sadly i cant agree, and not just for the CRAIC. but, i will continue to ask the question, why all the grievance?
of coarse you are, but i already know the answer. it will be the same one as last time, and the time before that and before that. more SOVEREIGNTY! for the people and parliament you despise the most.
As long as you understand what you were doing and don't repeat the mistake later on, all will be well. I don't begrudge looking out for you, buddy, it's what senior partners do for their juniors but no need for you to make it harder now, is there? Now, didn't you have some questions? It's the best way for you to learn!
Is think thread still about Brexit or have I missed that and we're now on to something else entirely?
Agree-ish I saw an argument in another forum which was U.S. based. Some members had their own blogs and even though they were open blogs, not restricted to invites only, some other members had copy and pasted the link to those blogs into the open forum, much as most of us do say with newspaper links or videos, small blogs, for example wings. Some of those individuals threatened to get the U.S. forum shut down as they had no permission to do so, I'm not too sure what the U.S. forum and U.S. blogs into forums without permission status is but it had the site owners making some changes. They seemed to be along the lines of copy and pasting part without the link to explain context was no longer allowed. I also saw some claiming their pics such as they put into instagram, pinterest etc were now expected to be copyrighted despite the companies saying, you join us, we own your pictures to do with as we want. Could be some interesting times ahead with who owns what. Will places like you tube now be subscription only?
You lot are misunderstanding the fabulous drama being played out by the Tory party. Lead actors; Bojo, Davis and Mogg are up for awards at a later date. Given the illusion of May's precarious position, the EU know they have to budge and will now hold a "Saving Theresa" meeting to agree a rescue negotiation relaxation. This highly polished production will bring about the deal. But we must keep the act up! I'm joking....or am I?
despite reading the comments of the usual haters, there is a oxy moron for the Scots as there is for brexit is there not? If Scots want more powers, then they need to support brexit or the eu will keep all of them If wings wants to keep their freedoms, then they need to support brexit as we will no longer be under such restrictive new eu laws that the eu themselves are bringing in either a quandry or a
yip, you where gonna tell me how we manage to operate different systems and arrangements to rUK and other EU members. maybe once yer empty of grievance you will square that circle from me. no? also, once the froth has dried from yer gob you will point to the hate leveled at you or yours while you at it. no doubt in near a million posts you will find something, the tone ha deffo changed since brexit, but compared to in here?, meh, time for your big boy pants.
Glad you've acknowledged that little thing about yourself that we talked about and that self-awareness is working its way through your system. Go, finm, you can winm!
meh, There's no limit to what a man can do, or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit."
Nope Nope Nope Annnnd Nope, well done fin, you got everyone wrong, That's determination for ya Go Go fin, he's our man,if anyone can get it wrong, yes he can, goooooooooo finial My two points were quite exact and correct, despite the pish of the snp saying no brexit Without brexit, they get no new powers as to wings, without brexit, they die as a site Goooooooo Brexit This advert is fully sponsored by the snp wno despite moaning like bawbags, will benefit from brexit nicely thank you very much No Scots were injured in this promotion