welcome - we had one of your countrymen join recently Ducatis are obviously taking off in the deep South
There are plenty around for sure! Keep seeing many Diablos and Multistradas. Only one Elefant 944ie though )
Welcome aboard! Always nice to see another Elefant! The only other 944 conversion I know of is Gavin Robertson’s, which he describes here: http://www.companytroubleshooters.co.uk/gavin944888/944.php
Hi naughty - quite a lot of Elefant stuff on this Forum over the years, I kept stoking a thread for years but it died a while back:- https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/cagiva-elefant-750-1987.5627/ Not sure how many owners are on here now, a previously owned 900 owner is on here, I still have two 750 models.
not an active member currently afaik, above link to his blog is best way to contact him, have bought spares from in the past.
I’ve an E750 Elefant in the garage alongside the M900 Monsters. I don’t know Gavin personally, but enjoy reading his blog. He’s also sometimes active on the Google forum for Elefants: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/elefantadventurebikes
^ I used that Forum a long time ago when the format was not easily accessible, glad to see it's improved a bit. There are many other Elefant related Forums dotted around the world where Gavin pops up, but hard to track down as constantly busy.
There was one a few years ago. I spent some time in Freemantle whilst doing a contract in Perth. If my memory serves me it was right next door to the railway station/ferry terminal (the one at the naval museum) I suppose it could have closed down. they had some interesting displays in there, old race cars, bikes, water speed record machines etc. Then even had Crocodile Dundees UTE