no, your a moron for thinking i am moron, but i will consed yer better use of english leaves me in no doubt.
Fin I could do with your help. Your an avid national reader. I wonder, in case they thought I was condescending, could you write to them and explain to these two well educated people, Boston and Skegness are on the East Coast. Midlands is the give away as to where they are not as claimed by the article, MID-LAND. I'd appreciate your help chap
Cool, I'd send them a map of the U.K. so their article could be more accurate but that might seem excessive. Thanks for your help buddy
No, you're a moron for thinking that my thinking you're a moron makes me a moron, you moron. Also - what?
Wait. It was you that released the confidential documents showing that The Sturginator is a Russian mole (or some other kind of burrowing mammal)?
You mean the United Kingdoms territorial waters kinda coast ? Just checking as some Scots need a map on where is where, (see previous chuckle "research in the national" as submitted by our learned friend
who do you think will bottle it first, The U.K. , The eu commissioners, the remaining 27, or germanys car companies?
You mean the United Kingdoms territorial waters kinda coast ? yip. the stuff that underwrites uk debt