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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. yip, but so are many people that want away from the system that the red/blue torys endorse/enforce and promote.
    people want change yet haven't a clue what them mean by it. well, heres a suggestion, look north.
  2. I looked north, they like grumbling, the further north you go, they like grumbling more
  3. i suspect out of all the posters i have seen on here including dedicated political sites, you out grumble them 10/1
    but maybe (constructive) grumbling is a good thing, it got labour out and the torys before them. it gets shit done rather than bumping yer gums on a bike forum.
  4. No no silly fing... you didn't read what I said...I NO LONGER LIVE IN THE SOUTHEAST ..... It's a seriously depressed area that I had to move away from to get work. Ironically, among the places I didn't want to have to go and live, but had to to support my family.......Scotland !!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. yip, i know, thats why yer not on here daily, telling us how shit every thing is. :upyeah:
  6. Johny's working, I'm semi retired whats your excuse fin?

  7. Err ? I don't live in Scotland now, silly........4 years was enough....... I prefer poverty ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. your obsession with location/nationality and religion rather than policy betrays you sir.
  9. [​IMG]

    You know I'm closer to the truth

    The truth is out there :eyes:
  10. not really, i have a good team that do the nuts and bolts.
    i'm here to keep them right, and correct yer shit. between the four of you, by fuck do you give me a workload.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. I blame myself. By reinforcing the message crap at it, finm is working 24-7 to try and up his game at politics, in order to meet my low expectation.

    Sorry to put you under pressure, bud, just let go. You'll be happier!
  12. zzzZZZzzz sorry, what you saying? nodded off there.
    all this pressure keeps sending me to sleep.
  13. Yes, using sleep as a way of avoiding difficult situations.

    It's the fight or flight instinct, finm. Obviously, in your case, there's just flight ...
  14. maybe you should wright something that holds me interest then? you know, something worth fighting for? :innocent::)
    something like this. edited for sensitive eyes.

    Brexit Day, March 29, is now less than 200 days away. Right now, we’re at that part of the movie Armageddon when NASA has discovered the asteroid that’s headed for earth – but before anyone has had the bright idea of asking Bruce Willis to sacrifice himself to save the world alongside a crew of photogenic action heroes with square jaws.
    Unfortunately this is UK politics we’re talking about, and the nearest thing anyone has got to a photogenic action hero with a square jaw is a choice between Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Jacob Rees Mogg, or Jeremy Corbyn. Not so much action heroes with square jaws as the four horsemen of the Acrapolypse. None of them want to save us, every single one of them is actively seeking a direct impact from the asteroid. There’s not a square jaw amongst them, although plenty of square heads.
    Jacob, the bastard offspring of a Dickensian villain and Hyacinth Bucket, actively seeks this direct hit from the Brexit asteroid because in the post-acrapolyptic wasteland he’ll be able to privatise everything, cut all taxes on rich people, abolish public services, and turn the country into his wet dream of a Jane Austin dystopia where the wealthy are vile to the poor but are terribly polite about it, because that makes random cruelty just fine.
    Theresa has no beliefs, or indeed personality, of her own, but wants Brexit because it’s the only way she can keep her job. Boris wants whatever he thinks is going to get him Theresa’s job, and if that means turning the UK into a bastion of far right populism, he’s quite happy to do so to keep his name in the papers. Fascism is fine with Boris as long as he’s the supreme leader. And Jeremy wants it because he fantasises that in the post-acrapolyptic wasteland he’ll be able to abolish capitalism and set up a peasant weaving collective where people can say what they like about Israel without being accused of anti-Semitism. It’s the worst action movie ever.
    We learned this week that here are some 80 or more Conservative MPs who are prepared to vote down Theresa May’s Brexit plan because they think it gives away too much to the EU. That means that there is no majority for the Chequers Deal in Parliament, but there isn’t any majority for any other deal either. That’s if any other deal existed, which it doesn’t. The Brextremists’ grouping had planned to produce a proposal of their own, but it’s been mired in in-fighting and jockeying for positions – so very much like the rest of the Conservative party then.
    According to reports over the weekend, the Brextremists decided at the last minute not to publish their proposals because it was feared that people might laugh at them. That’s quite an admission, since everything Brexit related that’s come out of the UK Government so far has been a tragicomedy. Based on reports circulating on social media, the plan included sending a flotilla to the Falklands, and setting up a UK Star Wars missile shield, presumably to protect us from EU directives from space. It also included proposals to slash taxes and public services. It would be the current austerity on steroids, but with added xenophobia and space cadets. Since it’s an excess of space cadets in British politics which have got us all into the current mess, it’s understandable why the European Research Group didn’t choose to publish its paper.
    The Brextremists might not have a proposal that people won’t laugh at, that they’re not too embarrassed to tell anyone about, but at least they have something approaching a plan. It’s an evil plan, but it’s still a plan. The Labour Party is also opposed to Theresa May’s Chequer’s deal, but it doesn’t have any proposals of its own to replace it, other than the vacuous claim that it wants a Brexit for jobs, which is rather like saying that you are in favour of chaining people’s legs to boulders in order to improve their mobility. But whatever plan they do have, you can be sure that it will still involve one lot of Labour MPs attacking another lot of Labour MPs over anti-Semitism, racism, deselections, or what someone said on social media. You can always rely on the Labour Party to concentrate their fire on the real enemies of the working class, and that’s other parts of the Labour Party.
    The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier still believes that a deal can be struck, but time is running out and there is still a shortage of realism on the UK side. There is still no credible proposal for the Irish border, and there are elements of the Chequers deal that the EU cannot accept. Meanwhile party conference season is approaching. The Chequers deal might not survive to see October, and Theresa May could very well find herself facing a leadership challenge as a result.
    British politics and the British state are, frankly, an utter disgrace. Meanwhile, the bulk of the Scottish media seeks more ‘SNP Bad’ stories to amuse itself with while ignoring the mendacious self-inflicted catastrophe of British politics for fear of stirring up support for independence. Under these circumstances, complaining about the SNP’s handling of the Scottish NHS, as the Conservatives and Labour preside over the epic destructiveness of Brexit – while self-indulgently consuming themselves with internal disputes – is like complaining to a decorator about your dissatisfaction with your new wallpaper as an asteroid hurtles towards your house at 50,000 miles per hour.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I'll read this later, immediately before sleepytime. Thanks!

    What's it about anyway?
  16. Dunno, his half arsed attempts at copy and paste are half of a half arsed, there is no telling what he will bring up, last week it was a reciepe for snails lungs.
  17. I guess you know what you're talking about, I've never seen finm copy or paste anything.

    Seen him eating paste - I thought that was an American thing though?
  18. 60's and 70's we were poor so had these sandwiches

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