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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Why do you care Noob. You told us all you would be in Uranus permanently in four years.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. I didn't say who's :p

    Like most brexiteers, we could see what was coming and wanted to protect the future for the grandkids.

    Most remainers are I'm alright jack so why should I worry, I'm set up for life, old and don't like change so better the devil you know.

    Now, what was predicated did happen and europe is tearing itself apart, not one single empire has ever lasted and the eu is no different.

    Far better to remove ourselves from that chaos, rebuild whilst the cutting edge of technology gives us the ability to change and adapt as one country that the whale that is the eu as each country starts to put barriers up

    So yes, I do care and look beyond the next 5 minutes of a facebook update
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. Blinkin eck, how did you get fins copy and paste powers?

    I haven't forgotten either as you both seem reluctant to answer

    Okay both. Imagine you are a neutral country and you looked at the eu 2 years ago and thought I might get me summa that and then 2 years later you are about to consider it again

    Looking at the eu now,

    1 would you think now is a good time to join it
    2 if so, how would you sell it to your people knowing they have the internet too?
    3 if you think now is not the right time what would be the reasons why not (and Brexit isn't acceptable as the solitary answer)
  5. Chanel clearly recognise the issues created by Brexit.
    The decision - which is understood to involve dozens of jobs - means that Chanel has picked London as the base for its global team over other locations such as New York, or even its creative hub of Paris.​
  6. something stinks....
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. 1. yes.
    2. Sensible people can use the internet to find out the whole story. Sweden for example. Not a landslide far right result, actually a vote in favour of the status quo.
    Internet would show the state of UK Government and lack of leadership. It would also show the state of politics in Italy, Spain...EU helps to hold things together.
    EU growth greater than UK growth.
    EU IS reacting to concerns over immigration, is reacting to Tax evasion, is trying to protect workers, is looking at abuse of internet. None of these apply to UK or the Tory party.
    Looking at Russia and Putin, America and its aggressive capitalist approach to trade/war etc. EU offers some protection.
    EU is protectionist? Maybe, but it has strong and beneficial trade agreements with member states.
    Currently in the process of making more trade agreements (you know, places like China, Africa...the places that were going to be our trading saviours..), obviously with their size, they have much more clout. Much more than little countries.. little Britain?
    3. see above.

    Few would argue that the EU is top heavy. Show me a management company, government or political party where this is not the case. The benefits though far outweigh the negatives. It will evolve, it will have to evolve. We could be steering it, instead of self abusing.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. BTW, just back from a 10 day trip; Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria...back. Nobody we spoke to could understand the UK wanting to leave. No one. Mix of other bikes, BandB owners, folks in bars, restaurants, hotels. I didnt read this or make it up, this is the live feedback we got. Not a single negative comment about the EU.
    For the record we had 2 remainers and 1 leaver in our group ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Just been in France and Belgium taking in Amiens, Albert, Loos, Verdun, Arras, Passendale and Ypres. A majority of the locals we spoke with appreciated the UK's position and had little issue. The countries' relationships and benefits go back well before the folly of the EU.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. I appreciate the reply

    1 would you think now is a good time to join it
    1. yes.
    Please don't ever buy a lottery ticket, you will waste your money with that kind of decision making

    2 if so, how would you sell it to your people knowing they have the internet too?
    2. Sensible people can use the internet to find out the whole story. Sweden for example. Not a landslide far right result, actually a vote in favour of the status quo.
    Internet would show the state of UK Government and lack of leadership. It would also show the state of politics in Italy, Spain...EU helps to hold things together.
    EU growth greater than UK growth.
    EU IS reacting to concerns over immigration, is reacting to Tax evasion, is trying to protect workers, is looking at abuse of internet. None of these apply to UK or the Tory party.

    Looking at Russia and Putin, America and its aggressive capitalist approach to trade/war etc. EU offers some protection.
    EU is protectionist? Maybe, but it has strong and beneficial trade agreements with member states.
    Currently in the process of making more trade agreements (you know, places like China, Africa...the places that were going to be our trading saviours..), obviously with their size, they have much more clout. Much more than little countries.. little Britain?

    Sweden is now locked, nothing is moving. No one of sense predicted a landslide and two parties are being held by the gonads by a single party, is not the status quo, the rise of the third party was a direct consequence of the eu's policies, as has happened in most countries

    Spain, the eu doesn't hold spain together, they went quiet, they turned their backs on the Catalans whilst their representitives were arrested. The Catalan movement and government has not gone away and is increasing again

    Eu versus uk growth, you may need to update it a bit https://fullfact.org/economy/uk-economic-growth-higher-europe/

    The eu has seen more countries refuse to take migrants than at any other time, the countries, not the eu. Some now ever refuse to take migrants from ngo boats. Some countries are now openly ignoring shengen, how is that the eu reacting? they talk a lot but not much else.

    Tax evasion, can you tell me how much they have collected, actually collected from tax evasion charges?, they've said a lot, told people they are being fined, but how much have they collected, apple, google of those fines, how much have they collected?

    Can you explain the workers rights with a multinational globalised cheap labour gated community such as the eu

    It is not looking at the abuses of the internet, it is looking to control what people can see on the internet and the recent cases of section 11 and 13 have shown that

    Looking at Russia and Putin, America and its aggressive capitalist approach to trade/war etc. EU offers some protection.

    Like they offered the Ukraine protection? Protect it from an aggressive American capitalist approach by?...doing exactly the same as the Americans are doing? mum mum he did it first mum

    yeah lets look at russia and putin, the 27 want protection from putin yet most refuse to meet the 2% of gdp for nato's protection, yeah they are really scared of putin, Germany is so scared of putin that it barely pays half of gdp to defend itself and now has entered into buying gas and oil through an inter country pipeline from the very same russians, yeah that showed em.

    How can you say something such as little britian then ignore you yourself admit the eu is a protectionist organisation? The agreements we will make will be free of the red tape that is nothing more than a protection racket the mafia would be proud of.

    The eu is top heavy but that is not the biggest concern, it is arrogant and refuses to isten, if any other governmental organisation up moved everything for one week a month from brusssels to strasbourg with hundreds of millions of pounds every year, you would be all over them like a rash. At the same time, the eu are now threatening to, are, or have started taking individual countries to the european court now more than ever before

    If it wanted to evolve then they would have by now, it has no intention of doing so. It wants more powers from individual countries governments to centralise everything to brussels, finances, military, laws, organisation, there is very little democratic protection from loosing those. The last thing the eu wants and brexit showed this, the last thing they want is a democratic nation being democratic.
  11. Europe has some great motorcycling, us being friends with europeans has never been a problem, us trying to keep europe, european, has always been at the forefront of the U.K.'s actions and history

    Did you discuss it with them if so how many said better the devil you know?

    The eu is a protectionist racket, we have had enough, it went to a vote, something even macron admitted should france have a vote france, it would probably vote to leave too. We'd rather leave as a positive friend to europeans but until you stop confusing europeans with the european comission, you're always going to struggle to understand the vote.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  12. on the 123 questions jb, I wouldn't say you are being disingenuous but I would suggest anyone looking at joining at the eu at the moment might be mostly thinking, it's gunna hit the fan soon, lets sit back and see what plays out.
  13. [​IMG]

    TBH it is a reflection of politics in the west at the moment. Most people are a little unhappy with the politics and politicians in all parties. Landslide though?

    Conservatives have power by a thread with a dubious coalition.
    Germany coalition, as usual.

    Sign of the times. No clear leadership.
  14. Another bunch of right wing loonies basing themselves in the UK :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. i'll repeat what I put No one of sense predicted a landslide

    The U.K. is slightly different again to europe, we have no real far right parties of any numbers but europe seems to be a mass breeding ground for them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I'm off to Italy tomorrow, I fully expect everyone I talk to on the way to fully concur with the fine citizens of the UK's decision to leave the EU and wish that their governments would give them a referendum on the subject* :) :upyeah:

    *Except when in Switzerland, coz they ain't in the EU, innit. :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. I'm dreading the trip to Ikea
  18. Coco did share Jeremy Corbyn's views ...
    • Useful Useful x 1
  19. The reason Boris has gone quiet and Rees-Smugg toned his nonsense down? At least 12 Tory MPs threatened to resign the Whip if Johnson tried to become leader meaning a GE would be imminent.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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