Having tried to remove the badge of a scratched pannier cover I can confirm it’s pretty well impossible to do this without damaging the badge!
So I finally picked up my new Multistrada yesterday. After a lot of deliberation, wondering have I done the wrong thing ordering a bike from a ‘supermarket’ over the Internet I changed my mind!! Cancelled the order (basically got my deposit back as a credit note) Instead I found a low mileage (7100 miles) DVT 1200S, haggled the guy down to £8250 Has the Touring pack and the Enduro pack. Still has silver panniers though!
You won't regret it I've had mine over a year now and still gives me more smiles per miles then other bikes I've owned
If you want to change the panniers you can buy the covers as a replacement from Ducati https://www.ducati.com/ww/en/accessories/ACC010637 Or you can buy the parts separately, Steve helped me find the parts when I damaged mine (£61 per side for the painted parts) https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/damage-to-pannier.71859/#post-1405091