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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Although fin we have covered this before lets clear up your falsehood again

    People were fed up seeing baby machines who had never worked in their life and had gotten pregnant, often before they even had left school and then bred and bred to a point in all round benefits they were being given free money and services doubling the average living wage or even more. There was also the point that often the fathers of these same kids also was on benefits but stayed just around the corner on benefits and free housing too.

    The common consensus was that after a certain date the benefits system would no longer pay for baby farms and would only allow benefits to be claimed for the first two children and that was put in place for children born after that date.

    When this happened, most of the U.K. understood why and thought the first two rule was fair. Except when the 2017 general election was called

    Then, the snp decided to use the two child, child benefit and say what about rape babies? It was explained , well here is what it is https://fullfact.org/economy/what-rape-clause/

    The snp sought to take down the opposition in the 2017 election and particularly Ruth Davidson who was a rising tory star and so labelled her supporting rape, which she never has. When asked just how many people would fit into the rape classification, no snp politician was ever able to give a number. After the election and the snp loosing a third of their mp's at westminster, it was hardly heard of again, showing it had been a sick political ploy by the snp.

    The other week when Mcvie was made to apologise to parliament a figure was disclosed in the daily herald but then I found the governments own figures

    Last year 7,376,965 claimed and received Child benefit, 7.3 million. The daily record in Scotland said in the U.K. there had been 190 women I pressume (as rape happens to males as well) who had submitted an additional 3rd child or more children benefit claim, were as a result of rape and submitted the required information of which could be very simply info to provide such as a health professional.

    Of that 190, 10 claimants were in scotland. Hardly the mass event the snp told people was happening and insisting the whole two children cap should be overturned for. Again, after the 2017 election they dropped it like a dead stone with hardly any mentions. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/tory-rape-clause-claims-190-12816570

    The honesty of the claim? The two child benefit cap had next to none of that "supporting rape" nonsense hysteria in England, Wales or Northern Ireland other than the usual opportunistic loons, so why was it such a claim in Scotland? simply put, the snp tried to use rape to win an election by attacking another candidate and nothing more.
    #13821 noobie, Jul 8, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018

  2. What’s this got to do with Brexit?
  3. Ask fin, he keeps bringing it up in here, I simply clarified the situation.
  4. I think Finn’s position is very clear, many people in Scotland are kind of perplexed at the English stance on Brexit, particularly where those with the least have voted to have the most to loose. Bizarre.
  5. Fins brexit point of view is as equally valid as anyone's.

    Keeping fin concentrated on the thread in hand, any thread, and him not slipping in Scottish indi all of them is the hard part to keep on track, He's a rascal like that :D
  6. So...what’s this got to do with Brexit?
  7. Nothing, we keep telling him that, even posting indi 2 links so he can post in there never works. Any idea how to keep him on track?
  8. Yes..it’s simple....the Scots can see no logical reason for Brexit, therefore an additional Indi vote makes sense to them (as a counter to Brexit). End of.
  9. You still think Brexit was about the economy do you? You really don't understand at all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. 38% of Scots could see the reason for Brexit as 55% of Scots voted not to leave the U.K. it seems that you have forgotten them when you say Many people in Scotland?
  11. Yes I do. I understand that it is about determining who sets rules , laws and governance ...but in doing so, it will have a real fuck up of the economic prospects of this country (UK) for years to come. And i kind of think that the quality of life that our European cousins have is better than ours. And I mean this in a general sense...ie the population in general would be better off, not just the few.
  12. Never about the economy in the short term but more about the economy in the long term was an important part but more the eu was becoming more and more authoritarian and the eu comission forget they worked for the 28 and not the other way around.

    As to the europeans have better than us? I'm reminded of a friend who lives in a seaside resort when I lived in London. He hated the lack of opportunity and the fact the town effectively closed in the winter months, I hated London and it's lack of humanity. I've often feel brits are better at moaning than most other countries most due to the fact we have turned from a we country into a me country.

    The other thing I look at is why are so many of europes young coming to the U.K. for a better life than ours going into the eu? Our pensioners and retiree's mostly leave the U.K. to live over seas, europes young come to us. That isn't happening because we are shit and have no future.
  13. By the way, David Davis has just resigned.
  14. Brilliant!
  15. Having worked and lived in Europe (Holland and Germany for any particular time) I can guarantee that the quality of life in these countries at least, is better for the most part than the UK. As a human being, rather than a Brit. Or Scot or English, this is what is important to me and it transcends politics or tribal belonging. I simply want the best for my family.
  16. That’s shit as at least he had commitment.

    Down shit creek without a paddle springs to mind.

    I am absolutely appalled by our governments lack of skill and experience regarding this. Fucking shameful!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. The trouble is Gordon, when fin used to rabble on about the Norwegian model, for most things really, it was pointed out the U.K. is not Norway, not Dutch, Not German as the people of the U.K. are the people of the U.K. We are very different people. For that reason alone we have never really fully committed to the eu and with good reason.
  18. I agree, the 1922 committee were warned that they were just 6 letters away from a vote of no confidence in May as the remaining prime minister has largely undermined Davis by getting another remainer, Olly Robbins who is a civil servant, to take over most of Davis's role.

    Davis leaving could see other ministers resign and the other 6 letters required would easily be found. If this happens then a new leader/prime minister is likely to be appointed and there is more likely to be a stronger wto leaving prime minister and government put in place
  19. No it won't. That is not a given. It depends on who is in government and what policies they pursue. Economic decline or even short to medium term contraction being the naturally corollary to the restoration of democratic self-governance simply does not follow. Many hope it will be so their Europhilia tendencies can appear vindicated and they will try to engineer failure to that end. That does not make economic failure an inevitable consequence of Brexit, it makes it a political price which deep-state remainers are prepared to inflict on the rest of society and that isn't the same thing at all. Its proof that total, complete and absolute Brexit was not only the right decision, it was the only one possible and it will happen eventually.
    #13839 Gimlet, Jul 8, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Yes. We are a people that used to be respected in the world and stood for what was right. We are now a low quality, low cost country where Love Island means more than engineering, commercial and entreprenurial skills. We are truly fucked!
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