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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Well i just hope for your sake you are not one of those many thousands who will lose their jobs.

    To create new jobs and investment will take a generation to do. That's a lot of people doing nothing for a long time. Sorry but i still think you have been hoodwinked. The world and borders have always changed and will continue to do so. Unless Countries learn to work and live together then the human race has a very short timespan left.

    Britain is not investing in itself now due to austerity. How an earth you think that will improve when money is even harder to come by I have no idea.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  2. Better to struggle a bit for a generation than be tied and bound for life.

    It amazes me that some of the most left wing, anti capatalist contributors to this forum are also the ones who keep raising economy, business, investment.

    We have 60m people in the U.K. we have farms. We have resources. We have intelligence. We have innovation. We still have the infrastructure to re-light manufacturing.

    And we have Brand Britannia.

    Europeans flock here becaue we have a strong history and being successful. They too want to opportunity to be.

    May should just ‘take or leave it’ and walk away.

    I’d have thought you socialists would have welcomed the chance of higher local employment and more security that comes from a smaller pot of people to an increasing demand or workers. Jezza does. His close team do. The unions d. They just aren’t honest enough these days to say so.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Ahhh duke, our own little Malfoy

    and yet he didn't and never said it

    any proof other than you hope it happens just so you can say told you so because again, it won't happen

    No assumption needed, business does business no matter what the political barriers and nothing you have mentioned shows anything different, in a world full of steak, you offer tofu

    Yeah, as mentioned, you were wrong and simply talking hateful, poorly researched, bolloxs again, he never said it. it never happened and you saying it over and over again shows the typical foolishness of most of your posts

    says the man with a stone to chuck at the ready 24 hours a day

    nope they are not, because your vision of "vision" is one that would have even stevie wonder say, fuck I can't see anything

    It concerns me more than many automotive jobs maybe lost due to the change from diesel to electric and many are holding off buying new cars due to the german car companies fiddling emissions software meaning people have lost faith in the car industry and diesels. Brexit had nothing to do with the Germans trying to lie to the world of automotive

    Nope, I travel to the dominican I have to pay $10 at the airport, I travel to the states and and I have to have a visa. Both of these options are avaliable to the eu as they will be to the U.K. We will reciprocate any standard they wish to apply. Neither limits my ability to travel or yours although I do wish your French visa would hurry up :D

    Only if people like you had packed the parachute, I doubt parachutes packed by dukee and shadow, would sell well

    Britain has the finances to deal with brexit, even the anti christ Hammond agreed that this week and to finish...

    But he didn't, did he, carry on chuckles :upyeah:

    Apologies for calling you dukee shadow, to help correct the wrong as I thought you were his Crabbe to his Malfoy.... Samaritans – for everyone
    Call 116 123
    #15943 noobie, Oct 2, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  4. It's astonishing isn't it?

    I can tell you now that I'm absolutely sure as shit that the makeup and rules surrounding the 'freedom of movement' principle wasn't born out of some idealistic nonsense to allow students and the young 'life experiences' and to be able to travel freely, they could have done that anyway, people who say different clearly haven't travelled that much.

    Freedom of movement could easily have caveats in place and or restrictions, but that's not easy enough to take advantage of.

    It's all about drawing in low cost workers from the poorer fringes of Europe, and when they've ran out of them they decide to increase what Europe is / was, ever expanding.

    It's nothing short of industry taking advantage to increase margins and use people, without much thought to the local issue's that creates. It's a top down view Shepherding the minions around

    Yet remainers don't want to see that
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. Thatcher did that in the 80's already. These wankers havent the brain cells nor the wit to see anything other than their own intolerence and bigotry. Not only would they chuck out the baby with the bathwater, theyre throwing out the bath and the bathroom content to sit in a tin bath in front of the fire. Coz thats the good ol' days innit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. There is so much sophistry and stupidity in this thread, I will have to bid it, as I did the Trump thread, a fond adieu and follow it at a remove.

    I swear, there is something in the water these days ...
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  7. I still see the stumbling block to everything, be it a deal or a no deal is always going to be Parliament. It matters not what the deal is if you can't get enough support for it. With potentially up to 40 con mp's saying they will vote against anything WTO or Chequers ish then where does that take us. Labour won't support anything just because they want an election (god help us) and the DUP vote alone won't prop it up

    Personally I think a 2nd ref likely solves nothing whichever way a vote might go as it's not rocket science to see that the multiple choices on offer will leave no debate settling majority. Does anyone seriously think the losing side will go quietly into the night even after ref 2.

    At some point someone has just got to grab brexit by the balls and run with it. another 2 years stagnation is likely to cost as many jobs as leaving "might"
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  8. I blame people who use showers
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  9. Funny, yet most seem happy with the outcome from the 80’s really. (Maybe not as much the Welsh, but they have a geniune axe to grind on that!).

    Tell me, how do you enjoy your interruption-free energy? Or access to money? Or jobs, more in work now that’s pretty much ever? Or access to worldwide travel? And TV, enjoying the free enterprise of choice in channels? What about goods imported from China: looking good that gold on the old Ducati ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I doubt it'll be as bad as some portray, but also it wont be a bed of roses either. There will be winners and there will be losers. However, it could be bad but conversely it could be the best thing thats ever happened. No-one really knows. All anyone knows is that no-one is telling the truth and being honest about it. Thats why its so fractious. Coz every fuckers lying.

    The vote is done, may as well be pragmatic about it. I just wish all sides could be equally as pragmatic and just quit talking shite and fucking get on with it without all the lies.

    Brad, I got royally screwed by Thatcher. I lost my apprenticeship. I had to work hard to get where I did to recover, and it was a Labour council that helped me. The tories did fuck all for me. Thats just teh way it is. Sure, they may have done ok for you. Great. Actually, it was that twat Blair that helped me out and no, I dont want him back, nor would I vote for the current labour party.
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  11. I got shafted by having to go on a YTS becaue they did away with apprenticeships, which meant £27 a week for the job that 2yrs proper was £90 a week.

    But then I also couldn’t find any paid work. Nothing. No low skilled stuff that wasn’t YTS.

    But I know that Thatchers legacy has done more good for the majority than bad for the minority. Home ownership. Credit availability. Services industry. All born from those times.

    Sure it was a real shutter at the time but, and as It will be with Brexit, we got thru and are better off, safer, have better services than ever (regardless what the MSM tell you).
  12. Thats all supposition Brad. No-one really knows what mightve been, just as we dont know currently what may or may not happen. All I know is that a hell of a lot of people lost a great deal indeed. Lots did better, I grant you. It all depends what side of the fence you ended up on. It did enough to me and those around me to know I will never vote tory. Thats just my personal standpoint. Mind you the current labour party are unelectable. Frankly, the entire political class leaves me cold. But to be fair the unions had only themselves to blame in the 80's. But that does not absolve Thatcher. She was a cunt of the highest order.

    Sure I have 2 ducati's, but I live a modest life in a modest home and saved hard for them and bat above my average for my bikes. Ive no decent clothes and dont go out boozing and socialising. I saved every penny. I have zero debt. (mortgage aside and that was only a 3x one and is 3 or 4 yrs away from being finished). Oh I may have £100 on my visa currently. I studied and worked nights in a bakery to pay my own way thru Uni. No grant. Dont eat white bread. Trust me on this if nothing else.

    I come from a small mining village in Scotland. Thatcher devastated it, now its a commuter town for edinburgh and no one born there seems to live there anymore coz they cannot afford to. She destroyed entire communities, whether it was right or wrong is bye the bye, I cannot ignore the pain and suffering of ordinary people, thats just the way im built. Now we are all slaves to commerce. Now we all follow the american model of consumption led industry.

    I cannot help mistrusting the Eton tory cunts, or their ilk. I wont blindly follow, I ask questions and do not accept being fobbed off because underneath this veil of right-on ism, I'm actually fucking intelligent.

    Still, lifes goes on.
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  13. Hmmm, the ramblings of a bitter twat who should have tried harder at school :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Perhaps, but someone as demonstably stupid as you cannot have an education worth anything other than wiping my arse with.
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  15. Yep, we can see you know all about intolerance and bigotry.

    It's surprising, given your extensive education, that your vocabulary and debating skills have not progressed beyond endlessly calling your opponents cunts and wankers.

    I think Loz has the right idea. When the debate has been dragged down to the level of a pre-school play group for toddlers with Tourette's it's time to walk away and shut the door.
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  16. And for such a divvy my spelling is demonstrably better than yours.... :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. And he's a man who would know:
  18. What people forget when it comes to the rules of freedom of movement...
    1 There was a brake available when most of eastern europe joined. Most EU countries applied it, including Germany. Britain didn't, thank you Blair. He knew better. So of course we got the brunt of the influx. The EU didn't do that to us, we (Blair) did it to ourselves.

    2 There are rules in place to ensure that someone coming from the EU does work and does not become a burden on the state. They must not reside for more than 3 months unless they have a job or can fund themselves. We in Britain do not enforce that and allow cheap workers to live 10 up in small houses while working for cash. I know, i lived next door to some. Lovely people but NOT what the EU made us do. Switzerland (where I live now) does enforce that rule.

    Little snippet from the EU rules.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  19. The chequers plan.....
    Can someone tell me why some say it's crap (boris) and others say it's our best option if we could get the EU to agree?
  20. Why?
    Remainers hate it because its not staying in the EU. They lose the family, the security and the freedom etc they feel they get from the EU. (I am one by the way, to be transparent).
    Brexiteers hate it because its not getting out cleanly. Still ties us to EU rules. Then again most trade deals tie you to regulations.
    Irish hate it because it risks adding a border to Northern Ireland.
    Northern Irish hate it because it risks adding a border to the UK.
    Scots hate it because they agreed to stay in the UK, then got wrenched out of the EU, which their majority wanted to stay in.

    Basically nobody gets what they wanted. A compromise in which everyone feels cheated.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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