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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Here's a man who voted to leave I reckon:

    Hey, Spanish Mango,
    You’re in my house now, you fat-cheeked knob-tosser. My house. Well, not my house where I live because Lucy’s not having any of that shite after Jack came over last time, drank all our piss, took off his pants and offered to show the lady next door how frill-necked lizards make babies in the dirt.
    But Silverstone is every bit my house, even though it’s a racetrack and not a house with walls and a roof, and don’t you forget it, ya suntan-oil smelling Mallorcan tossbag. I’m going to beat you like a red-headed Black Irish stepchild. I’m not the Cal of old. I’m the new Cal. Cal the Contender, you pock-headed mank-muppet.
    I can see in two directions at once. This gives me advantages you cannot understand, ya forward-seeing bell-end. I see everything all the time. So while you’re staring at your dashboard to see what that Map that spindly wog-insect wants you to ride in, I’m seeing the wankers behind me, the wankers in front of me, and that clown Bautista’s bitch-gold leathers kicking up gravel after he failed to pass me.

    He can piss right off to ASBK, too. We have more than enough bloody girl-smelling uphill gardeners mincing around the bloody pits as it is. Have you smelled Vinales lately? He pongs like a Manchester bog-slag getting her vodkas on in the laneway out the back of the club she’s just been tossed out of.

    I know Rossi makes him dance in some moll’s sex-keks whenever he finishes behind him, but Mav’s taking this perfume shite a bit far. You spick-lads are wrong like that.

    So you just bring it. I’ll peel you like the mango you say you are. Fucken Black Mango, aye? Why would you want to call yourself a Black Mango, you bum-fluffed minge-bag? Mangos aren’t black, ya colour-blind knob-end. What kind of slow-shuffling shit-gibbon thinks mangos are balck?

    I keep hoping that stupid towel you wear around your neck will get caught in the chain, but knowing Ducatis, it’s probably stronger than the chain. And what’s with that towel, you massive strutting shitlord? You wear it like it’s some kind of upper-class wank-cravat. You some kind of baron? Ya ponce around sticking your black arse-flag into gravel traps like you’re conquering Africa, ya gleaming great wazzok.

    Well, you’re not conquering Silverstone, Billy-no-mates. Piss on that. No muck-spouting, lubberwort toss-goblin’s gonna beat me at my home track. Not again, anyway.

    I’m winning this one, ya nine-fingered stampcrab. See if I don’t.

    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  2. We've had previous on the merits of quoting the wee J'obbie aka silver spoon socialist, I go to church don't you know. A worthwhile read is from lawyers involved in the business. Sure they may have some bias but far better credentials than mogadon J'obbie. It's a pleasant change to have LBC on at this time today as he's off.
  3. what bias did the expert give on his brief explanation on wto rules?
  4. I believe he's a journo, not an expert?
    Read what the lawyers, who could be considered to know more, have to say?
  5. aye, they will be a busy bunch after brexit i guess.
  6. For Duke and Shadow, the posters of unicorns:

    What lawyers state:
    Introduction: why prices will fall after Brexit, not rise
    Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement.

    One of the most ridiculous and unjustified of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines. In the Sunday Times on 12 August 2018, under the headline “No deal will hike food bills by 12%”, it was reported that ‘senior executives from the big four supermarkets’ had claimed that a ‘no deal’ Brexit ‘would force up the price of the average weekly food basket by as much as 12%.

    This prediction was apparently based on the suggestion that ‘the biggest tariffs on imports from the EU could include cheese, up by 44%, beef, up by 40%, and chicken, up 22%’.

    This suggestion is therefore based on a misconception which is so widespread and so often repeated that I shall call it “the tariff delusion.” That delusion is that when we leave the EU, WTO rules will require the UK to take the current tariffs which the EU at present forces us to impose on imports from the rest of the world, and impose them on imports from the EU as well.

    That delusion is simply not true. The UK is currently in the process of ‘rectifying’ its tariff schedules at the WTO by copy-and-pasting the EU’s current schedules. But those schedules do not specify the tariffs which we will have to charge on our imports: they specify the maximum level of tariffs which we are allowed to charge. We will be fully free to charge lower levels of tariffs, or zero tariffs, if we feel fit.

    What WTO rules do require, under the so-called “Most Favoured Nation” (MFN) principle, is that whatever tariffs we decide to set must be charged equally to everyone, with the exception of countries with which we have customs union or free trade agreements. In those cases, zero tariffs must be charged on substantially all trade in goods under Article XXIV(8) of GATT.

    Since we will be leaving the EU’s customs union in a “no deal” scenario without a replacement free trade agreement, we will have to charge the same UK MFN tariffs on imports from the EU as on imports from the rest of the world. But those UK MFN tariffs can be lower than the current EU-mandated tariffs or zero if we want, on some or even all categories of goods. So under a rational policy, food prices – as well as prices for other basics such as clothing, textiles, and footwear – will go down, not up. In fact, it would be an act of lunatic self-harming idiocy for any British government, even a government as stupid as the present administration, to adopt and apply the EU’s external tariffs to imports from the EU as well as on imports from the rest of the world.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. The voice of intelligence and reason. Still, never underestimate the capacity for lunatic self-harming idiocy from this abysmal administration, nor the even worse stupidity of any of the currently available alternatives.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. It's a real shame that you weren't born 70 years earlier chuckles, Junker's predecessor, Adolf would have had the perfect job for you. :)

    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Genius Dukey. Don't ever leave for France. :laughing:

    Should we pull up your posts on Nigel Farage, Theresa May and Jacob Rees-Mogg over the last couple of years? :laughing: :laughing:
  10. Leaving aside the possibility of alternative facts or deliberate misleading statements, here is a link to an FT article on the Rees Mogg associated/ shareholding companies. It gives a balanced view imo.

    I can't link as you would arrive at a subscription page, but google

    " Financial Times Fund founded by Rees-Mogg sets up post-Brexit vehicle in Dublin" and you will find the article
    #14650 Jez900ie, Aug 24, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  11. What, you mean because we have control of our own trade we may decide to not levy any tariffs on EU countries? Nah, that can’t be right...
  12. yeah, you can chose to.
  13. No food shortages then.

    No blocks at the port.

    Unless we have a benefit too.

  14. Ft links are awkward Jez as when you post the link, all it does is take you to the subscription page
  15. Screenshots? :thinkingface:
  16. Edited & thx.
  17. No food shortages then.

    No blocks at the port.

    Unless we have a benefit too.

    i doubt many take that seriously, there will be winners and losers, i expect prices may differ from before. it may take time for costs to be passed on as it will take time to feed through and work out.(uncertainty) i also doubt the lawyers will mind as they will be the ones putting in their invoices for interpreting the rules and negotiating with the other members of wto.
    one thing is certain tho, the blame hounds, Mogg, davis, bojo, the express and others, corbin, kier starmer, everybody. will be run off their feet. no doubt it will the devolved govs fault for running up 13bill+14bill+9bill and their (ours) powers will be removed.
    we will still be at each others throats while the agitators, one way or another, profit. .
  18. Sometimes you can get a few free views at FT if you clear yer cookies.
  19. So its not that its wrong, its that its hard thats the issue.

    Its not different to convincing the Mrs that Nescafe is crap, after a lifetime of her and her parents drinking it, and that filter coffee from alternative brands are nicer.
  20. Fin, they can't remove powers from Scotland that they never had, you know this.

    Certainly had they gone straight to wto and free trade at the beginning, then we would nearly be prepared for the mainpoints and key points but more importantly, all the sillyness tearing things apart thinking they can still stop it would have stopped mostly in March, because there is now another two years of transition, it will still allow those who do not want brexit to still try and to overturn it so continuing the hatred.
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