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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. To be fair whilst most are beating the U.K. government up, very few have an issue with the eu comissioners doing nothing. It think it will be a down to the wire game and last minute

    The eu have adopted a " you are leaving us so we don't have to do jack" approach which would work if (1) we were not so intertwined with each other and (2) what happens after is incredibly important to the eu and the people of the eu also

    The U.K. has tried to offer some halfway points but have been met with a stonewall. Many who have been asking to go straight to wto knew the eu would do this. We have wasted two years trying to negotiate with a group that does not want to negotiate because it has the other 27 to keep inline, so fears any deal may see others want to leave and deal the same.

    We want to leave the organisation but be more of a close friend to the people of the eu, an amicable divorce if you will. The eu commission are behaving like that spiteful person who wants to lash out at everyone because someone dared leave an abusive partner type of divorce.

    I'm still hoping personally for a wto deal as that is the only way to truly break free of eu control, anything else is a mish mash that would be like an open wound keep being opened and allow the hate that is there to last far far longer.

    as to the question I asked yesterday, no one seems to have answered it from the pro eu side

    Question for the extreme remainers

    We are the worlds 5th largest Economy

    We are the worlds 4th most powerful country

    We are rated the 6th and rising, largest military power and being one of the few tier 1 military powers

    So my question is, with 195 countries in the world all bar 28 using WTO as their primary trading system, why do the extreme remainers think the U.K. will fail where 167 countries manage quite well and most do very well ?
  2. Noobie you are entertaining, extreme remainers, that is funny.

    To rattle on about WTO is to concentrate on a very small part of the union with Europe. Out of 167 blah blah blah, '...most do very well..'
    Sums it up doesnt it.
    No real plan, to hell with the potential short term damage or long term damage, the slightly thorny issue of NI border, devaluation of the pound (reducing your pension value). Part of a much longer list of which trade agreements are not the only factor.
    As a prefer to remain (not extreme, whatever that may be!) it seems leavers have a very narrow field of vision.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. well i guess there is no point continuing to hide it, playing it cool as possible despite the circumstances.. on the whole, re brexit i am fugin raging. at least half the country is. i dont expect you to understand it or why, how can you?. if we can keep "chappin awa" at the main stream, keep exposing as best we can whats going on and whats about to be lost we will bring another 20% to the party.
    i know expect the usual noob esque styli of retorts and punchlines. its all you have. from a predominately English forum, fed predominately English news, from a predominately elitist point of view.
    i will not be coming round, i will not be unknowing the stuff i know, while much of it is in plain view, i will also not be divulging yer true thoughts on the matter.
    yer a goodun loz, i know what yer doing. i salute you sir. :upyeah:
    #13603 finm, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Not really jb, most of the negotiations, even though I suspect the uk government knew the commission would not budge an inch having work with them, was to try and bring the 48% on board.

    The eu commissioners do no care about brits 48%, they care about their own brand so in many ways the failure to move is the commissioners giving up on their most ardent U.K. supporters just to stop their own house falling down.
    #13604 noobie, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
  5. I call fake :D

    Throughout these discussions most remainers fin have offered little more than us versus the eu

    Most brexiteers have offered many multi media offerings from german, french, spanish, italia etc sources on how they also view the eu to give not only a fuller picture of europe but also how other europeans feel about the eu and why it needs to change

    Now you make many false statements fin by trying to turn every single thread back into the failed snp indi vote but most brexiteers have offered a european perspective where as most remainers have not

    Having assesed your sillyness, that last quote of yours comes up as fake news :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. yip, all true, i didnt read it, i dont have to to know its true.
    you da man. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. write it yersel Siobhan?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Naaah they don't pay enough for me to write for them.
  9. Too busy writing for Viz and Beano? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. If you mean the Guardian and the National then no, turned them down too
  11. noob, the sooner you start pretending to be Speedos/SpeedTriple, the sooner folks here can get on with their lives again.
    Such as they are.
  12. hmm, nope, v,similar in tenacity, but i dont think so.
    one or two things would send speedosminsatripleislamcvnts over the edge. never promote Islam, or question anything about Israel. tho he did work in America and came across as a bit of a choob, so, you never know.
    what i would like to know is, why do you go back over the posts later in the day tho nothing extra has been posted?
    i know this because i regularly get some kind of award from the noobster hours after he was the last to post. i am reliably informed it could be a symptom of narcissism. what do you think?. noob.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Okay, but who's speedos speed triple ?
  14. upload_2018-7-3_18-7-40.png
  15. Well from time to time i am away from the forum for a few days. The best way to catch up is to go back to your own last post and read from there. It gives you a better and more upto date understanding on how the discussion is going on before you slide back into the discussion.

    It's much like a brexiteer fin, they look long term and remainers look at just the very last post. I wonder where we have seen that before.?

    I like giving people awards fin,I'm a sharing kinda guy My taxes going north of the border proves it :D
  16. i dont believe you NN. that story doesn't fit the pattern.
  17. Might not fit your pattern fin but you have to remember you come from a party whose leader wears thatchers old suits from the charity shop and the longest document they ever did, the growth commission, most of the party, don't even mention it.

    I guess what I'm saying is you support a party that in life's jigsaw fin, is missing all four corners and the edges and that kinda thinking might explain why my comment doesn't suit your pattern. I'll explain it in pictures

    Where most of us see

    All you see is



    Gotta change your kaleidoscope son
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. of course it is NN, thats why i start all these political threads.....
    nice pic, (the first one) looks like its taken from Ardshiel looking down Loch Linnie towards Appin.
    ie, my back door. v,nice.
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