Well yes, I do. But then I did not vote out. As usual though we have politics that have not been thought through. A bit like the consequences of a Leave vote not being properly considered. No wonder Barnier et al jibe us with the cherry picking comments..
If you saw ban immigration then you are a remainer. In regards to the immigration issue it was very clear from most brexiteers, immigration was not the problem but uncontrolled open door unskilled immigration was. What was being sought is that we start re-investing in trying to train as many of our own to fill vacancies, then if we still have skills shortages, we would allow in those with a job and the high level of skills to do it. Being out of the eu meant that we could source our short fall and vary the amounts depending on the need. We could also treat equally an applicant whether they came from the eu, hong kong or even canada. They are launching many more doctors positions and nursing vacancies I know this as my niece is on one, but in the short term we are short therefore we have vacancies for specific skilled staff. How is addressing an nhs shortfall in our own way a bad thing?
Something again happening on the other side effecting all of europe that uses the euro and those on the fringes that don't but it won't interest all, probably most . Over the last 3 years to keep the euro and the european economy propped up, the European central Bank (ECB) has been buying european government bonds. Basically the european union sells notes of confidence that have an expected value/assets and the european cental bank has been buying them at 30 billion euros a month. They have been doing this for 3 years and the running total of selling yourself your own stuff is now at 2.4 trillion euros. This is mostly known as quantitative easing. The Germans, mostly, have become worried about the 2.4 trillion euro amount of "assets" so as a result, the ECB have announced that QE will stop at the end of this year. It could be seen as a big risk, the idea of no more money propping up the euro at a time that the european union is going through a very unsteady time and some of the weaker members have concerns if the euro does dive, the smaller countries could suffer greatly. The ecb has said it is their hope not to rise interest rates after qe stops until the end of 2019 Again when it comes to Brexit, if you stop looking at it as them versus us and see what europe is doing, you understand that there is an awful lot going on about in the eurozone.
Noobie post 2475 So, we employ skilled labour from abroad. But we will not invest in education and bring our own up to speed. Shortsighted view that leaves the country in a mess and does nothing to raise the standard of living for the average Brit. I dont get the logic.
Honestly, you have got to be dukes twin, try the glasses on and as you mentioned post 2475 look again, I said What was being sought is that we start re-investing in trying to train as many of our own to fill vacancies, then if we still have skills shortages, we would allow in those with a job and the high level of skills to do it. which means we start investing in our own first then seek top ups from overseas Being out of the eu meant that we could source our short fall and vary the amounts depending on the need. We could also treat equally an applicant whether they came from the eu, hong kong or even canada. when we do go overseas, we choose who and when, not the eu and we treat all applicants equally They are launching many more doctors positions and nursing vacancies I know this as my niece is on one, but in the short term we are short therefore we have vacancies for specific skilled staff. We are currently investing in our own first but docs do not join one week then qualify the next so everyone agrees we need to boost in the short term till ours are qualified. It isn't possible they could wrap up so much stupid and but it all in one ball called you but clearly they have
After that last silly post by jb Some may remember Ryan airs chief Michael O leary said this after the brexit vote july 2016 Ryanair, led by outspoken boss Michael O'Leary, had been a vocal supporter of the UK remaining in the EU and warned before last month’s referendum it would cut investment in the country if Britons did not vote to stay in Europe. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/busines...-growth-away-from-uk-airports-towards-europe/ Shoot forward to today and they are opening there 14th UK base at Southend with 13 new routes, more than 55 flights a week carrying an estimated one million passengers each year, creating 750 on-site jobs per year, according to the budget carrier. http://www.itv.com/news/2018-06-13/ryanair-to-open-14th-uk-base-at-southend-airport/ funny old thing
all well and good if you actually trust the words that fall so easily from the gob of a tory or Unionist politician. the only success the torys have ever had, is the installing of fear in to the voter of the alternatives on offer. go on noob, spin it. we are investing record amounts in the nhs , how many made redundant?. we are investing record amounts in the police force, how many made redundant?. we are investing record amounts in education, how many made redundant? ect ect ect. why Unionist you ask? because every penny less you spend on those, results in a cut to our partial refund up here. ie, if a particular brand of politician successfully argues for more up here, it results in more down there. if you are wondering why its so bad in certain parts of the rUK its because yer politicians are bending to secure the majority of votes in the south and south east. durr. who to be fair, are suffering the much of the side effects of immigration, but.....
So moving the discovery model out to slovakia so the very same U.K. plant can start on building Electric Range Rovers is JLR lying about the future and investing in Britian? good to know your as accurate as ever duke https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...-to-move-discovery-suv-production-to-slovakia https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/business/manufacturing/jaguar-land-rover-move-discovery-14770749
Well, there are question marks in that piece of word soup. But given his grasp of grammar, syntax and sentence construction, they could be in relation to anything, to be honest.
well little boo, nobody could accuse yersel of not being competent in exposing your ignorance and childlike attitude and approach through the medium of typed wordage. but well done in coming to noobs defense, you did good son
I could fin such as, and with not a single "unionist" as you put it, involved https://www.eis.org.uk/Latest-News/IndependentResearch https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...ing-445-million-cuts-amid-spiralling-waiting/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-39097972 But I'd rather you clarify your post, what were you trying to say or state?
yip noob, still a thousand more than when they where first elected, at the start of the financial crash. with some being redirected and no compulsory redundancies. with no real control over fiscal policy or block grant (partial refund of our tax take) other than the willingness to shout "Oi, over ere" its no bad yeh? and considering they, (the uk Treasury) for no other reason than spite, withheld 130mill in vat over 4 or 5 years after the force was unified in to one force, the only force in the uk to pay VAT actually. why? because it went from local funding to scot gov funding. so, a box ticking exorcise cost us 130 mill, thats a lot for a country of 5.5 mill to cover no? always a back story noob. now, spin the "record investment in this that and the next thing" despite the massive redundancies. noob.
aye, without diplomacy politics can be reet divisive, you just have to ask yersel what came first? the chicken or the egg? now get yer sorry ass over here, its nappy change time lil boo, i smell shite.