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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Aye. You're delusional right enough finm : o D *thumbup*

    Your politicians oop North are no better than the Westminster crowd which is why they get as much stick from me (and others here) as Westminster does.

    I'd have thought you'd have been bright enough to realise that but I suppose "crap at it" covers that.

    Oh. And I know you're bloody enormous, for a Cornishman : o )

  2. The EU is just protecting its own rules and regulations agreed by its member states.

    The only people to blame for a disorderly Brexit is the British Govt.

    2 years after the vote and they are only THIS week deciding on a final list of targets for negotiation. You couldn't make it up how inept this Govt is.

    The Leave campaign was all about how much better off the UK would be after Brexit yet the Govt now says they will have to increase taxes to balance the books.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. i'm not ginormous. more of yer hyperbole?
    I'd have thought you'd have been bright enough to realise that but I suppose "crap at it" covers that.
    unlike yersel, i haven't been suckered into believing all politicians are useless, in fact the vast majority are are excellent, at what they do. you just read some of the bollox written on here and posted with sincerity to confirm it.
    again, i dont expect you know or even care whats been going on up here. (pretty much everything you accuse the EU of, and some) how and why could you when you consider the lengths i have to go to to get the other side of the picture. i wasn't always pro indi, i wasnt always pro EU and immigration. i did however at one time read and watch "British" corporate news. the only news i read now is the debunking off it. when it comes to reporting, there's a real value in being part of the pro devolution,yes movement, it comprises of left and right. pro EU and anti EU stand points. mostly positive but without pulling any punches when it comes to the reality and implications of what we are hoping to achieve. which tbh, is everything i have seen you promote as desirable.
    ha, EU elites. *giggle*. sovereignty *giggle* . taking back control *giggle*.
    fugging hilarious. goat, the shite you lot talk when it comes to the wider implications of brexit in the rUK is beyond belief. only 20% of scotland trust the uk gov to do right by scotland. get more variety in yer reading. maybe you as reasonable people will find out why, and where the *elites* giggle, actually reside.
    *get it right up ye* smiley. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. So many words. So many, many words. How can you manage to use so many and still say nothing?

    Not all politicians are useless, corrupt and/or malign but almost all of the ones that reach the top of their respective trees certainly are. It is nature of modern political hierarchies. Compare this to business hierarchies where decent management is reflected in positive company performance whereas poor management results eventually in a different outcome. Decent politicians, who are capable of decent behaviour and beneficial action, do not prosper in our current political structures. Politicians who can play the game whilst all the time maintaining the status quo, well they do prosper.
    If Scotchland's "government" were to achieve the level of autonomy you seem to want, you would see this for yourself.

    I don't expect you to be able to understand what I am saying - you refuse to learn from any of the political primers I've made available to you - but this post is a useful pin in the timeline for us to refer back to. And I promise not to tell you I told you so, as I'm fond of you ya big ginger lummox and don't want to make you cry.

    I love your "other side of the picture stuff" btw. So cute!

    Time to answer the question, finm - what is the first thing an expert thinks of when he gets up in the morning and the last thing before he goes to bed?
  5. Pipe down Jacob?
  6. I wonder what English voters think? Oh, that’s right, we aren’t entitled to be English (without being racist) and think. You are Irish, Scottish, Welsh or British. Unless you’re racist: then You’re English. Or untrustworthy, then you’re English. Or responsible for the whole worlds problems (persecution or black people, Middle East Wars, 3rd world poverty) because only the English, with zero help of the Scots etc (obviously as they aren’t racist or responsible in any way) did all those things over 300 yrs ago.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Are you offering me a fight :punch: on the internet? :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. goat, you can be such a sanctimonious pillock at times.
    i aint worthy of you attention for sure. but, if it gives me the odd opportunity in exposing the story's you don get to hear on the subjects you lot like to talk about, then fug it, i will take it.
    Time to answer the question, finm - what is the first thing an expert thinks of when he gets up in the morning and the last thing before he goes to bed?
    you tell me, your the expert... i could go further and define an expert as a has been that drips under pressure. but thats just no you is it?, "silly".
    and ducati's suck. :mad:.
  9. upload_2018-7-2_13-22-15.png



    Yes, they do too : o )
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. that was genuinely funny, first giggle of the day.:upyeah:
    now, me and stephen aint in a good mood, so just answer the fookin question you have posed us several times now.
    are you gonna tell me about fuggin experts or are you no?
  11. I don't think it's a fight as such as he does it often but I have a theory. It's either (a) he has no friends and would welcome some popping up or (b) he has yet to come out of the closet yet and "friends who stay" can hide a multitude of things :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I will answer that question finm and there will be no deflecting or diverting - just a straight answer to a straight question.
  13. go on then. i will obviously expect you to adopt the same criteria to everybody, but you wont, i really should remember yer just an enabler, a feeder. a joke character, not willing to stick yer neck out with nothing to say. a hypocrite :)
  14. goat, i missed that. i was offering him the opportunity to say hi and put a face to my..eh..avatar. :upyeah:
  15. good grief fin, no one would ever enter scotland if there was a fear of seeing your rather resplendent if not rather contorted fizzogg
  16. Its been split in two for over a decade. Problem is how hold on to power together and the damage they do by pulling in different directions.
  17. Do you judge that by the Corbynista's versus Labours PLP?

    Whether you support tories or not, one they they have always done is row within the party but when push comes to shove, have always closed ranks to protect the brand. I see little changing this time.

    What matters for them is, if they do not do as they vote said, leave, but instead half leave, then they will not survive the next election.

    However, the Corbyn novelty effect has worn off and his wish for brexit also has riled many union and momentum head walla's and I suspect once the transition period starts, he will be dumped before the next election but to keep his rather peculiar vision alive, it will be declared as a medical reason to step down.
  18. Aye, no deflecting, just a straight answer to a straight question.
    You want the answer? Of course you do. You won't rest until you get it and I will be more than happy to tell you it.
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