Finm have you got a motorcycle or are just a Boring Troll with nothing better to do than scan this forum looking for arguments... I enjoy a bit of a wind-up now & again but you are taking the piss & looking at your profile you have been at it on here for 5 years...go get a life man...
JLR also considering shutting down during next April. Where is the queue of companies saying how great Brexit will be for them??????????
OK it ends with having to pay for something he didn't get to eat. That's rather like us paying £1.9million into the Galileo project and the EU now turning round and decreeing that we cannot be trusted to use it! Our £39million needs to be re-visited depending upon how we leave.
Try reviewing the referendum condensed video: I think the points made are still very pertinent and it stands the test of time. The Irish problem is being used as the real sticking point by the EU. And this Spectator article dated 18/6/2016: Voting to leave recognised that leaving would be difficult but still worth it: There would certainly be turbulence, which would be the price of our leaving the EU. This would affect City financiers more than the skilled working class (two thirds of whom support Brexit). This week, we’re being invited to panic at the prospect of a falling pound. But why? A weaker currency would give our exporters the stimulus they need. No one — economist, politician or mystic — knows what tumult we can expect in the next 15 years. But we do know that whatever happens, Britain will be better able to respond and adapt as a sovereign country living under its own laws. The history of the last two centuries can be summed up in two words: democracy matters. Let’s vote to defend it on 23 June.
If I was running their business, I'd do exactly the same as it makes good sense. They all have annual shut downs for major plant servicing/upgrades, installation of new plant, etc so why not bring it forward to avoid the inevitable issues that the EU looks likely to cause? Worth also bearing in mind that JLR has the wrong range of engines (diesel) to meet the way the regulations have been changed and apart from the iPace, have been slow on hybrid technology to attract the company car buyers (the majority of buyers). Car sales are down and they are all having to clear out unsold petrol and diesel stock. Notice how they choked the supply of hybrids; VW/Audi/BMW stopped taking hybrid orders when I was looking a couple of months ago.