Despite the warning I would use an easy-out. After all you have limited choices. The fact the stud has snapped means it may well do so again when you weld something to it. If it were a bigger diameter stud I might do this, but not with an M6 one. I would get the engine nice and hot first though, ideally by riding it (I appreciate the exhaust will blow, but you can't odds that). This is because the alloy should expand more than the steel (not a great deal, but every little helps) and use of heat generally helps free up stuck bolts. so, my order of things: - drill the bolt first for a suitable sized easy-out (don't go too big, else the easy-out simply swells the bolt in the hole and makes it tighter) - get it as hot as you can, ideally by running the engine rather than using a blow lamp - have a go with the easy-out, using additional localised heat if necessary If that doesnt work you may have to resort to drilling using the header as a guide at tapping thread hole size or slightly under, and putting a tap up it. When I have had to do this I have generally gone up a drill size at a time from around 3mm to minimise issues with being slightly off centre. If you run off one side of the stud this might actually help, as you might be able to pry one side of the thread in. By far the easiest way is to pay someone else to do it
Only time this ever happened to me I tried all the above methods to no avail. Eventually discovered one of these, and hey presto! I guess the combination of all the previous dousings in various penetrating fluids and application of heat will have helped.
Given up trying to remove it myself. Went to an engineering shop and wanted the engine on bench. Finally found a motorcycle garage. They seem that are familiar with Multistradas and have remove broken studs before - the clue was the first question - horizontal cylinder? To cut a long story short, I left the bike with them yesterday and picked it up today. Job done - quite expensive to replace a 50p stud. I could have persevered and even contemplated the purchase of a mig welder. In a way I am happy is done now but also unhappy that I didn't see it through myself. Ahh well ! It will be other opportunities.. Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. Great forum ... great members
I remember seeing a stud removed through heat induction on a steel block, not sure of its suitability on an ali one??
I asked the question and guess what..... the mechanic who did it was not available and nobody else knew .