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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Yep, Scotland has some fantastic coastlines and landscapes, I've said before when I retire fully it will be to Scotland or the U.S.
  2. oban times are always looking for hacks, owned by press and journal. a fine tory rag.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 2
  4. yip, one pisses the bed, the other knows he's gonna get pissed on instead.
  5. If this England team represents anyone, it’s the 48%: the remainers
    A truly dreadful article in the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/03/england-team-48-remain-players-brexit

    And an absolutely spot on letter of response and just look at some of the narrow minded posts on this forum. We really need to start coming back together as the United Kingdom at some point! We are being played by the media.

    The repeated assumption that all Brexiters are racist, by outlets such as the Guardian, is indicative of the growing disconnect between the elite and the broad base of our society that lost these people the referendum. This article is inaccurate and thoroughly offensive. The Guardian has done as much as any newspaper to debase and poison any debate over Brexit, and, as much as the Daily Mail, has become a force for division in our country. It seems on this issue, as on that of gender, this newspaper has no interest whatsoever in any resolution to the divisions it perceives, but is concerned to widen them. The tone of its articles on these subjects is rude, angry, uncompromising and deliberately provocative and offensive. I have nothing but a growing contempt for the people who peddle this destructive divisiveness, presumably because they haven’t a clue how to sell newspapers without offending large sections of the population. They have become, quite simply, the enemies of inclusiveness, concerned solely to turn people against each other. Article after article reflects the nastiness expressed in this hate filled piece of dishonesty. It’s a shocking agenda, and I look forward to the day they finally go bust. We’ll all be better off without this cynical attempt to profit from pitting us against each other.

    I’m a Remainer, by the way, and this article is a disgrace.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Morning chuckles, still flogging a dead horse I see, you failed chap.

    Nothing wrong with business having a say but the say has already been said by the vote, people's democratic votes have the last say in this country.

    Lets look at his point to show why much is little more than multinationals trying to get their own way. Let's say we take deal 2, the wto option. wto means we can set our own tariffs, that means should we choose to, we could choose zero tariffs on all items from the eu as long as the eu does the same. Imagine that, a massive barrier removed by the brits as long as it was reciprocated.

    Oh no, suddenly the scare stories have no meat on the bone

    and despite showing you're still lying lets challenge the other dead horse you keep flogging.
    Uncertainty over Brexit, as well as the future of diesel cars, has already led the carmaker to announce a series of changes to its UK business.

    Throughout the WHOLE of europe, the two events of diesel gate and lying manufacturers but more so in General, europes given notice of stopping all diesel and petrol engined cars by 2040 has by far the biggest impact on the motor industry than anything else, not brexit, not chocolate ants on your ice cream not wearing your y fronts back to front.

    Something I know you would not have offered, the chap making the claim, JLR's chief executive officer Is German, worked for bmw for 20 years and has homes in lemington spa and Munich.

    Can I ask you to consider, like airbus that the German government part own, bmw a german car company, siemens another large German company who have all said we need a good deal, they maybe doing so because they are German. Like many have said all along, the eu is Germany, run for the benefit of Germany to benefit the most and they are scared as they do more business with us than we do with them. This is Germany and German companies trying to influence/blackmail the brits into doing a deal that benefits them more than us?

    I'd also suggest, like the celebrities who said if we voted brexit that they would leave the U.K. if we did vote to leave and are still here, so will those companies/countries making these desperate threats now
  7. I don't think they will at all. They are 100% commited and any sugnificant change will be the end of their careers at the top.
  8. I don't suppose anyone mentions we actually discussed this what, 2 weeks ago when they actually announce this "claim"? why would he repeat exactly the same statement 1 day before the cabinet meet? mmmm I wonder
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. They need to be committed, just not in that way. cvnts.
  10. To remind some in the cabinet which side their bread is buttered on maybe?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Or more a last ditch attempt via an ex 20 year bmw senior official? wether you are remain or brexit, everyone knows the german automotive sector will suffer in germany more than we will if the eu continue down this hostile path.

    Why do you think all the companies kicking up within the last 10 days have all been German government or german company related?
  12. Maybe, but both sides are set to lose without some common sense being used. Something Gove and Johnson seem to lack IMO. Brexit in some form is happening, be better if the nutters were not steering things though.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. See if this is reasonable

    When we joined the eec, it was largely a trade agreement between countries who could afford to be in an informal and formal gentleman's club.

    Over the years it has morphed into a beaurocratic nightmare and gone from being a management company working on behalf of the 28, into an authoritive body over the 28.

    What is telling is, that no other eu country is trying these last minute project fear/blackmail threats other than the germans and german companies. That has me thinking why the other eu countries who are invested in the U.K. are not trying the same tactic.

    I have two theories on this. (1) German business feels the eu commissioners are acting to protect the eu organisation and NOT German business so are panicking and (2) of all of the eu partners, the Germans have the most to lose.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. Jaguar Land Rover chief executive Ralf Speth said: "A bad Brexit deal would cost Jaguar Land Rover more than £1.2bn profit each year.


    "As a result, we would have to drastically adjust our spending profile. We have spent around £50bn in the UK in the past five years - with plans for a further £80bn more in the next five.

    "This would be in jeopardy should we be faced with the wrong outcome."

    Mr Speth said the firm urgently needs "greater certainty" to continue to investing heavily in the UK.

    He told the Financial Times: "If I'm forced to go out because we don't have the right deal, then we have to close plants here in the UK and it will be very, very sad. This is hypothetical, and I hope it's an option we never have to go for."

    The Jaguar Land Rover warning follows similar statements from BMW and Airbus.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Are you saying that because Speith worked for BMW previously, his opinions are driven by German car manufacturers interests and not by his view as CEO of a British based Indian owned company?
  16. Yep. But they said the exact statement two weeks ago saying grexit was causing a massive sales drop, backed by the smmt. Both lied, the substantial sales drop on new cars is down to people moving away from diesels which will of course effect a company that does 95% diesels and as I said, JLR uk boss worked as a very high executive for bmw for 20 years.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. What I suggested was that it is odd that hardly any other eu country within the 28 has tried these tactics and the only people that have used them have either german government control(airbus), are a german owned company or individual germans that have spent decades in the german car manufacturers.

    Do you not find it funny the other 26 are not trying these tactics?
    • Useful Useful x 1
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