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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I'll give you 100% for entertainment value finm.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. i loves a bit o banter me :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Fin if I may? I've highlighted that part ^^ because you view no real control over fiscal policy as a proud Scotsman (with a ickle half or Cornish blood) with a snp passion to control your own financial destiny

    You may feel your own snp government would agree with you given it is "Demanding" as Sturgeon tends to do with her "huffing and puffing and no house being blown down" way, has independent fiscal control

    I am confused, your own Scottish snp government in their 2018 released economic growth independence manifesto says it would continue to use sterling despite having no real control over fiscal policy for upto 15 years

    You can see my dilema fin.

    You say fiscal control is important for Scotland
    Your snp government says fiscal control is important for Scotland
    but your own same snp government also says they will carry on using sterling for upto 15 years accepting they will have no real control over fiscal policy for Scotland

    so you can see the confusion when you comeback with this scotland is the victim mantra into almost every subject that it is far from a victim but very much creating its own victimhood for the benefit of raising snp members contributions
  4. given this is brexit however :D

    *What is your opinion on the german party in coalition with merkels party to form a coalition government in Germany, has within the last few moments called off the coalition and Germany once again has no government?

    Do you see Merkel being voted out of politics entirely and her party going under with more seats in the german parliament going to the far right party?

    * updated edit , the news source that posted that was a rascal news source and the German government remains in tact for now
    #13164 noobie, Jun 15, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  5. no idea. but i doesent sound like something you should be welcoming or encouraging, as the kippers have been doing, including the torys during 2014. yip, they, including the mooth where out there, stirring up shit with the right in Spain and no doubt others at EU level, making certain promises if certain things where said.
    hopefully they will see sense.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Not welcoming at all fin but it does come with a mighty grin of told you so possibly?

    many remainers chose only to see the parts they wanted to see of the european project and as a result glossed over the real fears of it breaking up and that the U.K. was not the only country having concerns.

    The european comission is little more than a solicitor who interjects between divorcing parties that where divorcing amicably until that solicitor stepped in. If we were dealing with the eurpean governments and not the eu project, I do wonder if we would have even left?
  7. standing up for your constituents is not playing the victim, its called representing your constituents. while wishing the south and east no harm, we dont need to secure votes in the south, in the same way labour do, with 70odd percent of the population describing themselves as left leaning, and the conservatives not winning an election up her since the 50's i think people got fed up waiting for them to deliver, instead of just managing disappointment. we can do so much better if we make ourselves the priority rather than chasing the votes elsewhere.
    eh it 5-10years btw not 15 and yip, i should of focused on the macroeconomics/ leavers of the economy. do you think the uk gov would fiscally cut of its nose to spite its face considering we are your second biggest market?.
    actually, don't answer that, its usually a tory gov in power so fug knows what they will do, other than just be themselves.
  8. aye, build it and they will come.....
  9. But fin you excuse yourself from the point. You can't one minute say this system is offensive, rude, provides insecurity and then in a government evaluation for independence, say och it aint that bad, we could easily manage it for another 15 years
  10. i said non of those things, i said labour need the support of the south and east to win an election, plus the north of England obviously, hence their brexit position. i think most of an independent mind, get, and understand the needs of the south and east, but they aint the same as ours. hence the recent furor over the power grab, which all of a sudden people are talking about. why's that i wonder?, why are they only just talking about it now? is it because labour sat on their hands during the brexit bill do you think? maybe because the scot torys voted with sussex and essex? i mean, it was never off the front page was it?......
  11. The attention for the power grab(no there isn't one by anyone other than the snp) was more about the kiddy stunt by the snp in parliament the other day, the snp even more so by Scots, are largely seen as the whingyMcWhingeface party

    As to Sussex and Essex in regards to Brexit, we all entered and voted freely knowing only one side could win and are now for the most part, respecting that democratic vote and direction. We have some of course who are upset that their retirement in France maybe effected or one less meal due to an exchange rate but most are getting on with this

    Labour can't be surprised, the man momentum and unite voted for as their leader and god to take them to the promised land, has 40 years of being anti eu, why did they think he would suddenly change? You also have outside of London's bubble kale and wheatgrass smoothie drinkers, most of Labours traditional voters voted to leave.

    Scotland's issue apart from having a shite indi obsessed government, is that you have a massive falling population that will see the status quo struggle to be managed let alone expand. you could bolster that with migrants but most migrants prefer the English speaking :D south

    So how do you, indi or not, bring more bodies to Scotland to ensure it doesn't become little more than 4 or 5 big cities only due to low birth rate? The general gist is, the immigration figures of old are dead and the new immigration is provable skills in areas of a shortfall, that is not difficult to prove for any of the 4 nations.

    So why is it a problem for the snp? simply put, they need there to be a problem where there isn't one so they can avoid the most obvious answer, people aren't going to Scotland in large numbers because they do not want too. Personally I love the place

    This is where the snp can either, understand and work with the U.K. government or stand their having a strop because no one gives a fuck about an indi 2 vote

    Brexit will push train our own first, should be easy in a nation with free university such as Scotland and when that still can't supply enough skilled people as maybe the case in Scotland, then migrants from all around the world who are offered a job and have the skills, can apply to boost Scotland's population.

    In truth fin, The whole of the snp's existence is based of an enemy in Westminster causing problems when for most of the time, that enemy doesn't exist at all
  12. sigh. they represent the people because there is a need for representation, why was there a forage, a J.R.M? no point mentioning bojo, he will place his hat wherever it suits bojo.
    anyhoo, yer on the wrong thread, i will go make a point there as surly most will have that thread on ignore.
  13. Sorry, lost track of what's happening.

    Ok, what is it we're building?

    And who's coming?

    Do i need to lay on some nibbles such as cheese and pineapple?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. trumps coming and he bathes in cheeto's so no cheese needed, he's bringing lego and will build a very big house, a hooge house like a lego house no one has ever seen before.
  15. Building a wall to hide the pile of cash the tax avoiders are stacking up behind our backs.

    Fromage and annanas?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. you've been told about using hippy crack before, it's not good for you. Leave it alone or I'm telling your mum.
  17. She wouldn't be bothered Noobs, after all she used to drop him on his head about 5 times a day as a baby. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. 1DCBCC04-6224-4AD2-8B01-E3D79BD3C83E.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Interested to know the source of that quote and picture, looks very like a Facebook paste and copy....
  20. On the interwebs? :eek: Surely that wouldn't be allowed to happen. :scream:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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