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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. The thing that worries me about Italy, is they have the same "by the people" type of government that Greece had when it tried to stand up for itself and the Italian government, saw how the Greeks were treated so I doubt they will allow the eu, ecb and imf to do that to Italy too.

    A few of us have said all along, our little spat about us moving from having a landlord into owning our own house through brexit, is not the biggest fear of the eu. Our issue will effect on their money front, The Italian issue would drop the euro in the toilet.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. I thought Glasgow was run by SNP, and had the largest strike in history for single-sex walkouts yesterday for delaying and not resolving a gender pay row (that they promised to fix as part of the election)?
  3. you never sees to disappoint noob. i knew if i mentioned glasgow you would take it there. you really are that predictable.
    we know you do your homework, its the things you leave out that betray yer motives. i know you will know all this, but some from up here wont.
    quick recap the unions negotiate pay deals for city workers, the current labour leader being part of the management of the union at the time.
    it turned out its a discriminatory deal, woman are getting paid less for doing the same job, the legal process that follows agrees with the woman but the labour run council, the council and city they have dominated for many decades, spend another decade and 2.5million of the city's money, fighting and appealing the courts decision. the day after the SNP win the right to run the city last year, the same labour Councillors with the support of the union that negotiated the illegal deal, start demonstrating outside the city chambers, with their press and TV demanding the SNP sort out the mess.they created.
    no disagreement, no drama, a timescale is agreed with the unions and new administration to reach a settlement by December of this year. there's some big figures involved here, it has to be financed, and the new administration have just discovered that many of the city's iconic buildings that have been maintained (not) by the previous labour administration, some are in a dangerous state off disrepair, it's going to take many millions to make them safe.
    even without the discriminatory pay deal negotiated by labour and their mates in the union decades ago, with half the council tax being raised going to fund the dodgy PFI deals introduced by labour (see the "only game in town") the city is looking at the possibility of bankruptcy. this is the administration that have controlled the city and the country for many decades. there is no dispute from the new administration that the money is to be paid. but it does have to be found, labour are now calling for the Scot Gov to pay for their corruption. tho the union agreed to negotiate and find solution's by December, why now? could there be any connection to the pending law suit against the union that negotiated the pay deal, the union that was managed partly by the current labour leader?
    why aren't the media investigating these FACTS?
    just out of interest, do you know who is this guy is? why did they choose him?

    now, talking of discrimination propagated by lab and torys in Scotland, while by no means am i from these parts of glasgow that would suffer most i totally recognize the piece on Billy's journey to YES.
  4. Blimey fin, knowing your hate of long posts, have you been copy and pasting again ? Mmmm?

    Okay i’ll Keep it brief
    Labour council failed to enact on gender pay
    SNP said at the last council election may17, vote in the snp, labour are rubbish, trust the snp to sort it, okay so far ?
    SNP get elected to run the Glasgow council. Nearly 18 months later, nada, nothing.
    Am I right so far ?

    So one of the largest strikes happened against a snp council in modern times

    How’d I do ?
    #16404 noobie, Oct 24, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  5. It was an EU response to immigrants, not a UK response you heathen - and it is absolutely true too - so chew on that baby :heart_eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. As mentioned above - it was an EU response not ours :) I am culturally all over the place and love Europe, just not your EU masters cause they are wankers... you cannot differentiate between countries / cultures / people and EU establishment wankers dude :thinkingface:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. going all robesque here. stop digging. :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. nope yer wrong as you so often are. and more often that not, deliberately. you loves a bit of agro dontcha?
    being a tory/kipper you will know how long it takes to sort out labours mess, 8 years now is it? after only 13years was it?, how they doing?.
    7decades sorted out in months? aye noobster. ok.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. btw, the fella in the vid is two jobs labour MP and Councillor Hue Gaffney, funny that?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. That's why I asked you fin, the all seeing Scottish eye the questions I did?
    (1) was Glasgow a previously majority labour council?
    (2) was there a council election last May 2017 where the snp said, Labour are failing on this gender issue, get us in and we will sort it?
    (3) Since being elected to do that last May 2017, have the now snp Majority council resolved it as promised?
    (4) Did the Scottish GMB say, in 10 months and 21 meetings, nothing has been achieved with the snp majority council?
    (5) does the city of Glasgow now hold the record for the largest single sex protest vote march against gender pay even after 10 years of snp government?
    (6) did the snp led government tell the snp majority Glasgow county only yesterday, nope you are not getting any money for this gender pay issue
    (7) do you now agree, that despite anything in your mind having a snp label on so it must mean it is a gold standard, that it as as most of us have been saying, they are just the same as the rest of them.

    Not aggro fin, look about and point out a single thing I've said that isn't true or been reported in your own mien Kampf, the National, or is that now mainstream media that can't be trusted either now?

    Now back to brexit and not the sunday league, where was we?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. dunno, no idea. no comprendy me no understand or speaky bollox.
    me no debatey bollox.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I've seen your posts fin, trust me , you are the stephen hawkings of speaking bolloxs :heart:
  13. yip, you bring the best out in people :upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Finm Hawkins :thinkingface: nah I think not, Finamin Neanderthal more like :yum
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. yip, things where so much simpler back then, jobs for life, pension when you where 60-65, council house ect ect. you know the drill.
  16. I got a council flat when I was 20, no dependents, just me and the girlfriend, had to wait nearly 6 months ffs :mad:
  17. yip, its tough at the top dude, how much did you eventually get it for?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Instead of thinking sky at night, think more, what's that bloke doing looking through that womans window at night, the image will seem to fit then
  19. £12,800 :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. i know.
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