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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I agree that european statements are lovely and hopefully they will be acted on. If all countries throughout europe did it the same year it would help greatly

    If I can show you part of the problem? Our friend mentioned (not me :D) Amazon.

    Guess who helped Amazon avoid tax in Luxembourg whilst he was president of Luxembourg, yep you might have guessed it, our current President of the European commission, One Mr Junker


    Part of the solution? :joy:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. yip, i know yer trying to drag us back in time, but its a good job we no longer live in 2003 now init? im led to believe the EU was well on the way to reforming tax avoidance, then all of a sudden the *cough* uk chooses to leave.
    why is the uk always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    what do you think of this
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I'd have found him much easier to listen to if he didn't carry on with the 'full goldfish'

    But listen I did :)
  4. back to 2003 fin? Junkers was the Luxembourg Prime minister till December 2013 and became President of the european union in 2014, hardly a big click on the way back machine.

    For my information my first source of information is always a man who does goldfish impressions :D You forgot to mention he's an extreme remainer too fin
    #13224 noobie, Jun 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  5. James O'Brien is spot on there. 'Conned' is the perfect word there.

    The reality is now starting to sink in.

    The EU is not going to come crawling to the UK and giving it every concession it wanted as the Leave campaign claimed they would do.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I would agree bernier has had the hump since he walked out of the Sarkozy government when Tony Blair as prime minister blocked a Barnier suggestion within the eu. Junker knew he was anti British so for that side makes sense for the european comission.

    I'm not entirely convinced the eu countries feel so anti uk as the eu comission and it is them, not the commission, that has to vote on the eu's side.

    The reality so far is that many of us had wanted to leave the eu because it had become a bitter and twisted organisation that no longer stayed at it's original creation of a trade body and in the words of Stormzy, were getting to big for their boots.

    I think what the negotiation has shown is when many brexiteers said the eu is a nasty vindictive controlling organisation, remainers couldn't see it, now I would suggest many remainers have had their eyes opened at just how nasty they are and are questioning why we stayed in so long?
    #13226 noobie, Jun 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  7. The reality so far is that many of us had wanted to leave the eu because it had become a bitter and twisted organisation that no longer stayed at it's original creation of a trade body and in the words of Stormzy, were getting to big for their boots.
    sounds like grievance mongering to me. i should know, apparently.
    The EU know the UK is divided, they will have seen the recent public attitude surveys saying the english although being the country that voted for brexit are the most pessimistic about the future, they know the govs divided, they know the country is fugged for at least 15years, they, know there's a good chance that two of the countries that make up the UK stand a good chance of leaving the UK, they know the EU owes the UK Fug all.
    they also know the imminent loz face palm is just bluster, and the oh so predictable them and us statement from the noobster is just more evidence of how much the UK is divided. who knows, we may even get a contribution from man child, which will only serve to prove the weakness of our negotiation kills. i am also willing to wager that they will be delighted to have one less intoodeep in their midst. :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Indeed you would :D but no, I could never reach your level fin, you are truly 7th dan blackbel.
    The EU know the UK is divided, they will have seen the recent public attitude surveys saying the english although being the country that voted for brexit are the most pessimistic about the future, they know the govs divided, they know the country is fugged for at least 15years, [/QUOTE]

    I'd like to see that survey as I suspect it only asked you, chuckles, jb and dom :D

    Will they fuck. The silly snp havebeen after indi well before brexit existed and as to the Irish issue, at some point the north will have a vote I'm sure but again brexit has little nor will it have much to do it.

    Fin you keep trying this but it's like some on one side of the net hitting the ball into the stands rather on the other side of the net. I have said almost all along, the U.K. is better as 4 and leaving the eu does not mean turning our back on our european countries and friends.

    The eu comission like the snp government, of which you preach the sermon regularly, exist to divide and little more so no, there is no divide from me, that would be yourself. Look at your posts, you preach divide more than most

    You see, I don't think it is that divided, not every remainer is a loon extreme remainer. Most I would suggest understand the need for it even if they disagree with it.

    I would also suggest seeing how the european comission has behaved, european countries changing and not for the better, immigration swamping europe and changing the culture of countries but more the dictorial way the eu operates, some remainers may just be thinking, I see the point now and perhaps we might be leaving just in time?

    I would agree our negotiation team has struggled but more from the enemy within rather than anything the eu has done
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Stephen disagrees. but not with the social attitudes survey.
    hmm, not found it yet? i will give you a clue, the bbc rather grudgingly released some of the data a week or two ago, you will never guess who was the most optimistic group, you will however know who is the most miserable. :p
    like i never knew. :upyeah:
    it also throws some cold water on yer 3rd last quote :D
  10. and another thing.....

    Corn Dogs - USA

  11. aye, unregulated and chlorinated corn dogs.
  12. You wish.
  13. So:

    Taking only those who are registered to vote, that means 65.2877% of the electorate were happy to proceed with Brexit, or did not mind.

    If you add in those who are not registered, the figure rises to just over 75% but I don't believe that is a defensible position - presumably a good chunk of the 18M non-registered individuals aren't eligible to vote for or against Brexit and thus may be discounted.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. Im not good at sharing out cake or pie, but that yellow bit looks a bit over one quarter. :bomb:

    No matter, just teasing.

    Going forward, the best option now would be renegotiate terms to stay in. Devils advocate. Play them at their own game.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I know you were teasing. No matter, I was just educating : o )

    How would you feel about Labour forming the government tomorrow? OK to proceed? On what basis? The second largest voting block wins?

    Just teasing.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  16. :thinkingface:
    Thing is, the Tories are weak and divided. There is the possibility of them collapsing. That would play in to the hands of the Labour nutters. More frightening than the EU or you extreme leavers tbh.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. "Extreme leavers" : o )

    I guess that's like being "very pregnant". Heh.

    OK, not Labour as they too are weak and divided. LibDems came third, let's give them 650 seats in the Commons. It's not as if actual votes are the over-riding principle here.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Its a mess. The EU. Brexit. UK government.
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