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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. 8798E26F-4518-420D-B645-E0358EDCBCA2.jpeg
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  2. Yes Labour have really cleared up their Brexit policy today.....:thinkingface:

    They want just one thing; to get into power anyway they can even to the detriment of the UK.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  3. A 3 option referendum has been mentioned with 2 leave options to split the leave vote and one remain option - there's some dick head politicians about that need sacking off :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. You don't have to believe me...you just have to wait until you see i am right. :p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Pavlovian reaction?
  6. I’d do the same but I stopped 27 years ago.........still miss a good roll up!
  7. Yeah, coz he just makes shit up. I on the other hand have spent 2 weeks talking to genuine Europeans with my investigative skills. All at a cost to myself I might add. :bucktooth:
  8. Maybe he will donate to the funds for your trouble :thinkingface:
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  9. Roving reporter Robarano checking in. :bucktooth:

    During this evening's meal with the group, in the restaurant of our Austrian hotel, I overheard a couple of European truckers talking at the next table. I took the opportunity to introduce myself and they did the same. Helmut was a local driver from Austria and his dining buddy was Jazek from Poland.

    I quickly turned the subject to Brexit over a few lagers and asked what they thought about the possibility of the ceasing of trade with the UK, queues at channel ports, lorry parks in Kent and 25 miles of portaloos along the motorway to Dover.

    Helmut said "Mein got, do some idiots in Gross Britanien actually believe this scheisse?" I explained that they actually did. Helmut said "Zis ist project fear mk zwei, nothing will change, don't believe Herr Corbyn, the scruffy twat^

    Turning to Jazek, I asked what he thought. He just shook his head. Helmut explained "He thinks ze same az me, but iz afraid to say zo in case that fat bitch Frau Merkel decides to blitzkrieg Poland again"

    They both asked for no pictures in case Merkel sends in the brown shirts. I said my goodbyes and left.

    As I was walking from the restaurant, Helmut shouted "Tell ze duke he iz a knob" :eyes:

    Roving European reporter Robarano, Austria :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 7
  10. Roving reporter Robarano checking in. :bucktooth:

    Travelling from Austria this morning to France today, I stopped for a bit of lunch near Stuttgart. Whilst eating I saw a car transporter loaded with Porsches and went to talk to the driver. He was called Hörst, and I quickly got him onto the subject of Brexit.

    Do you think you'll be selling many of these in the UK after March next year? I asked. . Hörst replied, 'For ze love ov got, you like our BMV unt Porsche autowagens? Ya? So you vill keep buying our autowagens. Vot isr ze problem? Ve vill zell more zan ever. You Englanders vill become zo rich being able to trade vith ze rest ov ze welt. You vill alzo be able to make your own trade dealz unt zell your autowagens to ze welt..

    I asked for a pic but He declined. "Zat fat bitch Mrrkel iz from ze east, if I show my face, i vill hear ze vootstaps of ze Stasi in ze nacht"

    With that he jumped into his cab ans was off. He shouted out of the winfow as he drove off “Tell ze duke he iz a knob” :eyes:

    I'm staying at a nice bistro in France tonight where I intend to talk to more locals.

    Roving European reporter Robarano, somewhere in eastern France on the German / France border. :upyeah:
    • Useful Useful x 2
  11. Pretty much as we thought then :):upyeah: they don't like our Dukey - think his retirement plans over there are fooked for sure :thinkingface:
  12. On the back of Labour now making it clear that they will vote down the Brexit deal in Parliament, the EU has ratcheted up its no deal plans: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-no-deal-brexit-plans-to-intensify-says-leaked-brussels-paper/

    The French Finance Minister is sounding pretty helpful; France’s finance minister has said allowing the U.K. to leave the European Union but hold on to the bloc’s advantages “would be suicidal,” and claimed Europe is more concerned with its own future than Britain’s. Theresa May’s Brexit strategy “doesn’t add up” and would spell the “end of Europe,” Bruno Le Maire said, according to an FT report published today.

    And we may need to eat Lamb for a few months; not a problem, I love Lamb! If they really get that petty and try to damage the UK, I could see an "Avoid Buying EU Products" movement starting up (Ducati excempt of course).

    So both sides are increasing the temperature in the negotiating kitchen. Note that May is now broadcasting how the UK will slash taxes to lowest rate in G20 to make Britain a post-Brexit economic powerhouse.
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  13. Its fair that EU work on a plan that suits them, first and foremost.

    I fail to see how restricting trade, making legislation alignment difficult, being obstructive for obstructive sake will benefit the 27.

    And part of what suits them will be the billions they still want from us to pay for the continuation of some of those shared services.
  14. Roving reporter Robarano checking in. :bucktooth:

    During this evening's meal with the group, in the little bistro we are booked into, I got talking to the owner, Piere about the fine red wine I was served with my steak :yum Piere told me that he made it himself from his small vineyard and it was available to buy in the UK. :thinkingface:

    I quickly turned the subject to Brexit over another glass and asked how the predicted loss of sales to the UK market by the Remainians would affect his business. "Sacre bleu, if I ere any more of zis merde, I zink my ed will explode". "I expect sales of le fine merlot to boom in Royaume-Uni after le Brexit" "Le common agricultural policy az me pouting le wine down le sink to meet targets, I can sell zis to the UK"

    I ask him about not being to buy UK goods like Scottish for his bistro after March 2019. "Zer will be no problemz monsieur, zis is project fear mk deux from sour faced Soubry and fatty Thonbury, ignore zees ugly chiens" He really seemed to know his onions.

    Just as I was about to get a pic of me and Piere, he told me he had to go and change the barrel of 1664.

    As he was walking down the stairs, I heard him shout to me "by le way, tell le duke he iz une knob" :eyes:

    Roving European reporter Robarano, somewhere in eastern France :upyeah:
    #15875 Robarano, Sep 26, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. So, in summary.
    • I've talked to lots of Europeans over the last 2 week and every single one of them thinks the UK will thrive after Brexit.
    • The all wished they could leave the EU.
    • All of them thought the duke was a knob.
    • These were all real people not made up ones that some on here go around claiming to talk to with no evidence.
    Stay tuned for more probing investigative journalism when fellow roving reporter @Exige goes to the heart of the lion's den, Belgium in the next few weeks to continue to try and find anybody at all that doesn't think Brexit is going to be great for the UK. :) :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 3
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  16. [​IMG]
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  17. How can anyone not like dookie?

    He is a fucking gargantuan-beserker laugh-machine and straight-ahead the funniest thing I have very encountered in all my years.
  18. You have to remember the EU doesn't exist for the benefit of the 27. The Project has never sought to support the nation states of Europe, in fact its express purpose is to bring about their abolition and create a single state ruled without democratic mandate by a handful of unelected old men with delusions of empire.
    The greatest mistake in trying to fathom the workings of the EU is to think of it as 27 nations working in concert. It isn't. It's 27 nations who have surrendered their autonomy to central rule, in exchange for bribery and false hopes.

    We should never underestimate the amount of destruction EU ideologues are prepared to inflict on the peoples and nations of Europe in their pursuit of a new soviet Bundes-republic. They have already condemned Greece to becoming a virtual failed state and destroyed the life chances of an entire generation of young people across southern Europe. The appalling waste of human potential they have presided over means nothing to them. The Project is all that matters.
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  19. Not a health warning in sight good old 60's.
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