Can Someone Collect Something For Me In Manchester?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RC1, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. Mate lets hope the damn thing works. Its been a pita to track one down! Youve been a real gent and i owe you big time. If you ever need owt down london way or bucks im your man
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  2. Right then, I’ll get my thinking cap on!
  3. Im very good at buying stuff with other folks money so if you need a new bike you know where i am!
  4. Is that the last customer under that there blanket that didn't pay you.;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. The football is in play, ...the geiger counter confirms fissionable material! The launch codes compute, ...the boat leaves soon' All the blood soaked rags are disposed of

    Heads of state will listen to our demands, ..the dough is in the oven. Hold on isn't it she's got a bun in the oven?

    On a side-note from causing algorithms an apoplectic shock. You do know l ride a bloody motorbike, this thing is huge.
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  6. Those ones make the bike wobbly.
  7. Home now, the stand is half-way across its journey to @RC1. By tomorrow my responsibility will be over & onward to the punishment. Because no good deed go's...
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  8. but hopefully better than nowt and until i get myself a 1jac!
  9. there are now 2 official legends in this thread of which @GunZenBomZ is one and @Carr01 the other. the A team would be proud
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  10. You will find it quite adequate, FE is a bit finicky about these things :bucktooth:
  11. So want leg is it on, we’re is it and how’s it getting on the next leg??
  12. best road trip thread I've read in a while!
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