you ever seen me in a room?

    I know that you and noob need to get a room, at times : o )
  13. Oi, loznoob, Stephan whats to know. just answer the fookin question.
    • WTF WTF x 1
  14. Stephan? Stephan? who the feck is Stephan? (In a Kevin Bloody Wilson stylee)
  15. "
    In a striking column in yesterday’s Telegraph, headlined “Weep for Brexit: the British dash for independence has failed”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard expressed his belief that Brexit has been defeated by its opponents. His verdict: “Britain will be bound and hemmed until the latent contradictions of such a colonial settlement cause a volcanic national uprising, as they surely must.”

    Evans-Pritchard has a talent for dramatizing situations and that is unfortunate because his prediction of “a volcanic national uprising”, so far from being hyperbole, is the most realistic forecast published in the mainstream media of what lies ahead if the smug, narcissistic political class continues on its suicidal course of attempting to reverse the decision of 17.4 million British electors.

    Tory Remainers, Labour opportunists and the deep state have combined to turn the exercise of withdrawal from the European Union into an incoherent nonsense. In the first shock of the referendum result Remainers dishonestly pledged to respect the democratic verdict. Two years of delay, dithering and spineless serial surrenders by Britain’s “negotiators” and Government have re-emboldened them to the point where issues conceded long ago are now being restored to the agenda.

    The Single Market and Customs Union, both incompatible with sovereignty, national control of our borders and free trade, are now regarded as likely features of a final settlement. Except there will not be any final settlement, just an eternal “transition” period during which we shall have no control of our destiny, while shelling out billions of pounds indefinitely to the blackmailers in Brussels.

    The EU apparatchiks cannot believe their luck. The British people called their bluff, opted to leave and won their grudging respect. Then the reptilian political class slithered onto the scene and set about selling Britain down the river. If EU commissars said, “Jump!”, the British response was “How high?”

    The Brussels pond-life is not accustomed to such deference these days. Poland and Hungary defy the EU daily; Austria is in open opposition and about to exploit its term in the Council presidency to end open borders; the farmers of Slovenia despise the EU; Italy has elected a government that seems seriously to mean business about repatriating the tide of illegal immigrants to which Angela Merkel and Brussels subjected that country, and may possibly tear the heart out of the euro; the Czech Republic has just lined up to cause Brussels more grief; and most recently the migration minister of Belgium – Belgium! – has said that unless Brussels allows member states to close their borders “there will be no more European Union or Schengen area in five years”.

    Note that those nations are part of the formidably united EU 27 that are supposed to confront Britain as a solid phalanx. After a day coping with that Tower of Babel it must be a pleasant change for Brussels officials to turn to pliable, servile Britain to indulge in some therapeutic bullying. It seems the one nation that knuckles its forehead to Brussels is the one that is supposed to be leaving. If we are not careful, “Brexit” Britain may be the last country still a member of the EU when that madhouse finally disintegrates.

    What will bemuse future historians is the farcical pretext for the blocking of Brexit: the paramount, axiomatic, overriding necessity for a “soft” Irish border. When Messrs Barnier and Co first dreamed up this “Puckoon” comedy, they must have been astonished that the British government did not dismiss it as the transparent ploy it is.

    The Troubles would return with a vengeance, we were told, if vehicles experienced the slightest delay, if a single jobsworth with a clipboard materialized, if anything suggested that two sovereign nations shared this border. In no time, our idiotic Prime Minister was parroting the “no hard border” mantra.

    To resolve this imaginary conundrum a variety of impertinent and unconstitutional schemes were dreamed up, either cutting off Northern Ireland from Britain or subjecting the entire United Kingdom to the Customs Union and Single Market, to avoid inconveniencing Irish traders and travellers. This is madness. It also runs the risk of provoking beleaguered Loyalists, fearful of a sell-out to Dublin, into resuming hostilities – the very outcome Brussels claimed to want to avert.

    It is not the “Irish border”: it is the sole, 310-mile-long land frontier between the United Kingdom and the European Union and, as such, it is essential it should be “hard”. Already illegal immigrants are exploiting this Achilles’ heel: if that border is not policed we shall have half the population of the Maghreb taking the Dublin-Belfast-London route to illicit residence in Britain. Is nobody spelling this out to Brussels and Dublin?

    The origin of this sorry mess – representing the worst global humiliation of Britain in living memory – was the fatal decision to take the Article 50 path to Brexit. The trap laid by Lord Kerr, whose views on Britain’s position as expressed in the House of Lords are, to put it no more censoriously, distasteful to any patriot, has closed on politicians and negotiators. That does not dismay them: that’s the way they like it, since they are mostly Remainers.

    The 15 destructive clauses from the House of Lords – representing an extravagant abuse of that chamber’s constitutional role – will be debated in the Commons next Tuesday. If even some of them are voted through, we shall have reached a tipping point. There will be no prospect of delivering what the British electorate voted for on 23 June, 2016. Anything that survives will be shredded by Parliament in its final vote on the Brexit “agreement”.

    Then life will return to normal, in the dream world of the somnambulists on the red and green benches and their accomplices in the “neutral” civil service. It really seems they believe they can put down the Brexit insurgency of the Great Unwashed and resume normal service. That is the classic delusion of every doomed regime throughout history. The more probable reality will be Evans-Pritchard’s “volcanic national uprising”.

    If Brexit is destroyed in Parliament next Tuesday, that will be the moment when Britain, for the first time since 1832, will find itself in a pre-revolutionary situation. That does not imply an immediate or early conflagration. Contrary to what is suggested by clips from Eisenstein films, history teaches that revolutions are slow-burning. They need not even be violent.

    The defining characteristic is that, following a national convulsion, a completely different type of governance is put in place. Thanks to the purblind resistance of the establishment, which is now more hated than at any previous time in modern history, Brexit could become a double whammy whereby we not only rid ourselves of the EU but also of the existing political class. We shall find out on Tuesday whether the lemmings are beyond recall".

    • Useful Useful x 2
  16. Stephan? who the feck is Stephan? Stephan is moi name, and i'm prettier than this man.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. We need a revolution to rid this country of the privileged aristocracy. La guillotine is being sharpened.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Oh, if only your wit could be.

    Chère France, nos plus sincères excuses pour l'exportation du duc à vous, c'est avec beaucoup de tristesse et de compréhension que nous ressentons votre douleur
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. These are EU's own figures.
    And some of you wonder why people voted to leave it,after 40 + years of membership:

    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. One word for you, Lightning:

    Tories! Westminster!!
    • Useful Useful x 1
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