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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Or maybe they dont speak German? but most speak some English...
  2. Germany is in the Eurozone. There is less monetary advantage in going there and there are fewer low skilled jobs.
    £1 earned in the UK will be worth five or six times its UK value in real terms (its buying power) when its been sent back to a less prosperous southern or eastern European Eurozone country. They wouldn't get the same advantageous exchange from earning a Euro in Germany. Furthermore the UK pays generous social security benefits to the overseas dependants of EU migrants, whereas other countries, wisely, do not.

    In theory, freedom of movement is about breaking down national identities and replacing them with a collective European identity (social engineering all the way. It was never about economics). But don't kid yourself. Wealthy Brits might see freedom of movement as a big happy-clappy cultural melting pot and a chance to go and live idyllic lives in Spain or Bulgaria on fat pensions, but most poor Europeans have a far less cosmopolitan outlook. For them it's about transferring cash and watching it balloon in value when they get it home. Doesn't really help their struggling economies back home, certainly doesn't help UK productivity or wage prospects for our lowest paid workers and it doesn't help social cohesion, goodwill or our crumbling infrastructure and overcrowding.

    But it's good for unelected EU ideologues and their imperialist ambitions, good for corporate fat cats who want to get fatter on cheap labour, and it's good for people who get a warm self-important feeling from shouting Fascist! at anyone whose views they don't understand.
    #14142 Gimlet, Jul 25, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Good to see you back to full jibber jabber mode fin, although once I had gone past all the usual "everything is about scotland no matter what the thread may be" nonsense I determined two things

    (1) you deliberately listen to radio stations you know will make you angry (I see a pattern here) and
    (2) Leave the squirrels alone, you have proper-ish food in Scotchland now.
    #14143 noobie, Jul 25, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
  4. I just wonder if many of you see the same media I do?! BBC is more left centre than right: only Mail and Sun are anything like ‘brexiteer’ leaning papers, with every other one being firmly not only remain but left f centre.
  5. Is that because they may have to then pay tax here rather than off shore all of that stuff to a nice, safe haven? Maybe if they go, other smaller business that they have played on and exploited will thrive....
  6. Incorrect. You wallow in Brexit scare stories. Take a few minutes to consider the possible counter effects of the very countries that are adamant they will punish the UK. Mr Veradker talked of banning flights and overfly . Ireland has very little fuel storage capacity . The airport as an example has less than a day's requirement on site relying on truck shuttles from the port where there is also a small volume of storage. They rely on almost daily supplies from where? Not easy to shift that supply chain to refineries outside the UK as they are already committed to their existing markets. So Irish drivers, heating oil consumers and fliers live a tenuous existence. There are hundreds of other examples but let's focus on the dreamed up misery and scare stories?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. As it gets closer you will see a lot of these silly scare stories, mostly by those who wish the whole thing to collapse so we just say it is too much trouble so we may as well stay in. Within each of them will be increasing levels of stupidity.

    I'm expecting dukes next debacle, (never to be sourced as usual), the eu made the world round and if we leave the eu project, the world will become flat.
  8. Let me explain it to you.
    Business 1 [UK] turns over 100,000 of which 40% is with Business 2 [EU] whose turnover is 2,000,000.

    Business 1 says it will no longer trade with Business 2 on the same terms and wants better ones.

    Business 2 says that is not within its rules and Si trading will cease.

    Business 1 now has a turnover of only 60,000 and goes bust.

    Business 2 still has a turnover of 1,960,000 and barely noticed the difference.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Now do the same for an EU mainland business please :):upyeah:
    PS - you have explained absolutely fook all....................ever :eyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Based on that duke, I can only assume you were either, the business development manager or accountant, for Carillion
  11. Leo Varadkar is typical of the kind of people that the remain side hang onto every word of as gospel, and want to keep happy. He threatened to stop UK aircraft flying over Ireland to get to the USA if the UK repatriated it fishing waters. I've never heard anybody from the UK govt threatening to stop any EU aircraft flying over the UK.

    However, here's something for you to note, Leo, the UK manages 3 FIR (Flight Information Regions. London, Scottish and Shanwick Oceanic) that completely encircle Ireland. Not that he can stop UK flights flying over Ireland, but I'd love us to say "OK mate, we'll fly over the Bristol Channel or up over Scotland on the way to America, but where are your planes going to fly to? Dublin to Cork?" :laughing: Oh and the threats of the EU stopping UK planes flying too, if they tried that, they'd have a hard time getting their aircraft to the North Atlantic tracks through our airspace, given that they start in Shanwick Oceanic.

    Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 13.06.08.png

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    • Like Like x 2
  12. of course thats how you see it. but you dont do you?. while never actually nailing your colors to the mast, you do do a fair bit of apologizing for the kipper/torys worst excesses. tho, you have never once attempted to debunk the debunked i have posted here,
    there's a new article today in you know what, a classic example of the constant drip drip minutia we get that passes for news while the big stuff is going on in the background unreported.
    anyhoo, do you think i should listen to bbc radio essex? or maybe a station that doesent do current affairs so as to keep up with local currant affairs?.
  13. Well that is just plain silly mr every thread is about Scotland :D

    Actually I have said on many occasions about those who I seem to have more support for than others, about their short falings, it's just that because mine is not as extreme as some, they do not consider it enough

    there's a new article today in you know what, a classic example of the constant drip drip minutia we get that passes for news while the big stuff is going on in the background unreported.

    To be fair fin, any news is only news as long as it is new news, that's how all the channels work these days, they are competing with social media. Because everyone is not taking notice of the snp 24 hours a day (what a god awful thought and a sure shit fest of a tv channel:poop:) you assume people do not know stuff about Scotland and you also assume because it is important to you then other people must be interested to or they are anti Scottish. They are not, you are a nation of 5 million people spread thinly over so very large parts of the country. News evolves, snp mindsets rarely do

    you have never once attempted to debunk the debunked i have posted here,

    Because under the snp fin, most of the debunking is a smoke screen of ish facts. but when we come back with say, i dunno lets go for, why hasn't your own two biggest gobs of support, wings over summerzet and craig murray, still not made their view points known on the Snp governments plans for scotlands future through the last way forward document which looks little more than the kids have had a go at the colouring book, you have no answer.

    Not long ago the snp in regards to independence were comparing themselves to Norway, then it was Catalonia and now it's New Zealand, are they playing spin the globe in Holyrood cos they sure aren't doing any politicking

    anyhoo, do you think i should listen to bbc radio essex? or maybe a station that doesent do current affairs so as to keep up with local currant affairs?

    God forbid no, the last news was the catching of a boat in Cornwall with £2m of cocaine aboard, it completely ruined the weekend of most Essex people
  14. hmm, :thinkingface:. yip. pish.
  15. He'll put up his Air Corp to stop em...
    Oh wait his largest trade partner is the UK followed by the USA with the EU coming in 3rd.

    His airline is owned by IAG which Qatar has a 21% stake in and their largest number of passengers fly between Ireland and the UK. But he's right in what he tells the peeeeple.
  16. Varadkar is such a twat. He's been elevated in his level of pomposity because the eu believe the Irish border question will stop Brexit or it will go to wto which is what Barnier has wanted it to do if we get a "no deal"

    The minute it has a decision made in any direction, the eu will drop the toady little sod and he will realise he's been played by the eu to piss off his countries greatest buyer of Irish goods, the U.K.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I’m talking EU and the UK has a whole. The EU total trade as s whole is far bigger than UK trade as a whole so they will find it less painful to lose 13% of their total trade than the 40+% the UK will lose.
  18. We have a trade defasit with the EU and that alone tells me you are being silly :):upyeah:
  19. I'm sure you job involves cleaning cesspits because you talk some right old shite most of the time.

    They sell more to us and by some number but you are now stating we will be financial hurt nearly 3 times more than europe? Honestly every time they let diane abbot out, duke appears
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