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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. You'll be in France duke, don't worry your pretty chubby cheeks about it, Vive La France. To the French people, our apologies.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Read :


    30% was imported from the EU in 2017, that's 30% paid at likely higher pricing than it needed to be. Not all but a fairly large chunk


    Because the whiter than white EU applies heavy protectionist tariffs on foodstuffs from the rest of the world so to protect eu producers which then artificially inflates pricing.


    There's no denying that I'm afraid, it's protectionism and without those tariffs the food available would be cheaper.

    A uk supermarket buyer is currently working for a company adhering to eu regulations on imports, therfore they can't always buy the cheaper product, because the EU tariffs prohibit that

    You think the EU is pro 'free trade' when in reality that's the biggest lie of them all. (See page 1 - it is not free if you're paying membership)

    Finally I fail to see what fresh foodstuffs our country needs that can only travel from the EU by road, but also in the short time frame required due to perishing?

    Heard of airfreight?

    Have you not recently watched any of the Heathrow documentarys for example regarding the tonnage of freight?

    Fresh food is regularly air freighted around the world, you're just not thinking when you regurgitate this frenzied doom mongering.

    Here, https://www.economist.com/business/2017/04/14/trends-in-the-air-freight-business

    The market for fresh food, in contrast, is a thriving one for air-cargo companies thanks to the globalisation of eating habits. The volumes of perishables being flown—fruit, vegetables, flowers and suchlike—have risen by a third since 2007, more than for any other category of product. A decade ago the Chinese used to eat seasonally, for example, but now they can afford to fly in red cherries from Chile for the Chinese New Year (which falls between late January and mid-February). In the past year alone the weight of fresh food travelling by air increased by a tenth, while the weight of computing equipment riding in planes fell by the same amount. Flowers, salmon and milk powder, all hankered after by Asian consumers, have seen some of the strongest growth.

    • Like Like x 1
  3. Eu pays more for farmers to ditch some food than Tesco will pay for the food.

    That won’t last long....
    • Like Like x 1
  4. No that can't be right, the EU is ran by good guys isn't it?

    Isn't everything free in the eu?
  5. "Finally I fail to see what fresh foodstuffs our country needs that can only travel from the EU by road, but also in the short time frame required due to perishing?

    Heard of airfreight?"

    Ah, but the planes won't fly after Brexit - apparently. Funny how they managed to defy nature before we joined....
  6. Isn't it just.

    Presumably UK planes will get shot down by the EU army,,,,,hang on.,,no, that won't happen will it.

    Just as the Spanish orange producers will happily write off contracts with Tesco, Morrisons and Asda because Spain is just rolling in so much money and employment they can afford to ignore the 5th /6th largest economy on the planet.

    Germany too, biggest car exporter in the world and the UK market is its best customer, they'll be over the moon that Barnier will force a 10% price increase on their cars for their best customer, again if anyone thinks the heads of VAG / BMW aren't worried what that likely dip in sales will do to its bottom line then you know nothing about business.


    Things won't be the same, but that doesn't mean worse at all
  7. If you like information and are bored for 14 minutes, the five freedoms of aviation, Chicago convention on civil aviation

  8. I must admit to getting a bit pissed off with all of the nonsense being chucked around. I voted to remain and still believe that we should BUT... It is true that we are a big, big, big market to the likes of Spain, Germany, France, Italy and, well, the rest of the EU, really. Whilst we are happily dithering around as Brits do, the rest of the EU will be shitting it. Most of the crap spoken about shortages is only if WE choose to make it hard for the other EU countries to sell their goods here. They want to keep on exporting to the UK and there will only be shortages if the UK chose to have shortages.
    #14628 PerryL, Aug 23, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. PerryL, the UK is the one making it difficult to agree a trade deal as it wants it all on its own terms. Agreements don't work like that.

    Business does what is best for itself. Always has done.And the fact that very little business here is British owned makes it even more difficult for this Country.

    We can choose to import food with zero tariffs but that has to be across the board to all nations including the EU. The reason Countries don't like doing that is because it can have a massive impact on their own homegrown/produced goods and as a result puts people out of work. That is why trade agreements with agreed quotas work well.

    Anyway rant on... you obviously are all experts on this bullshit. The biggest losers from all this bollocks will be you and me.
  10. it will all be fine in about 20- 40years time once its balanced it's self out, we will be used to the new levels of inequality by then.
    whats yer plans for dealing with the biggest stumbling block of all. your relationship with the uk Gov?. i dont see any proposals for that.
    a quick reminder
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Finm, you really must try harder to stop spoiling others fantasies by bringing in a dose of reality.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  12. Because that radio fella is a real open minded liberal :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Actually no, he's not.

    But he is probably one of the most dour condescending fellas on radio.

    And a cunt
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Heard a great stat this morning.
    7 people in the U.K. are killed by cows.
    6 people worldwide are killed by sharks.

    Therefore, given the way idiots like that fella and other ‘journalists ‘ work these days, surely we should be farming sharks and putting up fencing to stop anyone walking in the country, and cows are more dangerous?
  15. No argument, substance or discussion. He's a cunt just because his view differs to yours.

    At least he is talking to people who know how world trade works.
  16. Would seem we’ve been framing them for the crime of terrorist if the seas since Jaws...
  17. Me, because he shouts over all his guests, does t converse merely accuses and has a facial resemblance to a lady part
  18. That must be Jason Statham’s cousin.
  19. liberal or not what about the fella explaining some of the rules?
    sympathies to em, bar those that do know better but dont let on.
    it would be hypocritical of me to pretend not to understand why many voted as they did. i can draw many similarities between leave and no voters. mostly down personal circumstances not the country as a whole, the uk will prosper. what do they mean by this? we are already the 5-6wealthiest country on the planet, yet the levels of inequality in many areas of delivery of governance is criminal. ask the UN.
    the short campaign and quality of info and the quality of those providing it. the decades of us and them.
    its bollox. the uk is bollox, why? because the uk parliamentary system is bolox. centuries of "know your place" centralization, peer and patronage, (labour have become quite cozy with this) brown envelops and dodgy handshakes, a complicit press. parliament is sovereign in England Wales and N/Ireland. brexit hands more power to these people, not you.
    people up here, are waking up to the fact that they are sovereign not parliament.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. Obrien whilst being a known fervent remainer and it seems every show is about brexit arghh we are doomed, makes the point most remainers have missed but what most brexiteers have been banging on about , unless it is a clean break we will be in trouble

    The problems on this video relates to the British government again trying to appease the eu instead of going what was voted for, a clean break and it has got us into trouble with the wto politicially.

    The points raised were that as long as the submission is a joint submission by the U.K. and eu, it effectively leaves us tied to the eu and as such to the current existing quota's, so in effect removes the free trade option of the U.K. leaving and the eu still deciding the U.K. external trade options.

    It is on this basis other countries have said we want to trade freely with the U.K. and make our own agreements with them but under this joint proposal it does not allow it as it leaves the eu having the ability to block anything it does not want the U.K. to have, namely freedom to decide it's own trading future.

    Here is an article from some time back in October of last year where it explains the no go of a joint application

    The way out of this is simple, we stop looking for agreements that allow the eu to maintain control over the U.K., go to the wto as a single country and not a franchise of the eu and the applications will be adjudged on that standard. On that basis I suspect there will be no issue as we will be free to decide our own trading conditions

    The issue time and time again has been made that if you allow agreements with the eu in pretty much any way they suggest, it allows the eu to still have control and NOT what was voted for.

    The video has highlighted this because brexiteers have known this, the eu knows this and now you have the wto countries agreeing too. It shows just how desperate the eu are not to let control of the U.K. go

    I hope it shakes up a few remainers to show what depths the eu will go to sacrifice democracy and how complicit some within our own government have become.

    Clean break resolves this issue and it's about time they did what they were instructed to do in the first place 2 years ago.
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