And project fear tells us we face a return to roaming charges. HUZZAH, now it'll feel like going on holiday properly again, turning the roaming off on your phone. Although some spoilsport comapnies have said they won't start roaming charges again once we leave the EU. Buggers !
Au Contraire my dear fin, I want Brexit, the proper one, if we get it, the Scottish government get more powers and websites such as wings over zummerzet stay open, ergo I am a Scottish snp and wings supporter am I not?
reading between the lines noobster......nope, i dont think so, but i am v,confident you cant debunk the debunked. yer to consumed with hate and grievance
Er, noob knows about the projection thing ... are you trying to make him look foolish or yourself? Asking for a friend.
Don't get too carried away, I'm not that much of an snp supporter, tsk tsk I think Grievance is this weeks new word Loz, you can always tell when he has found a new one
Frank Field. An honourable and principled politician,one of the very few: