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BT Complaints Dept??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. I have "twatted" him too :smile:
  2. Just had the MD's PA ring me. Things are on the move with a bit of luck :upyeah:
  3. As another Openreach employee I can only ask that you explain your problem. I'm not going to defend the company, or run any of our competitors down, but without some knowledge of what is wrong I couldn't offer any help ( and if its something I don't know about then I have lots of colleagues who might be able to help). Feel free to pm if its not something you want to post in public.
  4. Chris, the story is too long winded and I tried to pm you my letter that catalogued the whole story but its far to long for a pm.

    I'm quite happy for you to see the letter. Just pm me your email address and I'll send you it.

    However having to work from my iPad using 3G cos I don't have wifi is making it a tad more tedious.
  5. Its that little place between a womens TWat and the ShITTER.
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  6. Ah!!! The bit in between! The aim for any gentleman aficionado! Thanks for sorting that out for me!! :upyeah:
  7. It's also known as the "Biffon" :upyeah:
  8. Our BT Broadband was down for 15 days after a huge electrical storm that took out the hub and as it turns out the cables, we are so rural the signal goes by smoke signal via cable from our cottage to the closest village and the tree it bounced off got felled by lightening. The call centre was all but but but but but but but but useless….. they tried their best, sent a new hub but still no action, I had to work it out for myself, the filter was also screwed. Which they still haven’t sent, good job I had a spare. But but but but but but but we got compensation…….£6.13 which is nowhere near than we spent on fuel going to McDonalds 19 miles away just to stay in touch with the real world.
    For christ sake we even started to talk to each other without an internet connection, nightmare.
  9. Well BT Infinity is on and its seemingly quick when streaming. I'm getting approx 40Mb download and 12Mb upload speeds. Which isn't too bad I guess.

  10. i reckon theyve bought you out with a token uplift for a week, and a bumper pack of blackies eggs.....
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