Steve/Mr R Thanks for you reference point and for spelling it out for me, the sequence although blindingly obvious when spelled out, could very easily be missed if not. Please don't think I was taking a pop at the advice all I was merely trying to say was the bike will still run without a custom map and with the coatings that's all, albeit not at its best. You'll get no argument from me that a custom map and suspension set up by somebody who knows what they are doing can totally transform what is a good bike to an awesome bike. John
yeah - its funny you should say that but im probably going to have the RSV's suspension set up for me as I just tend to blindly twist stuff around and never really see any difference - have to get it back into one piece first though...
Comfy Depends what you mean by scratch easily, it will scratch by mechanical action, for instance on the Guzz I had a gear lever which hit the pipes on changes and that caused the coating to chip. However the coatings on both the Guzzi and 1098 have shown IMHO very good abrasion resistance and have not to date suffered any significant lifting or scratching from stones and the like. Its not perfect, its a coating, but compared to the likes of example VHT/exhaust paints the coating is in a whole different league. I have had no cause for complaint and would happily use pay the money to get exactly the same coatings again on another bike. John
Thanks - I would define "scratch easily" as with your fingernail - that kind of thing, or if I say for example lightly grazed it on the floor while fitting it or knocked the engine while fitting it - that kind of thing.....I say that as that the kind of shit thing id do....especially on an RSV4 as theres literally no room to work easily on any of it....everything is tight.
Nahh, comfy you should be absolutely fine if its as tough as the black I have Don't talk to me about ham fisted, I'm more of a sausage fingered man masel
Apparently its exactly the same process, which is great. Ill probably get the hyper system done as well once this one comes back and the RSV is back together....