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Calais And Immigration

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I don't have a suggestion Nick, I am simply pointing out the fact that these people are Illegal Immigrants from outside the EU and should be arrested and detained. The French are doing nothing about it but feel the UK should have responsibility when they stack up at Calais even though we did not sign up on the Schengen. Maybe the French should have a detainee centre in Menton and not Calais, shove it on the Italian border. Illegals arrested in France could then be sent there and a weekly ferry across the med back to North Africa can be offered. If you do not want to go back then remain in the detainee centre. If you are genuinley running from persecution, find another non EU country and head there.
    I think we are short on answers.
  2. Asylum seekers are supposed to claim asylum in the first safe country they get to. The problem is, our system gives them more than the others do, hence they seek to get to the UK. I have spoken to many of them, they all say the same thing. If the French or Italians detain them, they become their problem. Why do you think the French want the UK immigration controls out of France? Because once the asylum seekers are here we have to deal with them, but if we don't let them in it's a French problem. It boils down to money, and who will pay to keep them and the associated risks this brings.
  3. I have always said the benefits system in the UK creates the problems that it then sets out to solve.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Unbelievable, Timberwolf. You have been told again and again in the simplest of words - the border between France and Italy, like all the borders in Schengen, is unguarded. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Once more: There are no customs posts, no passports controls, and no police checks on any of the internal borders in the Schengen area. Anybody, regardless of who they are or what their status might be, can walk along the sea front at Menton from Italy into France whenever they like, and no the French police are not going to set up a border post there just to suit your misconceptions. Got it now?
    • Like Like x 1

  5. You'd like to think so, but I've passed in and out of the uk several times without my passport even being handed over - just hold it up (closed) and you get waived through.
  6. The boarder between France and Spain is also nothing more than a blue sign at the side of the road with espana on it. The same is true of most countries in Europe.
  7. This surprises me - mine seems to be thoroughly checked every time I go through, at airports or Channel Tunnel.

    As Pete1950 has been trying to get across, this is not fundamentally a matter of border control, except at the periphery of the EU, where it is true that most illegal immigration is taking place. An illegal immigrant is hardly going to present himself at a border with no passport, or a dodgy one, after all (except presumably in the special case of an asylum seeker, who as has been highlighted, must apply for asylum in the first country he arrives in).

    The UK is trying to use border control (and the "Border Force" are perhaps unfairly criticised for this) as a last resort to prevent a stream becoming a flood, but all EU states face the problem that once people are in, it's very difficult to eject them (especially if they won't say where they came from!), and they will probably end up costing the host nation money one way or another. Regardless of the pros-and-cons of ID cards, even if we had them, they would not make that much difference as long as there is scope to work/live illegally, and no requirement for solid ID to be presented in order to benefit from state provided services (e.g. education for children, or NHS healthcare), and even state benefits (it is not impossible to obtain a false identity, especially in areas like NI number - after all, illegal immigrants are often "processed" by criminal gangs, so they are already dealing with the underworld).

    All things considered, it seems obvious that for the French, there is no motivation to identify illegal immigrants if there is a chance that they will, conveniently, leave France to find a more attractive destination.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. So make Britain a less attractive destination by a fundamental reform of the welfare system.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Pete, seriously, you are sounding like a broken record now.

    I am attempting to point out, an illegal non EU immigrant is illegal no matter which country he or she is in. A report I read last week pointed out the FACT that the french police were stood on the border at Menton watching as waves of mostly East African males swarmed along the sea front. The report pointed out that the Police, if they wished, could be arresting and detaining these men as they are crucially illegals entering france. The French chose not to take any action. Obviously the Italians also preffered this option as they are then not responsible. Many then made their way up to Calais and this is the problem we are discussing. The French, obviously, would prefer them to hop straight across the channel where they would then become our problem.

    Now, please give up the bloody border obsession.
  10. I don't buy it, Timberwolf - you cannot possibly be really that dim. This is a wind-up, right? Ha-ha, very funny.
    • Dislike Dislike x 3
  11. I have been at the port of Calais twice in the last two months and twice i have had the custom's look in the back of my van,
    When waiting in line to go on the ferry I've seen lorry drivers pulling them out from under there lorries and the customs officers running after chasing them around the port in there vans which is after the border checks, two weeks ago two border minibuses stopped at the back of a lorry a few lanes away opened it up and pulled out about 18 people.

    Its not good whats going on and makes you a bit worried for our country, there's hundreds of them at the port.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I read the above post and thought of a scene from the walking dead...
  13. That's socialism for you: a dogmatic ideology which starts by devising theoretical solutions and then goes in search of problems to apply them to, and creates them when none are found.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. True. I mean, it's not as if anyone starves to death or suffers from lack of healthcare without a measure of socialism.
  15. Except of course most of them don't come here, we aren't even close to the top of the pile.
    In absolute numbers we're 6th
    Per Capita we are 10th

    But here's a link to the Daily Mail to get some lies and bile to back up your premise.
    Soft-touch Britain, the asylum seeker capital of Europe: We let in more than anyone else last year | Mail Online
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. Yep wholesale welfare changes are exactly what are needed. Let the poor starve. If you cant work, or wont work, sleep on the streets. Let the less able see how they get on then. They wont last lomg. Stick some fencing up, guarded, obviously, with the haves inside, one, two generations tops, and you can pit the barriers down again as all 'that lot' will be gone

    Gets my vote
  17. OK, remove all borders, let anyone travel from anywhere in the world to wherever they like and claim whatever benefits the locals are entitled to without making any contributions.

    Will your standard of living go up or down ?

    Why does 'welfare reform" always get translated into "Let the poor starve" ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Oh! I know this one!

    Is it, "Down"?

    I don't know that one.
  19. No you're right, they don't.
  20. Phew!
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