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Calais And Immigration

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I was talking about my ideal World.
  2. So basically, whichever EU country aprehends these non Schengen Immigrants thus becomes instantly responsible for them, Hence Italy and France ignoring them and hoping they move on towards the Uk. When they hit our border they then log jam in Calais.
  3. People from outside Europe trying to immigrate arrive in Europe by many routes, land sea and air. Most of them arrive in Greece, Italy or Spain, and most of those stay there. The proportion who camp at Calais and strive to get to UK is very tiny. The media, of course, strain at gnats and ignore camels in the usual way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I am left with the feeling (rightly or wrongly) that as an English UK citizen I have the right to be screwed by everybody :(
  5. Any person from outside the EU who enters an EU country and is granted the legal right to proceed effectively becomes a UK citizen. If they can enter one EU country legally they can enter them all, Schengen or no Schengen. Beleageured officials in Malta, Greece, Sicily and elsewhere on Europe's periphery know that if they detain illegal immigrants as illegals they must keep them, feed them and process them at their own expense and see their efforts to repatriate them scuppered by the ECHR. Then they've got them forever. Or they can grant them legal status knowing that once free to travel they will do so and become someone else's problem. And that is what is happening. Our borders end at the Adriatic and the Mediterranean and the policing of those borders is out of our hands. The EU is a Trojan horse for global mass-immigration to the UK.
    Some EU Commissioners have even suggested that Europe should abandon all external border controls and encourage unlimited global immigration believing all the laws of economics will be magically overturned and a population explosion will somehow restore the fortunes of European economies which their vanity project has destroyed.
  6. if you are in France and have the legal status to be an EU citizen then surely you could just walk into the UK as its part of the EU.......if not........
  7. You are Nigel Farage and I claim my £5
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. You do know that you aren't allowed to walk through the Chunnel, right?

    Also - walking on water - not normally possible, not even for traffic cops.
  9. Correct. And a many do precisely that. I wasn't suggesting all illegals are waved through. Those in Calais clearly weren't and its not hard to understand why countries elsewhere in Europe would wish to avoid landing themselves with the same problem. In exasperation the French are talking of an amnesty to get rid of the ones they've got. The only reason they haven't done so already is because they know that would only encourage more.
  10. Yeah but Kent and Sussex ain't 2 separate countries....
  11. The idea of asylum (correct me if I got this wrong) is that you apply for it to protect you, because your life was threatened in your country of origin. So once you've got to safety, you should be relieved and pleased and apply for it.
    People queueing up at Calais just fancy a more fulfilling life in the UK than the one they left behind. It's economic migration, pure and simple.
    I don't necessarily blame them for trying, but clearly the UK can't be expected to house everyone.

    I find it ironic that the people in the container in which one of them died then applied for asylum in the UK. They come from Afghanistan, where the UK has been spending billions trying to get them a better life in their own land. What are we supposed to do - just accept the entire Afghan population who would like to leave instead of sorting their own mess out?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. They want to come here as they are supposedly fleeing persecution and war zones seeking a better life. The Eritrean mob then decide to kick off with the sudanese just to show what model citizens they will be when our government folds and places them on an unsociable housing estate somewhere near you.
  13. All right then - the border between England and Scotland is not guarded. There are no border posts at Carter Bar. Just like between France and Italy, and all the other Schengen countries.
  14. Has Alex Salmond factored in the cost of border patrols between an independent Scotland and the rest of the EU? because once independent he has a wedge of negotiating to do before he joins the EU and Scotland will be such an attractive country everybody will be rushing to live there with their generous and fair social system.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Yeah - id still say theres a bit more to it than that.....england and scotland...everyone speaks english (not that the spoken word has anything to do with it) but i think common sense would indicate that while they have different names england and scotland are classed as "Part of Britain" - i dont think ive ever heard anyone class france and and italy as one country...
  16. Scotland, part of Britain? Not of much longer, it'll be an illegals paradise with all the free stuff salmonds promising!
  17. Its possible that the UK police would take action if 1300 illegal Eritrean/sudanese immigrants crossed from scotland into england or vise versa whether there was or was not a border control point.
  18. In an earlier post, it was said (as though it were a criticism) that police were "turning a blind eye" to people travelling from Italy to France. The poster seemed to be under the mistaken impression that borders in Europe still have the old bureaucratic paraphernalia of customs posts, passport controls, police checks, etc. The reality is that that whole system lies in the past. Under Schengen all that stuff has been swept away, and the billions which used to be spent on it has been saved. Except of course for the UK which is still stuck in an earlier era; hence the border checks at Calais/Dover. There seems to be no sign of the UK moving into the 21st century on this any time soon.
  19. Generally speaking I have very little faith in politicians from any of the parties that have been in government over the last 20-30 years but perhaps they have somehow done something right by keeping border checks in place ? I don't suppose anybody knows how many illegal immigrants are here as they tend not to announce themselves so hard to say if it is an insignificant amount or a really serious problem but common sense suggest it would be many times worse without border checks.
    Perhaps the politicians have inadvertently struck gold and should more often consider that sometimes the best course of action is inaction.
  20. Police can investigate and arrest anyone anywhere, if they are doing something illegal. No need to wait until they are crossing a border of some kind.
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