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Bursig stands - buying used advice

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JerryXt, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. there you go...........even with something bolted on to the engine bolt i wouldnt want to hang my bike off of these small pins....
    \ stand.jpg

  2. Thanks for that Andy. I need pictures of the stand that's right in front of me.

    i'm not trying to convince you to buy one of these - it would be like trying to convice some people that the world isn't flat. The pins aren't that small. The upper pin screws into the adapter plate: it's 13-14mm diameter at that point.

    This is the bolt that holds the adapter plate to the stand:

    it goes here so that different positions can be attained.​



    This is the frame adapter. The threaded end holds the rear engine bolt, increasing rigidity.​



    The lower mount (13mm diameter steel bolt) locates in the swingarm hex socket, the top fits into the adapter. It's a really snug fit: there is no room for play, reducing the potential for damage or stress risers.

    Would I hang a Goldwing off it? No, probably not. Would I hang a 160kg race bike off it? Certainly. I'm planning to build a bike on this. Most of the time, the bike will just be frame, motor, swingarm and forks. Not even 160kg.

  3. I'm sure it's been seen before but here goes.....

    #23 XxAnthxX, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  4. is this like sky hook suspension....
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