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Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Ghost Rider, May 21, 2013.

  1. :eek:
  2. Had a real good look around the bike today......

    ....If there was/is any damage, it seems it was confined to the left clip-on and clutch lever when it pushed round a bit......

    I get the impression that the clip-on has been bent up a very tiny bit so its 'riser' isn't quite parallel to the fork leg.....and the clutch lever has a tiny curve downwards.................so one must have already been in existence as both those are caused by opposite forces.

    But.....I'm not even sure they both weren't already like it from when I got the bike four years ago.....

    Can't find anything else at all; so it looks as though just the top and left side of the engine got a good clean with petrol.

    One thing did puzzle me though......had the bike upright on a stand since I let it tip over (T*T!), what's that, three days ago?

    Moved it this morning and having a clear up, and there on the floor is a tiny patch of either very thick oil, or maybe grease...'clean' not dirty.......Now where did that come from, eh?

    I know I had some grease out recently, about ten days ago......did I drop a blob or a rag with some on it?? F-Nose.

    Anyway..........tried to line the bike up with it again, and it's just where the oil cooler hangs above..............But I can't find any evidence of drips etc etc anywhere at all....checked calipers, forks, breathers and drain hoses; sump, filter.......I even checked the airbox drain.

    It's got me wondering if one of the breathers or that silly triangle box had collected something over time, and the flood of petrol has allowed it to drain........

    I hate it when things like this occur.........I always want evidence of what caused it....

  3. Don't be hard on yourself Al ..
    I used to ride a GSX 400 E dam those 80s bikes are heavy!
    Dropped it same way...

    Did the same on monster ..
    As it went over I managed to pull the bike back up before it hit deck!
    I have no idea how.
    I just knew it wasn't going to happen .

    Worst one was my heap of an ER5 slipped on tiles getting bike out.

    It pinned me under it and against a walk trapped ..
    This was 5 year ago.
    I had to beep the horn for ages before someone next door found me .
    I was about a min from being crushed as couldn't keep it off me anymore and would have to take its full weight.

    I have removed the stupid tiles.

    Al we all do it x
    Please don't beat yourself up .
    I am weak as right now as well.
    Not riding my 400 monster and its too high and I slipped on gravel the other week and near lost it.
    And on cambers as I'm so short.

    I'm only down the road if you ever need anything ..
    Often at wyevale as I go to see the fishies there.
  4. Also crashed my GSX 400 ..
    Dumped it on road nothing major couldnt lift that bike ever!
    The man who came to my
    Rescue .. My GP was in the car behind!

    Also had a van reverse into me and caught my bike and then pulled forward and dragged me along slowly as at junction.
    Bastard then noticed and as the bike went over he sharply pulled off bike in latched and he drove off.. Left me under it .
  5. Maybe the petrol sluice has degreased your front sprocket a bit (as alignment from sprocket to oil cooler rad is only about 8"). The grease laden petrol could have dripped, the petrol evaporated and just the grease left behind?

    Just a thought...
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Considered that......grease was too clean for off the sprocket.

    I reckon I must have dropped something earlier when I was using grease and didn't wipe it up properly.

  7. Doesn't sound like it was a big deal. I wouldn't worry about it. I've dropped plenty of bikes. 999 still has a little scuff on the fairing when it fell over getting it off a paddock stand.

    Dropped my Pantah in a crowded biker car park in the Lake District once (also suffered the ignominy of having to roll it on to a packed IoM ferry after an off at The Bungalow...)

    Dropped my 851 when I'd only had it a couple of months - kicking out the side stand, still sitting on it and lowered it... into a pot hole in a carpark. Repaired the split indicator lense with superglue from a garage hoping it would hold up for the rest of my trip. 5 years later, it still hadn't budged. The mirror carried the scuff marks for the remainder of my ownership.

    Dropping them - just one of the things that goes with bike ownership.
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