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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I think you can get round it by using the title of the article rather than a link..so as an example..two fish drowning the times. Put that title into google and more times than not it will show you the article on the searches

    The cookies thing is when some give you so many attempts at a partial sight of a story and it knows by your cookies how many times you have done this and cuts further viewings after so many
  2. If that were the case shadow, why do deals with non eu countries take so long with the eu if they use the same wto format for every country they deal with and take varying lengths of time dependent on the country
  3. So its not that its wrong, its that its hard thats the issue.

    Its not different to convincing the Mrs that Nescafe is crap, after a lifetime of her and her parents drinking it, and that filter coffee from alternative brands are nicer.
    all doable. like most things they haven't been bothered to rectify.
    but not the walk in the park as it was sold as.
    the inequality and all the issues that stem from it will still be there. i aint seen a plan for the 6th wealthiest nation to sort that out either. left right, north south, who are they gonna blame next? NZ? trade war?
    meh, it will be fine.
  4. Technically and structurally, it is an incredibly easy thing to do given the U.K.still wanted to leave the eu as a friend to europe and as a preferred partner as the intelligence co-operation showed.

    Where it has not been as easy as it should have been is that the eu commission do not care of the impact on the 28 countries as they have only two goals, to punish a member for leaving, even more so one of its largest financial contributors and 2, to make it so difficult that no other member country dare to even think about leaving. Their goal is the eu project and nothing else.
  5. Fin, they can't remove powers from Scotland that they never had, you know this.
    that will work for the blind.
    you never did explain how we can, and do do things differently from other EU members including the rUK everything from GM crops to fracking, through devolved powers being exercised at EU level. all with the backing of the ECJ.
    c'mon bud, lets keep it real.
  6. If as you say one standard applied must be the only standard applied then there would be very little to negotiate as any member wishing to get into a deal would have the eu's format . You look it up online, tick your application form and bobs your auntie.

    But it isn't like that, David Davis Canada plus plus plus proposal was a review of every eu deal they had ever done on recent times and he pulled out agreements the eu had already agreed with others. He then complied them in a way that best suited the U.K. he pulled these already agreed practices from multi deals with multiple countries and all using a different format per country, under your interpretation this would not have been possible.
  7. What is this rUk of which you speak? I typed it into google slang and it said it meant

    Hi sis ruk meaning are you ok?
  8. The only "difficult" thing about Brexit is finding the politicians with the courage, commitment and ability to handle self-governance after forty years of EU dependency culture which has bred a class of jaded, work-shy, short-termist, superannuated professional politicians who have been content to draw the salaries and benefits of political high office while allowing an overseas quango to do their thinking for them.

    The fact that we have such a weak, visionless, spineless and incompetent political establishment who with a few honourable exceptions are afraid of the responsibility of self-government doesn't mean self-government isn't in itself a highly desirable thing and greatly preferable to our current settlement.
    A shortage of competent mechanics doesn't make a horse and cart a better mode of transport than a modern car.
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  9. rest of, or rump..
  10. So WTO is an all or nothing thing? Eg India trade with EU on WTO, and have to trade worldwide with all countries or, say they allow Pakistan tarif fre tree, they have to allow everyone?

    I smell some made up internet stuff as fact there ..
  11. a resent uk cross party committees report, stated that most uk MP's and government ministers didnt know what was, and was not reserved, and how the govs where run, they recommended more should be done to educate on the roles of devolved govs personally i think they know fine, but choose to ignore what they know when it suits their needs.
    maybe i could book you on the same course noob?
  12. Not bloody likely, I hear Alex salmon is the course instructor. :D
  13. Take time to read the full article published by a QC? It's an erudite commentary rather than conjecture from various remainers.

    Tariffs on imports after Brexit
    After Brexit, the UK will not have to charge any tariffs on anything unless we want to. The depth of ignorance in public discourse about tariffs and tariff policy is probably the result of us having outsourced tariff policy to the EU for the last 40 years. Tariff policy used to be the subject of lively and informed political debate: the trade off between protection of producers and higher prices for consumers was well understood.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. yer fine noob, he is no jeremy thorp.or nigal evens
  15. It wouldn't, it is the day to day legality and operational use of wto and not the consequences which I think is what you're angling towards

    In the case of food stuffs yes we are likely to get cheaper food from non eu countries as we would no longer be an eu country. Why is it cheaper? because eu tariffs are not involved. Food production within the eu is expensive because of the amount of protectionist schemes set up to protect large companies and farmers and not, to give the countries people the cheapest priced food available.

    The chlorinated chicken example that's often been debated in here has shown even the european food safety agency say there is no problem with the chicken but because it hasn't been through the eu system it cannot be allowed in, and this is where the protectionism comes in, basically join us and pay a fee or we will price you out of our markets, your food maybe cheaper and perfectly ok but we run a protectionist racket protecting our own overpriced food. That is how it works.

    Now how will that effect the U.K.'s food producers without that paid protection? , your suggesting we will be flooded with much cheaper and a lower quality foods and that may adversely effect business within the U.K. It might do, but it also might not

    Your point works on the assumption, that the previous system that demanded artificially inflated prices by paying extra to be part of that protectionist racket would continue, which they won't so U.K. prices will be able to go lower for its producers without the eu protectionist pricing bracket so will be able to compete in an open and fair market.

    In effect, what they used to pay to the eu in higher costs now stops so they can afford to drop prices to compete and the profit margin remains the same

    Is that what you meant shadow?
  16. Okay

    What is it you meant and

    what part of the above is made up?
  17. If you offer decide on free tariffs for one country then you have to do the same free tariff with everyone including China under WTO rules.

    If you wish to do otherwise you have to make a proper trade agreement with that Country.

    So if the UK decided not to implement any tariff on car imports under WTO rules, it must do that for every car manufactured in any WTO country.

    The reason that might not be good for the UK is there is no control on quotas. Let’s say JLR can make their cars much cheaper in Thailand and import into the UK free of tariffs. They might decide then to close all their UK factories and build all their cars in Thailand to save money.

    Trading under WTO rules is not the utopia some would have you believe. It’s a fall back to prevent world trade descending into chaos.
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  18. Most of that is very little fact but with an awful lot of hoo har, the lawyers posts above explains why the same country can have differences so let me directly challenge this part

    It is the benchmark of world order even to a point that the eu use it themselves.

    We are allowed to exercise choices in a democratic country and the eu commissions way of doing things is something we no longer want to use so are now hopefully going to wto and free trade.

    The stupidity of the extreme remainers believing we are as stupid as they are in that unless we, the 5th largest economy in the world, the second largest contributor to overseas aid, one of only 5 permanent member nations on the united nations council, One of the largest pharma and medical development nations in the world use the eu way of doing things, that we will suddenly crumble into an ashen mess if we choose wto is the stuff of desperation from extreme remainers
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Not at all, in fact on occasion I actually agree with some stuff he says, but on balance, and after much soul searching, along with time spent weighing up my feelings, I calmly came to the conclusion that he is indeed a C YOU NEXT TUESDAY :eyes:

    I think it's generally when I see him on videos, the facial expressions he pulls when others are talking remind me of a school kid doing it behind someones back. A bit 'look at me mock this person ' type shit whilst hiding it.

    He knows the cameras on him and he plays up the expressions....:rolleyes:
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